Anti marxist video game thread

Anti marxist video game thread

not welcome: french, canadians and germans.

>non attractive woman in any video game
>wow video games aren't supposed to be realistic guys I want everyone to be a 10/10 wearing bikins regardless of context

>game very loosely based off of historical event in a franchise where historical accuracy has for the better part of a decade been the lowest priority
>wow why isn't everyone in this game white games are supposed to be super realistic

what game is that on the left?

>99% of characters are inspired by accurate written history from 16th century source, locations and settings pretty much accurate
>very loosely
Very loosely = Battlefield 1

They are only making them because people are buying them.

If you, yourself, don't buy it but see them making them and people buying them, then it's because you are out of the loop.

Either adapt or leave.

This profiting multi-billion dollar industry won't change and lose sales to please your Sup Forumsish feelings.

NioH, Dragon of the North DLC

>b-but muh money
The real problem with western society is that democracy allow double digits IQ americans to buy video games

what the fuck is even an anti marxist video game

I don't remember Prototype 2 or Mafia 3 selling big numbers.



Mafia 3 was the best selling Mafia game

It was also the one with the most advertising and exposure to the casual market. Not to mention just being a GTA clone in the end.

Shit thread, roll your shit faggots

>source: company's numbers
>he trust in ubisoft/ea/2K numbers
every new game they release is ''fastest video game selling'' ''broke record numbers''

>cultural marxism

Screenshot this message: Assassins Creed Origins will break record sales.
Ubisoft will claim the game is the best launch in their history

They did this with The Division, Watch Dogs 2 and For Honor.


left or right Sup Forums?

I don't give a fuck

Still doesn't change the fact that it did sell very well.

What you're suggesting is fraud and since they're public companies can get them fined tens of millions of dollars and land the executives in jail.

>30% are the same
What a cop out.

Why does the right one look like 50cent with lipstick on?

2K can easily just make up numbers if the only source is from them. I wouldn't be surprised if it did outsell 1 and 2 solely on the fact that 3 actually had decent marketing, but it dropped in price so fast and nobody was talking about it a week after release so I still remain skeptical as to how good it actually did according to 2K.

>since they're public companies
>he believes in the market share meme
reddit plz

why do so many people have a problem with a materialist philosopher from the 19th century ?

rolling for waifu

rollin for qt

Elf please.

>Rabbi Moses Mordecai Levy later changed his name to Karl marx

>my life is shit

>interesting cyber punk game about the dangers of modern progressivism announced
>within a day the leftists hunted down and harassed the dev to change it or suffer consequences that we all know the industry would've allowed to happen
>he cries, apologizes and changes the narrative to some generic crap to give them their way
It's really not fair, why do they hold do much power?

fuck off

Sup Forums is the leading board of this site for good reason

they are more smart, intelligent and rational than any other subreddit or board on this shit site

if you can't take intelligent conversation then go the fuck back to >>/lgbt/

You know why, don't play dumb.

except for people dont buy them and they still keep making them

mafia 3 and mirrors edge 2 were massive flops

it's because western gamedevs are receiving (((outside incentives))) from pic related

>Karl Marx's father was Rabbi Hirschel Mordechai Levy and mother Henriette Pressburg.
>99% of communist literature don't tell people about his birth name (jewish name)
I wonder why

>they are more smart, intelligent and rational than any other subreddit or board on this shit site
For the longest time I've wondered if you're just a falseflagger but I think I got my answer now. I can't imagine anyone lacking this much self-awareness unless it was being done purposely.

The fact you 12 year olds take yourself seriously is the scary thing.
At least Sup Forums knows it's shit.

look at me rollin


>Demonizing Marx because le juice meme

Marx's ideas were great. It was the implentation that sucked.

Who could be behind this post?

>caring about the story in your video game to begin with
>wanting fap fuel and/or gender politics in the first place
>not just wanting good gameplay

This is your fault for wanting AAA slop and indies that just want to "tell a story".


Cruel to post this on a board with no dubs.

>Rabbi Moses Mordecai Levy later changed his name to Karl marx
This is false.

we get it leftypol you're really angry

not everyone is born a winner

>now the fact 99% of communist literature hide his birth name and that he was friend of very rich english bankers is irrelevant
>he believes he didn't write Das Kapital based on his conversation with british bankers
that's why american college is worse than reading wikipedia

>Marvel began making their comics more diverse
>No one buys them and alienated their fans
>Video game companies begin making their games more diverse
What do you think is going to happen, Sup Forums?

Bullshit. Marx's ideas were garbage to their core. The fundamental notion of 'From each according to his ability, to eat according to his need' is one that spreads the cancer of sloth throughout a population the more it is stamped into the society. All derivations of Marxism, from cultural Marxism to Marxist Socialism to Communism, all fail ideologically, long before they are implemented. Their attempted implementations consistently lead to massive starvation and death events

They don't. You're letting your imagination get the better of you.


and I funded it all

white men cannot be allowed enjoyment

it's correct. Marx birth name was: Moses Mordecai ''Carl'' Levy

Yes, that's right, CARL not Karl. His father changed his name (and his son name) years after he was born.

Yeah everyone knows that the larger a board is, the more intelligent it is, the better the discussion is, and the fewer newfags and redditors it attracts.

fuck off

you're the twelve year old you fucking retarded leftist

i swear i can't wait for the civil war to eventually come so i can wipe all you leftshits out and then we can have an actually good soecity with real free speech with no leftist cucks to destory it

Do you...honestly believe anyone with left leaning politics would browse Sup Forums and isn't just a falseflagger?

>Many problematic comments
Can't they try to work on their subject ?

redditors(the right wing ones at least)are smarter than most of the degenerates on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /lgbt/

newshit detected



Friendly reminder that "cultural marxism" doesn't exist, and the concept itself doesn't have anything marxist in it, you've just been brainwashed by america's government into believing that communism is the greatest evil ever, because of the cold war.

And because it's "evil" you associate everything you don't like to communism/marxism/socialism.

Leftypol is an 8ch board.

/leftypol/closed because they moved to Sup Forums
That was even before the election

at least get a new picture goddamn

What's wrong with Mafia 3 or Mirror's Edge 2?

>leftypol falseflagger calling everyone else leftypol

whats up with black women and the wild hair and nose pearicings? Are they trying to appropriate the savage bone in the nose look or something?

Any slime, centaur, nightmare, werebat or lamia.

Why are burgers so retarded?

>Not a single futa waifu
It's shit.

>Fake sales!!!

I just gave a pretty good example of it. Should've known there'd be lefties in damage control here.

Grandfather, not father.

Is this why Sup Forums has been invading every other board? They were driven out of their hugbox by trumpfags?

Some will sell, some wont? Overwatch is diverse and it printed fucking money. All that matters is execution, marketing, quality and name, and if you've got enough of one, you can have less of the rest.

after less than a year of being out it is now being sold for 20 bucks. That's not a good selling game.

ironically girl to the left has fucked up facial proportions

>they are more smart, intelligent and rational than any other subreddit or board on this shit site

Hi OP, I'm French

they flopped