Do you care about trophies/achievements in vidya?

Do you care about trophies/achievements in vidya?

I couldn't care less.


Yeah but not to the point that I'll play a game I don't like to 100% for them

I used to, but it wore off over time to where I could care less.

However, I will say that ever now and again there is a game that makes me want to get trophies/achievements, usually stuff I play over and over again. Its rare though.

i do care, in the sense that i dislike them
they're there as a metric to publishers of how much of a game's content was seen by how many players, and what should be trimmed for the next game

that's bad

How can I stop caring about trophies do much?

Depends if i like the game and if there's an absurd grind involved.
The best scenario is that i really like the game and at the end i just need to do a moderately quick clean up job for plat.

i usually either get sick of a game after 2 hours or try to complete the platinum
sometimes i do everything except the annoying online shit and trophy where you have to replay the game 20 times for different endings

Sometimes they're pretty fun and add a nice bit of replay value. I'll only try to 100% a game if its for something I really really enjoy though. I like how achievements looked compared to trophies. Had a 360 since 2008 and just recently got a ps4. I like a big number by your name compared to a trophy level. Had a little under 50k for 360 and seeing the trophy symbol instead seems so off.

This. I love Xillia 2 but some of those trophies can fuck straight off, not even going to bother.

Double edged sword.

I like having something that I can loo back on and feel good for having achieved, but I only plat games I really love. I always at least see the credits roll with every game I purchase but because of the way trophies work my profile is a mess and looks like I drop all my games after 30 minutes.
I like them but I don't like being judged by them.

Depends on the game. I played through the HOTS campaign on Brutal just for the cheevos, and replayed some missions just to get mission-specific cheevos. The only ones I haven't got are the ones that require boring grinding and the actual challenges, i.e speedrun trophies.

I dont mind them for the replay value but devs can get the middle finger for achievements that are like "dont get hit in x boss fight" or some luck based achievements.

I don't care ABOUT them, but I like that they give you additional challenges, and thus can add replay value. They're neat for personal accomplishment, but otherwise no, I don't care about the fact that other people see them.

>trophy for starting a match online
>don't have PS+

First I don't wait for price drops. So every month I buy new games (new releases) and I play until complete them.
If I finish a game then I forget about it.
I don't care about trophies or replay them.

this 2bh

If I like the game enough and they aren't tedious as all hell then I may give it a shot. Haven't felt that way for a while until Crash remake came out.
One thing I do hate is looking at trophies after I beat a game and see less than 30% complete. It makes me feel like I haven't actually beaten the game.

>getting 30% trophies just for beating the game
Trophies/achievements should be rewards for extraordinary feats for skilled players, not increments of 10 gaymerpointscore added every hour of gameplay.

Don't care if games have them, but it's nice to have extra small challenges.
If they are easy enough or interesting I will get them.
No interest in multiplayer trophies though.

Not at all.

A bit.

In their defense "don't get hit in X boss fight" sounds like a pretty big achievement to me (better than all the "achievements" that are actually just progress tracking for the benefit of publishers). Although games could probably do with a "1HP-no cutscenes-instant restart" mode to make it more bearable.

You're correct, but I hate this empty feeling I get when I play a game to completion and find most of the trophies are just tedium. It's more a personal thing I suppose.
One reason I platted the first 2 Crash games was because the time trials were fun and satisfying to complete and they were segmented well so they were easy to pick up and play.

>start new game
>8 fucking achievements unlocked altogether
No. I don't

Jesus fucking christ you faggot weeb get that yellow fever checked


Only for games that I really enjoyed.

No, not really. I remember spending months getting platinum for Little Big Planet, which took tons of "farming", and some pretty damn hard levels. I finally did it and I was proud.
Then a few weeks later my trophies for that game somehow reset, and they weren't synced to PSN for some damn reason despite being constantly online.

Since then I've never gave a damn about trophies. I try to 100% games I really enjoy on Steam though, but with Steam Achievement Manager being a thing it's not like they have any value.

how long dragon quest heroes and hyperdovotion noire took you?
I want to play them but I don't know if I have the time right now

If I'm enjoying a video game I'll go out of my way to pick up trophies/achievements, but I won't play crap just for them. A few years ago I was an achievement whore though.

>how long dragon quest heroes and hyperdovotion noire took you?
I can't remember but I can tell you about the game.
Noire is an endless and tedious road of moeshit and kisses. I regret it, so don't do it. The game is great and fun, but don't try to go for the platinum.
Dragon Quest Heroes is fun because you have to beat the secret bosses and the normal bosses on a higher difficulty.

Here are your participation trophies sonny.

yes but only if the game has no multiplayer trophies and doesn't have too many collectables.
i didn't get the darksiders 2 platinum because of that.

I liked trophies because I was trying to ween myself off of an MMO addiction and they were a kind of substitute for the grind.

I liked how the trophies accumulated across multiple titles so I could sustain the illusion of worth in a (generally) offline setting. Even If I wasn't really loving the game, I liked hunting the trophies because they feel like a permanent investment.

I feel like as an adult I would play games for satisfaction more than fun and collecting is something I find satisfying.

I hope this helps you understand a different perspective.

I once did; with Dark Souls.

For every other game, fuck that, I just want to have fun.

I generally dislike them. For every fun one that encourages you to do something fun or challenging that you might not have thought to do otherwise there are a hundred patronizing "you pressed X for the first time, good job champ!" or autistic super specific and only circumstancially possible life wasters (or multiplayer dependent that you have literally no control over no matter your own level of personal skill).

I've 100% completed tons of games in my life but only ever "platinum'd" one.

They're usually pretty fun to go for and can extend my enjoyment of a game by doing these tasks in different ways than I did in the first playthrough. So yeah they're pretty great if designed well. Shit like "Look at menu for the first time" or "Watch this cutscene you can't miss anyways" are boring though.

Sometimes, If the Trophchievements have neat challenges to get them, then it could be fun.

Absolutely not. They barely register with me.

There was a moment when I started to care and then I noticed that I actually stopped enjoying the game itself because of trophies, it became a chore to get another one just for the sake of it and I even got frustrated when it was hard to get. Now I don't care about them and play in my slow pace as I like to enjoy most of the game. I'm happy to complete one game instead of ten, but actually experience it.

You guys realise that if Sony becomes a dick, they'll turn off the servers and your trophies with all the wasted hours to get them will vanish like they never existed? What will you do then, kys?

To a degree, it depends on what they are. Completion achievements are a bitch through
>Play through doom on hardest available difficulty first play through
> Can't get any of the normal difficulty achievements for completion

I'm new to the PS3 and I have a lot of catching up to do with a few friends. Halfway to some, a quarter to others.
I'll grind for trophies if they aren't too difficult to obtain but otherwise I won't care if I have some missing.
I'm a little sad some games don't have trophy support like Saints Row 2 and Heavenly Sword though.

Not really, the closest I ever got to a platinum trophy was Bloodborne (missing the "Get all hunter tools" one) because it doesn't really require anything you wouldn't do anyway if you played the game a lot. Kid Icarus: Uprising did achievements right because it actually unlocked stuff instead of just giving you a sticker.

Feel about 200 pounds lighter

Yes I will avoid games if they have bullshit trophies or take 2000 hours of grinding.

Grind something else for my autism

Yes, but i miss when games rewarded you with in game stuff instead of a meaningless icon in your account.

Good point, never thought about it.