Name me some rpgs with combat at least as good as Grandia

Name me some rpgs with combat at least as good as Grandia

grandia 2 was pretty neat, what a shame it must not have been popular as FF/Tales of/Trails. then again I guess once you knew how interrupting worked you could interruptlock enemies aside for some boss moves that seemed to run that charge-up segment in a split-second.

If you leveled up your first skill to max it would activate almost instantly so if things were lined up right you could still get interrupts

Etrian Odyssey

Ark the lad twilight of the spirits

I played that game
Fuck that game

Suikoden 2, Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Trigger, Use Google Next Time, Super Mario RPG

>don't talk about video games here
You sound like a mod

All those games have atrocious combat, especially LoD.

go fuck yourself, they're all amazing.

Maybe if you're a mentally challenged manchild.

Nocturne and Final Fantasy X

>Suikoden 2
>Chrono trigger

>implying they're not two of the best games of all time

real nice opinion you got there champ

>implying they're not two of the best games of all time
They aren't, I'm sorry Reddit, you really should take off the nostalgia goggles.

it's ok to admit you have shit taste user, don't be ashamed

I'm not the one praising some overrated shit with primitive design, I'll at least give you that Suikoden II is decent, but combat is easily the worst part of the game, much like CT.

I think it's important to talk about those games in the context they were released. There's simply nothing primitive about them. Hell if anything they were ahead of their time.

Glad you came around on Suikoden II at least

I agree, Op, I have no idea why nobody tried to copy Grandia's combat. It's a big step up from the traditional jrpg formula.

>I think it's important to talk about those games in the context they were released.
>There's simply nothing primitive about them.
I hope you're joking, then again do you look like the umpteenth redditor who never played anything that a handful of games, both CT and Suikoden 2 are extremely primitive even for their own time, they're actually both very good examples of games with incredibly archaic and simplistic design in their own generation and in their own consoles.

Mana Khemia was quite good. It didn't have the positioning aspects of Grandia, but the battle timer was similar and the game overall was very nice.

Just as long as you didn't run out of water.

>I have no idea why nobody tried to copy Grandia's combat
Grandia heavily copied SaGa games to begin with, the timeline system was then heavily used by a lot of other games, including FFX, the latest SaGa game has a pretty similar timeline gimmick, albeit more polished and applied to a more complex game structure.

super mario RPG

>Grandia heavily copied SaGa games to begin with
How so? Does it have natural growth mechanics in place? Never really played Granida games.

Legends of Legaia desu

Shadow Hearts, FFX, maybe Persona 5 and that's all I can think of before start mentioning strategy Jrpg's like Valkyrie Chronicles, Shining Force 3 or Growlanser Generations. Most turn based Jrpg's are pretty straight forward and braindead.

Unironically Labyrinth of Touhou. The first one, not the sequel.

>Does it have natural growth mechanics in place?
It uses the same proficiency system from SaGa games, so Weapon and magic levels with their own separate bonuses and skills, and just like SaGa they're the thing you need to level the most, unlike SaGa though there are also character levels and EXP, no sparking either.


FFX is literally RPS, come the fuck on. Also
>Valkyria Chronicles
That game has literally less fucking RPG elements than XCOM, since the latter at least has a barebones skill tree. Just because your units have stats doesn't automatically make it an RPG.

How good is this game, compared to BoF3 and other PS1 games? I found that for sale at a local used game store, but I'm not sure if it is worth picking up.

No where near as good as BoFIII.

Perfecting bosses was some of the most fun in this game.

If the game was much more difficult and kept it's current systems or if the game was just better balanced for interrupts, it would have been the best.

Shame about Grandia 3.


FFXII would've benefited immensely from taking cues from Grandia 2's combat.

Grandia 3 had the best combat in the series, but Xtreme's system was damn close to too.

But BoFIII sucked, so how bad must IV be?

>no Final Fantasy XV