Mechanical keyboard switches

I'm going to go out a limb and suggest if you actually care about exactly what sort of mechanical switch your keyboard uses you are probably autistic. This is a meme, right... right?

Can mechanical keyboards do half a button press?

When i'm paying premium for a product i want to make sure it feels nice.

Recon you could tell the differences between switches in a blind test?
I like mechanical keyboards, I'm just not sure if the difference between switch types means much.

>Can mechanical keyboards have analogue keys,
Some have pressure sensitive buttons, not many though

Depends on the switches.
I use blacks atm, they require a bit more force and don't have a bump in them.
Give me a random keyboard i'd probably be able to make a better than average guess between reds and blacks. But i'll know if it's browns, blues or greens straight away because of the click

mechanical keyboarrds arre trrash

Some are light, some are heavy.
Some are quiet, some are loud.
Brown is the best tho

>Recon you could tell the differences between switches in a blind test?

anyone could

Well, you can preference, it's not autistic. Caring about what other people prefer is more autistic, if anything.
Browns and reds are can be determined just by the sound they make (they don't), actuation force difference for greens and blues is not that hard to notice even for person not familiar with mechanical switches. I doubt I could tell if I'm using genuine cherry or a decent knockoff tho.

Mechanical keyboards type nicer and have pretty much double the durability.

Essentially you're paying the same price over the years for a better experience / product.

The same goes with buying a car. You can buy a Chevrolet or pay slightly more for a Mercedes. Just saying.

Although Hondas are a personal favourite of mine.

Also dumb ''meme'' poster.

>keyboard durability
even the cheapest ones last forever

You absolutely can.

>Whether there is a tactile bump
>What kind of click they make if they make one
>How much force you need to press them
Ye- *CLICK* I *CLICK* can't Te-*CLICK* if *CLICK* these *CLICK* are M-*CLICK*-Blues or *CLICK* not. Maybe *CLANG* these *CLANG* are bu*CLANG* springs *CLANG* though.

I have cherry brown. The feedback is negligible in my opinion, and cherry reds are easier to speed type with.

0.02$ have been transfered to your razer account

>razer mechanical keyboards

look at this normie. Look at him and laugh.

Fuck i hate the Click Clack of the keyboard. I've lived all my life with it, now i'm free of it at home but i still hears it. It's annoying, it's not satisfying, it's FUCKING ANNOYING, that's why it has been made silent, yet hipsters praise it. Every fucking mechanical keyboard has to have those shit.
You don't know how much annoying it is to see a streamers and hears the click clack of the keyboard.

Cherry switches are massively overhyped. MX Clears are the only ones that feel nice to me and they are rarely used. Cherry also recently redesigned the housing and shaft of many of their switches for a smoother surface and glide when pressing the keys - and the DID feel scratchy in the past which is one reason I said they were overhyped.

Durability is also massively blown out of proportion. A good rubberdome keyboard can easily last ten years as well if not longer. Granted it might be harder to tell what a good rubberdome is in the build quality department. At least with mechanical switches you know what you are getting.

The switch design can make repairing a mechanical keyboard a fucking pain in the ass though.

NKRO is more often found in these products and that is a true advantage but not one inherent to a mechanical switch. So there...

If you can't tell blue switches from blacks or reds you might have brain damage

>tfw use browns

comfy keys desu

Mechanical keyboards are a meme and you guys are debating even the colours of the switches.

Different color literally means different type of switch

dumb animeposter

Yeah sure OP, you'd have to be so full of grey matter that you wouldn't notice the difference between a blue and red switch. They're so embarrassingly autistic for arguing over something so pedantic~!

>mfw speedswitch masterrace

i got mech keyboard for a few reasons:
looks good.
windows lock key which i needed badly.
N-key rollover I needed badly because I play games with keyboards.
the cherry switch thing is kinda just a bonus. mx blues make me feel like i'm typing on older keyboards from the late 80s.

Mechanical keyboards aren't a meme, just stay away from Cherry switches they're terrible.

who /cherryred/ masterrace here?

>cherry red

>if you care about what type of toothbrush you use, you are a maymay spazmo

Yes, that isn't hard to do at all. There's different types for a reason.

you're paying for preference and durability
I don't think it's a meme if you know where you buy shit

98% of premade mechanicals are a meme for sure

Ordered browns and got sent cherry reds. Didnt want to have to deal with shipping so I kept it and put o rings on. Was this a bad choice?

Don't fucking bother, get spring mechanical.

Colored switches are an absolute meme, they're shitty, they break easily, they feel like crap, most are loud for no reason other than "some people like loud keyboards." Go get a Model M or a replica, you will be very thankful when it's still working 10 years later without any issue.

Is that a JoJo reference?

if you don't solder your own switches to the board you can't say for sure that it will be a quality product.
I tried buying premades many times before, they all suck and are designed to fail just past their warranty.
Then I bought a DIY kit and it has lasted and is still as perfect as on day 1.

>use membrane
>forced to get mechanical because shitty ghosting when pressing down multiple keys
>buy red
>got used to red
>try brows, feels all fucking weird like a red with shitty scratchy part inside
>try blacks, fingers hurt from fatigue
>try blues, why are these so noisy and feels so chunky

If you can't tell the difference maybe it's simply because
1. you're a shitter casual who plays shitty games where they don't make any difference and youre fine on just membrane board
2. you are a fatass with fucking hams for hands and can't feel the difference anyways
Keep in the mind that these are the same sort of people who says
>there's no difference between 30 and 120 fps, humans cant see past 30 fps anywas
>there's no difference between music saved in 96kbit/s and 320kbit/s compression
>there's no difference between pictures saved in 60 quality jpeg and lossless png

Cherry linear switches are trash in general, I switched to gateron red and I'm glad I did.

You're an idiot

In what world are blues less resistance than browns?

or maybe you need to spend 300 dollars on a keyboard your baby hands cant handle so you can brag about getting arthritis from being such a cool gamer

Reds are the fucking worst meme switch I've ever encountered. At least 'rare' autism switches like clear and grey feel nice to use. I swear whoever designed reds realised they were fucking terrible and thought 'how can I market these? I know, I'll make all the branding say they're for GAMERS and all the dumb cunts who buy that shit will think they're specialised GAMING switches'.

which one is the best for gaming?

You listed sampling rate not "compression"

>help I'm retarded and only know how to buy from jewed mainstream retailers

I spent $50 to get the board. try aliexpress

Well on this board we get autistic over concave/convex triggers and analog stick placements instead.

>paying any more than $80 for a mech
Fucking memes my dudes

>sampling rate

not sure if retarded or just pretending

Is cherry actually bad or is that just a poorfag meme?

You are the reason red switches weren't immediately recognised as garbage and I fucking hate you for it

Yes, I'm mad

If red is bad why does it cost extra over blue?

They're perfectly good switches but are overpriced because they have the most brand recognition with normies. If Razer or HyperX put CHERRY SWITCHES on their products the kind of mongs who buy Razer and HyperX products think it's a mark of quality, so there's a premium attached to them.

>no glorious Nippon Topre

Reds are fine though?

>no numpad

This is 10/10 bait and I appreciate the effort you made to tailor it to my particular brand of autism

Razer now make their own knock off cherry switches since the patent expired a few years ago

Not exactly, it's comfortable to use. Brown is really nice if you're into writing.

demand and manufacturing costs

hams for hands
I bet you can't type without bottoming out either you clumsy land whale

it depends on manufacturing. the mold or whatever fuck shit they use to make the sliders and the frame degrade over time, so it's really good at the start. then shit. then good again when they finally buy new manufacturing equipment 8 years later. the most recent cherry batches are good. before that the last time they were good was around 7 years ago

>tfw you fell for the meme and got a blue switch keyboard with a number pad for a very low price

>im lying on the internet haha

im thinking of mechanical switch version of this comic.
autistic screeching guy is obviously blue or razer switches. what should other 2 guy be?

You haven't even begun to see my Final Autism.

Also those switches are wildly different, you have to be completely retarded to think that the only difference is the color of the stem. A Blue switch has tactically and a "click", while Red switches are completely linear with no click; night and day difference. Best switches are MOD-M anyway, fight me.

jerking each other off

console player and scissor switches

>ITT: people who have absolutely no clue how mechanical keyboards work
Come on Sup Forums, this is embarrassing.

I got blue because it clicky clacks the best and everyone hates me using a microphone now

Put your mic on push to talk you mongoloid

Start with Brown.

I have

Every key is a push to talk key

Click click clicky clack

t. spangolus

I use clear switches. Debate me.

I have Corsair K70 for 4 years now, Cherry reds It's pretty good, like the tactile feel from keys. But before I only had membranes so I can't really compare.
Only issue I ever had with it is that one day a box fell from the shelf over my desk and broke [P] keycap from its switch.

How do the switch autists here feel about Logitech romer g switches?

I'm doing just fine on a 5e low profile membrane keyboard without the Gamer(tm) gear so I dont care. I tried 200e keyboard with Razer greens but returned it. I mean sure you could tell me "omg razer lol" but it really did leave me with impression that mechanical keyboards are just toys for manchildren.

as someone who regularly engages in shitpost wars with moeblobposters, i have to agree with him
mechanical keyboards ARE a meme

Its a meme

The extra 'speed' the keys have are microscopic and you would just be using muscle memory anyways. Shorter stroke is better every time to repeated presses anyways, what you playing competive Mario party and gotta mash?

The only real reason to go mechanical is because you want to change your keycaps to some other shit, like changing out wasd or 1-6 and dice on the number roll.

What's the difference between """""gayming""""" keyboard than the regular ones? I'm using a $5 chink keyboard and it is working well like a normal keyboard. The only difference that I can see is that gaming keyboard looks flashy with those LED lights.

Switches. Mechanicals have springs or some shit while 5e keyboards have rubber pushing the keys up. Rubber is slightly slower and decays faster over time but the differences are still so eeeeehhhh.

Absolutely. I had a coolermaster storm stealth with reds and I absolutely loved the thing. Typing and playing games on it were a fucking blast, but it was a faulty product and I had to RMA it. They got me a quickfire rapid-i with browns instead and the difference is very noticeable. Browns are slightly heavir and have a shitty useless bump whose only purpose is to slow me down.

It's down to personal preference, there is no gaming switch or typing switch
I do everything on gateron blues, but if I had the chance I would sure as shit switch to 80g gatistotles for everything. They're expensive and time consuming to make, though, and I still need a board to put them in.

good shit, man. topre is nopre
i've got a tada68 with blues atm, i would try MOD switches in a heartbeat though

gaming keyboards are lower quality and cost more because people eat up the corsair/razer/logitech name and will still pay it

just get a normal keyboard that doesn't specifically advertise itself as being for gaming

Mechanical keyboards are fine
GAYMEN keyboards are dumb

mechanical keyboards are a meme but if i were to have one i'd probably want the least noisy one, though from what I've seen even the "silent" ones are extremely loud compared to normal keyboards

The first half is simply the depression of the button, all buttons can be half pressed

when you say silent, do you mean simply non-clicky switches like reds or browns, or the actually sound dampened cherry silent red/blacks?

because for the former that's right, but the latter are actually just as quiet as membranes, bar the stabilisers

I don't remember which one I looked at, but they were still rather loud.

My new keyboard arrived today, with Cherry MX Reds. I actually fucking hate it, thinking of returning it and getting Blues or Browns instead.
The key presses are too light for me.

>I don't own one but it's a meme
>beleive me I know for sure
Legit opinion my dude.

My rubberdomes have survived for over six years each, the only reason I replaced the first one was because it was dirty and I didn't wanna clean it, so I just went and bought another 10€ keyboard.

Durability is a meme.

>Bought a $30 cherry MX mechanical keyboard
>No more cramped fingers
>Feels good man
It has no features and the build quality is average, but I don't care.
I don't get why some people spends $200 on a keyboard when a good $50 mechanical one does the same thing.

when people talk about mech keyboard durability, they mean that ones form the 80s are still usable and in many cases just as good as new today

call me when you've got an almost 40 year old rubber dome that still works as well as it did when it was made

>durability meme
i've been typing on those office keyboard shits and they last for more than 10 years. this is the worst meme

also, everything you stated was an opinion, a shit one at that. rubberdomes have had better response time for me without the risk of tendinitis for having to mash your keys all the way in. would rather use my logitech k120, i regret the money spent on mechicals

a button press is a button press. you can't say it's only a half

Mechanical keyboards are a meme, yes.
It won't make you play any better or faster, it's all fucking bullshit.
Maybe if you're an author or do a shitton of typing I'd consider getting one, otherwise it's a meme.
I have a shitty Genesys gayman keyboard which cost me 11 bucks and a microsoft mouse and still own faggots with razer setups.

Why would you need to use the same keyboard for 40 years though?
Replacing a keyboard shouldn't be a money issue if you can afford a mech keyboard. So what's the point?

>Rubber domes are just as durable!!!!
Enough of this meme. Rubber domes get mushy and disgusting to use over time. I know this cause I've gone through several keyboards over the years. My dad gave me his old mechanical keyboard and it feels leauges better then that mushy shit.

maybe you should clean your keyboard out, user. I've been using this HP keyboard for longer than I can remember, the only thing wrong with it is that all the keys are scraped off so my normie friends have issues typing on it