What went wrong?
World of Final Fantasy
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Not enough R34. Also I quit in the factory bit because time limit shit.
Not enough belts
Is this game worth $30? Pokemon and FF sounds fun to me.
Too easy and two party members was boring.
Game looked good though, humour was decent, and Reynns thighs certainly helped
Should have just been plain old turn based instead of ATB, but I liked it. Also no marketing.
>Chibi shit
I'd say so, yeah. If you like '90s FF and monster collecting JRPGs like Pokemon and SMT, you're bound to enjoy it.
Bear in mind that the Japanese Dub is only included in the Day One edition on the PS4 (Though it's free DLC for the Vita), so you'll have to track down a copy if that's an issue.
Nothing went wrong, it was a very good game.
It looked more as a Kingdom heart than a FF game.
That's because Nomura designed the characters. Other than that it plays nothing like Kingdom Hearts.
fuken cutee
Best girl.
I played for a few hours, I thought it was fine but I couldn't find it in me to remain interested.
I think the story could have been better if they either went full whimsy or full drama but trying to tread between both didn't come out great to me. Going from magical Cactaur train to "Oh no the bahamut army is invading" crushed it for me. Could have been a much comfier game.
>bra outlines are visible through top
No incest
This. Though it was heavily implied.
The super majority of the story has no drive, pacing, heavy re-use of jokes, any combat setting besides fastest ATB, the animations are too long, only two party members, unstacked has no advantages, no small form for Lann and Reynn, minigames, level up system for the monsters, black void under Reynn's skirt, Tetsuya Nomura Jiants, some remixes of previous themes are lackluster, majority of new themes (I should point out after these two that this is the only Hamauzu soundtrack I'm left with a positive feeling on), furry pandering and the Mega-Mirages.
It was a bit more than good. Hopefully there's a sequel.
Here are things people think are problems, but I don't: "The," level design, Lann's idiocy, Reynn's bitchiness, the change in characterization of returning characters plus mixing their events around, cuteness, Digimon plus Pokemon (XIII-2 was SMT), difficulty spike of the final boss, voice acting and the artificiality and for a lack of a better word, glibness, of the setting/characters/story.
>the animations are too long
fuck games that do this
>the animations are too long
Nothing compared to classic Final Fantasy
>design high quality models
>only use them in the credits
Yeah. The monster catching system is more interesting than Pokémon.
Each Mirage has a specific condition that makes them available to capture, and you can stack the condition to increase the capture rate. Also, there is no resource for capturing so you can keep trying.
The combat system is fun, and I love being able to fast-forward. Stacking was a good idea that really set this game apart among other FFs and RPGs in general.
The game's beautiful, the story and characters are fun, and the music is so good (although a lot of it is remixed/remastered FF tracks of old as you might expect).
Honestly? It's probably the best FF title in a good long while, and one of the better games from 2016.
The realistic hair, 3D mouths and tiny fingers weird me out man
It's better these weren't used.
There's a clear difference between late game summon animations being long instead of every action in combat being long that started in IX with the wide sweeps of the battle fields and windups for actions to mask load times and went irreparably overboard with X (It was merely all summons in VIII). The animations should be snappy, so you can get back in control fast and, if it's included, start building up ATB again.
all animations in a turnbased game should be easily skippable, with an option to turn them off permanently
>no small form for Lann and Reynn
There is, though. How did you miss that?
If you don't like them, speed them up with the fast-forward button
Game was awesome
Stacking and Pokémon catching was lame, would've rather just have an rpg with all the heroes instead of them being summons.
I think they meant small as in the stacking size small, instead of the chibi forms they have.
Why can't Square just have a normal looking dude be the protagonist fucking once? Just to see how it's received? I'm so sick of this androgynous shit, all this time I thought those were two girls in that webm.
You unlock that after beating the game if it's what I think you're referring to.
>tfw Basch was supposed to be the protagonist of 12 but got overruled by the suits at the top of the company
>all this time I thought those were two girls in that webm
He looks like a dude there but he's feminie as fuck in the game footage I've seen.
So it's the suits who are gay?
Look at him
>Look at him
I did
And I don't see how you thought that was a girl.
because jap guys are androgynous faggots
>So it's the suits who are gay?
They listen to their focus testers and the focus testers listen to their focus groups.
Ultimately, people are to blame for everything.
I mean the small forms in stacks.
>If you don't like them, speed them up with the fast-forward button
Many of the animations were nice, so I did like them, but their length wore out their welcome fast.
I did speed them up, because they were a problem. However I do value aesthetics, such as spell effects and sounds, preserving the immersion and atmosphere the areas and monsters are supposed to establish, so ideally I would prefer to let them play out. I do appreciate that the developers recognized it and gave us the quick fix though.
Yeah, by removing Reynn and Lann, which is not good enough, since I like them.
And they aren't the real Reynn and Lann anymore either.. Anyway the freedom to customize the whole stack during the actual game would be better.
Literally meme game. Fucking this shit.
fucking kek
Oh fuck off you fun hating faggot the descriptions for Mirages were part of the games charm. You can tell the devs had a lot of fun writing them.
FF has been dead for more than a decade. The sooner you stop giving these people your money, the sooner they'll die.
This entire game feels like something done by and localized by Sup Forums and I don't know whether to fucking hate it or not.
Well I for one found them endearing.
>Not liking the English dub
Someone has a honking problem
It was better than XV at least.
Yeah I don't the-know what his problem is.
The re-using of jokes was a joke in and itself though, just sounds like you personally didn't like the humor at all to be quite honest. Also unstacking is actually broken as fuck, the speedrun makes heavy use of it.
I agree with most of the other points you made though, I really hope they make a WoFF2 at some point and fix some of them. The minigames in particular were complete garbage. They could have been fine if they had more work put into them and were paced out better, but throwing you into all of them pretty much one after another when you just want to progress the story makes them feel really obnoxious, didn't help that they locked a mirage behind a perfect run in the RNG bullshit desert minigame either.
The English dub was great though.
>tfw Firion, Onion Knight, Cecil, Butz, Zidane and Faris didn't make the cut
Pretty glad over that tbqh, those models look really awkward compared to the slick ingame ones
Have to leave some people for the sequel.
I remember not expecting much from this game plot wise from all the trailers before the launch. And then you get the first ending
The plot of this was really weird. It was super dark even though the game looks like it's this cutesy innocent little thing for children
>What went wrong?
nothing. Especially when you compare it to FFXV
>you kill your own parents
>three times
Everything about this game took me by surprise, honestly. It was a way better game than I was expecting. I really do hope they make a sequel. And they better include this penguin slut
Blasphemy! She's a pure virgin who's saving herself for Lann.
>Not enough secrets
>Not enough new monsters
>Not enough difficult boss fights
>Game could probably have made great use of a FFIX-like world map but didn't have it
>Music is not as engaging as the ones from FFIX below
Still a very decent game. I would like a sequel with a "serious" art direction, where we have FFXIV-tier monster and character designs.
>The re-using of jokes was a joke in and itself though
That is true, but there was still a time in-between when I was annoyed by it, but I still smirked a bit at them again after I was far enough to get it. I guess it was a bit of a miss as a joke for me. I just like variety more.
>just sounds like you personally didn't like the humor at all to be quite honest.
I actually liked the humor. It's the glibness I talked about, that I enjoyed. 'It's so because that's what RPGs are' justifications, Lann going his way in a conversation, monster descriptions and 4th wall basically not existing was endearing. Even if it were all awful, which it wasn't at all, it was good, I would've appreciated the attempt. I find modern (and some classic) FF way too serious most of the time, because I started with VII.
For tthe record, the two recurring jokes I really liked were Reynn getting mad at the conductor and the censored curse word Jelly Sandwich becoming Double jelly sandwich, when Lann ended in the same situation twice, meaning that there's actually structure to his swearing.
>Also unstacking is actually broken as fuck, the speedrun makes heavy use of it.
Oh, I didn't know this. I guessed that you could make more damage that way, but I felt like the damage of the enemies was balanced so that they just killed each lonely character in one hit. I have to watch some.
Angry Reynn is a miracle of the universe.
looks more fun than FFXV tho that's not saying much
what the fuck that's not a girl
game looked like ass, ending scene was great though with those models.
shame the game looked so fucking bad.
The only thing that went wrong is the pre-order DLC still isnt available to everyone else.
I bought a steelbook off of a friend but the code for the DLC was used
It really is. Reynn was the best and hilarious to boot.
I love her.
That's what the original Nier was supposed to be. Didn't work out sales wise but it was a good enough game.
Is Sup Forums being all screwy for anyone else or just me?
No switch version
It's a fun game, what are you talking about?
I'm glad somebody else liked it.
I like the game, but I hate shantoto.
It's because these lazy ass japs put the exact same face on both the male and female character
Yeah I agree, not enough bald space marines.
Nigger you can have gender differentiation without it being extreme quit being stupid. There's nothing that says male if you just had that characters head seperated from the body. Even other SE fuck boys like Cloud Squall the entire FFXV boy band look like dudes even if they look like effeminate dudes
They should've pushed balthier instead when basch was shut down as mc. Damn near everyone in Japan and America loves balthier and are meh with the rest but most westerners despise vaan.
Those proportions with those faces are disgusting.
The game really should have been Balthier and Fran's adventures
She's perfect as she is.
>cloud has the best chibi butt
Those squats really paid off
>forcing you to keep those 2 fuckers in your party until you beat the game
>vast majority of monsters are just recolors and are completely underwhelming
>too many monsters and not enough "space" to use them in battle (only 6 are usable and 2 slots always go to the protags, don't forget sizing as well)
its a nice concept, but wasn't fleshed out enough to really shine. If anything the way it was executed makes the game feel very limiting.
Not much.
Anime Reynn > CG Reynn
They made the boy more sexy than the girl.
>prominent eye lashes
>hair length
>apron makes his torso and hip ratio look more feminine.
I love how chill Boco is in this game.
Look at him. That dude does not give a single flying fuck about anyone or anything.
I dunno desu. Many monsters were just useless and took too long to upgrade.
shut up faggot
The brother and sister never fucked.
Also the gameplay got pretty boring and repetitive, I dropped it about ~15 hours in out of disinterest. It was fun while it lasted, but I never felt anything that pushed me to keep playing.
The fucking minigames.
>mfw trying to get Maduin
Where is all the chibi porn
playing first title, where I can find the cure for the dying elf at the beginning of the game?
dont want to start a thread just for this bullshit
Better question is where is the porn of female ifrit
northwest of elftown is a castle ruins; far to the south of that is a hole in the ground. You find a crown in the hole, which you bring to the ruins to get a crystal ball, which you bring to matoya north of cornelia for a potion to wake up the elf prince