Never played a TOTAL WAR game before, where do I start?
Never played a TOTAL WAR game before, where do I start?
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Just pick which setting appeals to you most. I'd maybe avoid the first few (Shogun 1/Medieval 1/Rome 1) as they're a bit rough compared to later entries in the franchise.
There's no modern warfare or caveman battles
If you want to focus on battles - Total Warhammer.
If you want to focus on empire management - Shogun 2.
If you like line infantry tactics and artillery - Napoopan or Empire.
>modern warfare
You know they should totally make that and I'm kind of surprised they haven't yet.
TW is all about formations. Any time period that does not rely on formations in battle has no place in the TW franchise.
Pirate Rome total war
After that whichever one you like
Armies have formations too , brainlet. . .
Modern warfare has nothing to do with total war gameplay, brainlet.
not him btw
>Armies have formations too
Modern infantry tactics do not rely on formations, dumbfuck, and the range of modern artillery is so great, you would need maps of thrice the size to be anywhere near a realistic representation.
Shogun 2 is the most barebones and polished one, it's probably the best point to start from, then move on to Fall of the Samurai, that's a lot closer to the other ones.
From there on just pick the settting you like the most, tho Rome II is still bad.
Medieval 2, Atilla and Warhammer are the best games in the franchise.
>Rome II is still bad.
Why is it bad, though? Warhammer is the only TW game I've played seriously, how does Rome compare to it?
my bf (best friend) bought me shogun 2 but it's the fall of the samurai version, is that good? he bought it to make fun of me for being a weeab
>If you want to focus on empire management - Shogun 2.
Shogun 2 was the last nail in the coffin for TW management mechanics, they ripped out half the content which was present in Empire and further limited you to one worthwhile way to expand.
Try out Med 2 first, it's the smoothest of the older games, and if you like it then you'll probably like Rome TW too, which is better in some areas but worse in others.
Avoid Napoleon and Rome 2, the rest are decent but would not recommend them.
AI is worse than Empire
Phalanx is broken
Roman don't hold a proper formation in battle
Sea to Land Battles are neat in that they finally made it past developer promises and were actually in the game but they were terrible.
Faction diversity is much worse than Rome I because they didn't forget that Hellenization was actually a thing this time around.
UI looks like a placeholder some intern threw together.
It's really good. Shogun 2 suffered hard from homogenized Factions and not much going on on the strategy map apart from Sea Trade Routes and the Emperor becoming wary of you.
Fall of the Samurai addresses both of those issues and adds a lot more interesting mechanics / unit types and management.
That video was on point at release, but now Rome 2 with Divide et Impera overhaul is imo the best Total War after Europa Barbarorum.
Didn't help that it was the worst offender for unit copy/paste
Warhammer is the best in regard to unit and army diversity
>avoid Rome Total War
Fucking idiot. The game is amazing with mods.
Rome 1 was a good game for its day but the diplomacy is fundamentally broken and it crashes all the damn time. Medieval 2 was a lot better with diplomacy and stability but AI suicidal backstab wars are still common.
>diplomacy is broken
True, that's why I said mods.
>it crashes
My pc doesn't and it's a shitbox.
Med2 is better, I never said it wasn't.
>it crashes all the damn time.
shitdose 10?
I'm not the OP (but also a complete noob to the series), but from looking at this thread I've decided to play Medieval 2. Are there any mods you guys would say make the game much better?
I've seen that there is a game of thrones conversion but from looking at their twcenter page, it's riddled with drama. Is it any good?
Moss can't fix it, diplomacy is broken on the engine level. For example I was playing EB, I had a huge empire but Illyria declared war on me anyway with their 5 provinces. Also I forgot about the broken squalor system of Rome 1 where in the endgame you regularly have to let cities rebel then exterminate them to keep public order.
I guess vanilla is stable enough but mods make it crash a lot.
Pick Stone Throwers and watch as you decimate entire units in 2-3 seconds across the map
That's what Wargame is for kid.
Rome total war has literally never crashed on me, and I leave it running in the background for long periods of time.
Who cares about diplomacy? It's not civ, just kill kill kill
Too bad the siege battles are still broken garbage, almost as bad as Medi2's.
I am in the Army Reserves and we use formations all the time, shit for brains.
>Atilla and Warhammer
rolling for the beastmen
I was in the army too and we used 12 man formations. Still that doesn't sound very fun Total War game when your 10,000 army consist of 12 man formations. Fucking moron.
>shit taste
not chaos pls
Help me understand something, the games seem really intent on making sure you run down every last fleeing man and practically get cranky at you for letting some get away.
What is all that about?
I've found the most accessible Total War and easiest to understand would be Shogun 2.
Do you actually enjoy managing the battle Sup Forums?
No it's not, go play the game then come back with informed opinions.
I really liked Medieval 1 because of the hand-drawn map of Europe and the soundtrack. Made it max comfy. Haven't played it in ages though so I don't know how well it'll hold up, although I've been playing a fair bit of Knights of Honor lately and it's pretty good, though the battles could've been so much better
Well that's what TW is all about, if you don't like that then you don't the the genre.
It's like saying that you don't like shooting in a first person shooter.
No. I autoresolve everything besides those epic battles where you just know that autoresolve will fuck you over.
You HAVE to install Stainless Steel.
I doesn't completely fix the game, but it's basically vanilla plus and does it's best to patch it up
i played like a few TWs and what the fuck is TW arena?
free to play? is it good?
So basically you just play a dumbed down version of hearts of iron and victoria
Yes. Total War has actual manoeuvering and army compositions though. And the map doesn't look like ass.
You start with either Shogun 2 or Rome 2 plus mods, or wait 2-3 years for Warhmmer to be completed, be able to buy it for less than 5 bucks because the jew tactics of CA don't deserve anything more, and for great mods to be made and polished.
Why he wouldn't? Auto unit replenishment is there for that.
Don't. CA are fucking hacks.
>early access 'f2p'
>still no stamina
>only 2 units to command
>removed from steam "BETA CLOSED" ""alpha""
I guess they paused their TW:MOBA while making hilarious profit from TW:WH1/3
It's called wargame faggot
I have 700+ hours in both of those games so some total war once in a while is a nice change.
But I only really autoresolve battles if it's so lopsided there's absolutely no chance.
Rome 2 with Divide et Impera is fun
Literally best M:TW is literally the best LOTR game ever made.
Shogun 2 is the best place to start. Any of them are good though. Except Warhammer, avoid that garbage.
Shogun 2 is probably the best beginner total war to get into, then go where ever you want from there on historical stage. They are pretty much all good games.
>They are pretty much all good games
tell me what total war game is bad?
>avoiding Rome 1
>not playing shogun one for the agent cinematics and the bullshit Op that is the kensei
You have such shit taste in vidya that having any kind of rational discussion is impossible.
Not him but at least he tries to discuss unlike you.
LOTR is for people with shit taste, download Stainless Steel instead
what does it change ?
Ok buddy.
Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.
gtfo fag.
Warhammer of course
anime faggot in total war thread you cant expect too much
>fighting dorfs as empire
dumb anime poster
>complaining about anime on an imageboard founded to discuss anime
are you autistic?
Fuck your lore
>getting this mad because you have shit taste in video games
>rational discussion is impossible
>just keeps posting anime smug face
We'll see about that buddy.
>using the most common pleb-tier newfag arguement
are you?
you have literally nothing to win since you cant capture their cities
BRAVO CA lazy british cunts
Sup Forums and Sup Forums were literally the only boards on Sup Forums when it started. Are you implying that's not the case?
If so, >>>/plebbit/ might be more your speed
I'm not mad, but you're just an asshole. He just asked you something, but your shitty brain can't communicate.
You have to fight to survive, otherwise they just raze your shit
lot of things, it's an overhaul, from gameplay mechanics to graphical changes.
Here's link for you to look at
They're fixing that in the second game + combined map
It was kind of dumb but its part of the Lore so
Anyone else army formation is a single line? I'm really suck at formation.
that's a good reason i suppose
they have never attacked me though
Keep your infantry as a line, put your ranged units behind (Crossbows) or in front (Gunners) and put cavalry at the sides. Bam, perfect formation.
Pls no elves
Never ever fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread.
Depending on the size of the army..
Center line, with your tough long lasting troops, those will be the ones taking charge against the others.
Left wind and right wing, flankers and protectors depending on what the enemy does. Could use stronger units to move around and get the enemy while they are busy with your front line, or shock cav, also worth having some troops there to protect against the enemy doing the same, so spears or whatever.
Front line, missile troops that can fall back behind your center line when things get too hot, then move around as needed.
Rear line made up of reserves, don't have your entire army fight at once if you can help it, have some waiting behind to fill gaps or help out in poor match ups.
Artillary line at the back, for obvious reasons.
will try it
I want to play the Empire but I heard it was shit, is Napoleon any good?
>I can't communicate so I try to troll to hide it.
gl in life
Napoopan is total trash.