So it finally happened

So it finally happened.

The last big problem with the Dolphin Emulator has finally been fixed. Micro-stuttering in games like Metroid Prime has finally been eradicated.

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Is emulation old news now then?


Reminder that RPCS3 is progressing really fucking well

CEMU can fuck off

Yeah honestly the Cemu team are assholes. Most other emulator developers don't stop free users from getting the newest version.

I still can't play the prime trilogy collection until they fix that green dot in the center of the screen when you upscale. It bothers my autism to no end

I want to test RPCS3 but I dont know where to download a PS3 bios or whatever it is you need for the it to work.

Not really
Red Steel doesn't work still


look at the emu gen wiki

i tried it just cause i find it interesting

neat to see Demon souls running on your pc.

Who cares when you can play games for free on both? Go back to your console war threads faggot.

>Can finally play F-Zero GX off a fresh install without having to sit around for hours caching every shader
I didn't realize they were this far along with ubershaders, I thought it was still mostly theoretical.

dolphin five for linux when

kill yourself

Shame I've already played nearly all the games worth playing for Gamecube and Wii. They're great consoles with a solid lineup of games on them, but the exclusive stand outs are almost entirely first party, the few third party games worth buying usually have a superior PC version by now making emulation of the Gamecube/Wii version kinda pointless. The games worth playing on each console are less than a few dozen for each, even fewer if don't count games you can get better versions of.

What is this from ?

Is Xenoblade Chronicles still the only game worth replaying for hd textures?

Can you run games in higher resolutions with RPCS3 yet?

All the Demon's Souls screenshots I saw were 1280x720 or 1280x720 stretched to 1920x1080. Usually one of the main reasons I emulate anything 3D is to see them rendered in 3840x2160.

they sure can make OoT and MM look nicer with texture mods and shit but they will never make them run faster than 20fps

Oh cool I was looking at the worng wiki but I found it now, and what about games is there some sort of easy way as Wii U usb helper?

Not yet but soon

Yes, but it's so worth it.

I meant other games to play with HD textures.

Some super turbo autist might be able to do that by hacking the code of the game etc..
You need to first find whatever the game is using to wait three frames to flip the buffer and change that to 2 (or 1 if you're really feeling lucky).
Then deal with everything that breaks in the process, that probably will be a shitton of things.
Will need to readjusts all the speeds of movement of everything, all the animations, deal with the physics fuck ups,counters...

A lot of work, but probably possible.

Of course, this version will only run well on N64 emulators, unless this same autist optimizes the game by rewriting the microcode from scratch, removing details etc..

Okay, cool.

I'll jump on RPCS3 when that becomes a reality. Cemu has it but right now the process for changing resolutions looks like a bitch so I was just going to wait until it matures a bit more hopefully it gets integrated into a Gui rather than needing to download "graphics packs".

can it play mario galaxy perfectly yet?

I wish they'd do some more work with games that aren't zelda, xenoblade x has some really retarded game breaking bugs that could probably be fixed.

So what games are even worth playing beside Demon's Souls and Red Dead Redemption? One of the problems with last gen consoles like the PS3 and 360 is they actually have a fair small list of exclusives themselves and the console exclusives are fairly small. The only game I really wanted to emulate for either was Dragon's Dogma since it's native performance was bad on consoles but now that it's on PS4 and PC there really isn't much point in emulating it beside if I really want berserk armors.

I had a PS3 so and looking at my collection of games beside Red Dead Redemption and Demon's Souls there really isn't much I'd want to replay. Valkyria Chronicles got a PC port, MGS4 was a slog to actually play and the memorable stuff nearly all happened in cutscene or scripted sequences you can just watch on youtube, same goes for the uncharted games, rather boring to replay and all the best bits happen in cut scenes anyway. I dunno seems like the list of games worth playing on a PS3 emulator is kinda small. Sure it would be larger if you never had a PS3 but considering I have a PS4 and a PC the list of exclusive games that you had to have a PS3/360 to play and games you'd want to replay after going through them once is kinda small.

Is there a good life sim on any Nintendo console other than Animal crossing? I don't mind Japanese stuff


Except you need a really nice gpu to get any improvement at all

1060 nice or 1080?

Harvest moon?

Considering Xenoblade X is in the top five games people use the emulator for I think it's still high on the priority list.

Zelda is on another level though, that's a recent game and probably has like 80%+ of the current usage. Once most of the bugs with Zelda are solved Xenoblade will probably be the next area they focus on. Hell Xenoblade X commonly shows up in their progress videos as is, it's obvious they know about it.

If I recall correctly there is even an older version of Dolphin which it runs better on, I forget which one it is though. One of the problems with emulation is fixing one problem with one game might exacerbate another problem somewhere else for another game so while they're constantly getting complains and bug reports for BOTW, they're probably getting less than a fraction of that for X. I guess the best way to get them to focus on it would be to document the problems you're having look through the bug list, see if it's already been posted, report it if it hasn't and try to contribute to the project.

Nier, Asura's Wrath, Armored Core 4/5 and Catherine (not on PC)
Yakuza games
ZoE HD (patch that made it playable was only on PS3)
Tales of Xillia/2
Disgaea series
Drakengard 3 (if you're in that sort of stuff)
Siren: Blood Curse (though the original games were much better)
Heard good things about Folklore and 3D Dot Game Heroes


Are you people reading the article? It's like reading a novel, a story of drama, pain, revelations and success. God damn
>okay this works. but our users deserve better
>this also works, but our users still wouldn't be complely bullshit-free
the absolute fucking madmen not only did it, they aced it while thinking of us mere mortals. Thanks devs

Read the paragraph about hybrid mode

Nier is not fun to replay, I can't imagine anyone putting themselves through Nier a second time.
Asura's Wrath has the replay issue as well, I've already played why would I play it again? Also Asura's Wrath is kinda the epitome of a youtube game. Since nearly anything worth reliving happens in a cutscene.
AC4/5 maybe, AC5 is like half a game without the internet. I guess if you never played either they're something.
Yakuza games are something though.
ZoE1 on the HD collection was never fixed like ZoE2 was so you'd still be better off replaying that one on PCSX2. ZoE2 is one of those games that PCSX2 has problems with though and might be worth it if RPCS3 matures well.
Folklore looks pretty and has some unique ideas but the game itself is kinda shit.

The rest I never played or have no interest in. I got more than enough Disgaea on PS2.

Plus they're slowly porting disgaea to steam

>Nier is not fun to replay, I can't imagine anyone putting themselves through Nier a second time.
Someone could properly patch replicant instead of just porting the translation from gestalt, that'd be fun.

Aside from the patchable audio issues, the affinity chart breaking the game often is extremely annoying, but it's been reported . It isn't game beraking but I feel it'd be worth fixing soon, consideirng it's the only big part of the menu that fails.

for the longest time, i wondered just why the fuck tino's method was ignored

i guess now i know

Tatsunko vs Capcom runs great now. In previous versions supers would stutter horribly while it generated the shaders.

fuck lazy fags who don't ever do shit, where can i donate to these emulator devs

What texture pack is that? Looks pretty good.

Other than it and rune factory?

What about random crashing, per-game settings, shitty performance, bad hotkeys?

I want to play the JRPGs like Resonance of Fate or Eternal Sonata, even White Knight Chronicles.

Aside from that there's barely anything though, I'd rather have a 360 emulator.

I can't be bothered to check exactly when but I seem to have version 5 from the Debian repository and looking through apt's history it must have been at least a month ago.
On Linux you generally get things from the package manager instead of the product website.

I haven't had any crashing issues since Dolphin 4.0
Per-game presets don't disappear if you open settings while in-game any more
Performance is great on reasonable hardware
Don't know but I'm pretty sure they can all be rebound

>I haven't had any crashing issues since Dolphin 4.0
I have.
>Per-game presets don't disappear if you open settings
while in-game any more
They do.
>Performance is great on reasonable hardware
>Don't know but I'm pretty sure they can all be rebound

My mistake, I mistook your shitpost for an honest question that you actually wanted a response to.

Post speccy

I'm surprised some autist hasn't done this already, these are some of the most well known and well loved titles in vidya history (OoT in particular) but I guess all the love lands on original hardware/3ds remaster

how's input lag with Dolphin?

are there any good widescreen hacks for the Rogue Squadron games yet?

I'm willing to bet it's because the n64 is a goddamned programming nightmare and emulators for it are already barely passable, so getting too fancy would just fuck everything up

now if only pcsx2 could add back in exclusive fullscreen to get rid of this FUCKING INPUT LAG REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Oh my fucking god fucking FINALLY

this was the only complaint I have about F-Zero GX emulation, having stutters in a fast paced game is just awful

this is the best piece of news I've read in forever

There are 30fps and 60fps patches for oot, but they both break shit. The 60fps breaking shit to the point of unplayability

Just play them on Citra

>I'm surprised some autist hasn't done this already
Nope, they will forever be cucked by the framerate cap. 3DS version is superior.

It was an honest reply. Lots of people have crash issues even on 5.0.

Irrelevant. Compared to other emulators it runs poorly. I play everything full speed but that doesn't change that fact.

Which is funny because they run at 60fps on Citra

Sounds to me like you're running it on a decade old Intel integrated card and complaining it doesn't work

>4K megatextures
>Models are still about 10 polygons each

For what purpose?

Emuparadise took down the majority of their wii games, right?
What's the next best place to get them from, I really need to try Tatsunoko again with the new Ubershaders to see if there's no lag on the Voltekka anymore.

>I play everything full speed but that doesn't change that fact.


Try looking at

N64 uses MIPs and we are dealing with C coded games. It isn't like SNES where your instructions are literally down to LDA $0099, its like a mess.

Cheers user

>Sounds to me like you're running it on a decade old Intel integrated card and complaining it doesn't work

RomHustler seems to be a good hotspot for gamecube roms
i get my Wii games from Kickass

Motorstorm games

Is Citra good these days? How well does it play most games? How demanding is it?

Cry me a river

bullshit, I ran HD textures on Project 64, rendering the game at 1920x1080 at 60fps on a 2011 PC

Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time.

Also a lot of the PS2 HD ports had slight visual upgrades like increased LOD and such, so it would cool to emulate then again further to increase the res and inject even more AA and AS into them.

Then there is God of War Ascension. The Darkness and Shadow of the Damned and also the Atelier games.

Can I play rogue leader?

>The last big problem with the Dolphin Emulator has finally been fixed
Lack of disk image caching has been fixed?
Inability to display a proper 4:3 image has been fixed?

i think that you don't need it and linux has built in emulator

don't forget the ps3 vesperia that westcucks never got

No it doesn't.

>White Knight Chronicles
Don't, I realize you like Escaflowne but the game is terrible.

i have downloaded some roms and what do [h1], [p1], [!] and other mean
maybe some distros do

>it was an honest reply
then a decade of shitposting here has ruined your fucking mind, kid
get out into the real world and stop acting like such a piece of garbage

if you're into vns like me there were a few that were only released on sony consoles

You do not want to play WKC. You may think you do, but you don't. Trust me.

Whatever happened to Citra emulator?

I agree, CEMU is cancer in this sense that it draws lot of people in who don't have any idea what emulation means for preserving digital heritage of obscure and already dead games. MAME has saved the history arcades. Unlike CEMU...

Are you stupid? You are using computer to post on imageboard but you don't know how to do a simple search engine query. Is it just me or are people born after 1995 completely utterly so passive they don't even try to do anything? If this is your biggest obstacle in not getting the software to work I don't think you should be doing it. Just my advice to you.

Are you THAT GUY in emulation threads that always gets butthurt at everything? are you the guy babbling something about experimental software a week ago?

does tales of Vesperia work yet?

t. autistic shitposter

Dolphin is now the first 100% accurate emulator.

Can I finally enjoy sorceress in Dragon's Crown bros? Does it work?

>Debian repository
>dolphin 5
Do you hear yourself