What do you consider "completing" a game? When you see the credits role? When you platinum it...

what do you consider "completing" a game? When you see the credits role? When you platinum it? At what point do you put it down and say "I've beaten this game"

depends. usually when i get bored of it i ask friends how it happened or look up ending videos. sometimes i'll play a game until the credits roll, rarely do i 100% one now

Beating a game is seeing the credits.

Completing the game is doing every sidemission and getting all collectibles etc.

Depends on the genre, but I'd say when you skip the credits. Myself, I play games until I squeeze every minute out of it I can muster. Only when I've gorged myself out on do I consider it "beaten".

Most of the time just beating the main story.
Sometimes getting all the cheevos.
Rarely collecting everything possible, even the stuff not covered by the cheevos, if the game even has those.

You have "beaten the game" or finished it with the credits. Completing means 100%ting it.

What if the game has more than one credits roll?

I've never played a game that had multiple credits. Except maybe Dragon's Dogma.

Achievements are for idiots, you're done with a game when you're not longer having fun.

I'm having fun unlocking achievements.
Chekmate, Sup Forums.

When the game fucking deletes all your saves.


This desu senpai.

I never go out my way to do achievements, at most I glance trough the list and see if there's anything fun I could try and do those.

I get platinum on a game only if every single trophy is something I find fun to do, or they come naturally as I play the game as much as I feel like playing. So far I have only one platinum from FFXV.

completing the story + squeezing any fun you could have out of the game

When I've busted a load onto the monitor over it, or when I've completed the main content - which ever.

Depends on the game, but I never go by achievements.
In the age of "post-game" where the difficult content is generally something you need to go out of your way to experience, I definitely wouldn't say simply credits is beating most games. The Souls series is an exception generally, although it has optional stuff as well.
Anyone remember final bosses being difficult instead of just a stepping stone to post-game?

>The Souls series is an exception generally
>he doesn't go all the way to NG+7 in Souls games
And you're calling yourself a gamer?

When I finished the tutorial.

Pretty sure pokemon GSC did this.

Completing the main story = beating the game. 100%-ing something is different, of course.

I may be done with something before the first bossfight but I wouldn't claim I've beaten the game at that point.

Platinum is enough for me
>tfw dlc adds more trophies but platinum is still unlocked

When I beat the final boss including the secrets and ultimate versions.