I've heard plenty of people say things like "devs deserve money for their work", or "i pay for games that I actually enjoy"
For those of you that believe this, I have but one question to ask you: when was the last time you paid for porn?
I've heard plenty of people say things like "devs deserve money for their work", or "i pay for games that I actually enjoy"
For those of you that believe this, I have but one question to ask you: when was the last time you paid for porn?
A few days ago
Making a video game takes years of programming knowledge applied to full-hour work days of more years to develop a product that costs about one day of a normal man's salary.
Porn is literally just a dude or chick taking off their pants on a camera.
I'd pay for porn if there was any that was good.
if it's that easy, why don't you make porn then?
>I'd pay for porn if there was any that was good.
did you go the nofap route
I pay for porn by ads.
Does commissioning an artist to draw porn count?
I have zero respect for anyone involved in porn and wish the industry and the content it creates didn't exist, that's why. I still use it because I like most people am addicted to it but it's not something I think there's actual value in. For instance every hour I've spent playing EU4 is one I don't regret in the least. It got me interested in history and I think it's made me more well-rounded. Porn? Kek
Fucking someone takes no effort nor does it take a skill for you to learn, making a good game does.
Because I'm not a degenerate and have self-respect.
I bought a bunch of doujins when I was in Japan, like half a carry-on's worth.
I only fap to free open source GNU porn.
How about hentai?
my addiction to porn is a disease. i'm not going to pay someone to further my affliction if i don't have to.
>fucking takes no skill
Found the wizard
>Porn is literally just a dude or chick taking off their pants on a camera
And rigerous STD testing for all parties involved
And is essentially a lifelong career for most porn stars now since it's so common that they'll likely be recognized. Male porn stars are nearly unemployable because how easy it is to sue their workplace.
A woman would win any suit against a workplace that hired a former porn star, she could say he did any form of sexual harassment and regardless of the lack of evidence it would be extremely easy for a lawyer to use his former employment against him.
>I pay for porn by ads.
you don't mean on those streaming sites that are just porn piracy dens right?
>Does commissioning an artist to draw porn count?
yes good goy
>I have zero respect for anyone involved in porn and wish the industry and the content it creates didn't exist
> it's not something I think there's actual value in
elaborate i'm interested
>Fucking someone takes no effort nor does it take a skill for you to learn
If it takes no effort why can't you get laid?
>I bought a bunch of doujins when I was in Japan, like half a carry-on's worth.
Favorite artists?
>my addiction to porn is a disease
it's not just you
millennials are having sex less than any previous generation
teen pregnancy rates have been plummeting
Erectile dysfunction in men under 40 has risen 1000%, affecting even teenagers and men in their 20s. Men have become so dependent on streaming porn sites that porn stars pull out their phones to look at porn to get erections because they're too soft, even if there's a naked woman right in front of them
you are the new normal
>lol I went to college to learn this dick motion, please pay me
Ahaha this thread, finest autism on Sup Forums
Being a thot and taking dick while some Jew films you isn't a skill and it isn't worth paying for.
On the other hand, devs don't "deserve" money. Paying for games is a donation that you make to support people you like enough to want them to make more.
Fucking this.
I've had exs in the past who've cheated on me and when I question them why it's always
>we live in a sexually free culture now! Sex should be explored as an art form instead of ridiculed and hidden!
The sex industry has commercialized and casualized sex to a degree where society finds it fine to have open relationships and cheat, leading to shitty interpersonal communication.
Ever wonder why divorces are so much more common nowadays? And why 'cuck' is the new 'in' meme for pathetic failures?
Sure, relationships between males and females were complicated and often difficult in the past. But nowadays, I've not met a single person in a happy relationship.
bonus points for the wise-guy that can figure out which gender is always the unhappy one.
not enough to stop jerking off to stolen porn
>>we live in a sexually free culture now! Sex should be explored as an art form instead of ridiculed and hidden!
I.E., "I am a whore, please put a burka on me."
People countersignal white sharia but it looks more appealing by the day tbdesu
There's porn I'd pay for, but I'm too scared to.
Your post literally proves my point.
Those people wouldn't have such shitty issues if they never got into porn in the first place.
Is common decency really that difficult for some people? Or is their self-respect so abyssmally low that they feel justified in their actions?
>he thinks fucking takes skill.
Please tell me you're baiting, user.
I don't look at porn. Porn is for degenerates.
>Here comes the part where someone with an amygdala the size of an amoeba will tell you to go back to Sup Forums
you don't pay for porn, that's just how it works
>Your post literally proves my point.
What is your point?
>Is common decency really that difficult for some people? Or is their self-respect so abyssmally low that they feel justified in their actions?
How is this related to anything that I said?
If someone is trying to leave that industry behind them and gets a valuable skill but is still unemployable because of how stigmatized their profession was....what does that have to do with a lack of common decency or self-respect?
>casualized sex to a degree where society finds it fine to have open relationships and cheat, leading to shitty interpersonal communication
What society do you live in? Open relationships are treated like homosexuality was in the 50s. Cheating is a black mark no public figure can live down. People have committed suicide after the Ashley Madison leaks.
>Sup Forumsirgins think sex takes no skill
Maybe there are reasons that such a degenerate profession is stigmatized and that people who literally just fucked random people for years on end are considered unclean.
Maybe there are reasons that the rightsholders to porn, despite occasionally kvetching about it, don't really do anything to stop people pirating their material.
>Open relationships are treated like homosexuality was in the 50s.
So a thing that will rapidly become acceptable and normal and is already being pushed in urban Weimarland?
My point was why would anyone do porn in the first place? What kind of idiot would think it would be completely normal to get naked on camera for hundreds of viewers and not expect any backlash from said actions.
Open relations are the norm here.
Everyone I know is in one.
It's literally why I refuse to get a girlfriend anymore, the past two I had to cut off were because they couldn't handle NOT fucking every attractive guy that made a pass at them.
the emotional aftermath has also left me in a state of paranoia where I'll never be able to form a functioning relationship even with an honest woman anymore.
at this point, i consider porn actors more dedicated and skilled in their profession than game dev's.
Fuck it porn actors would be even better as game dev's
Fuck off sunibee
You need to get out of the city my dude
it's too late for me.
much too late.
>people who literally just fucked random people for years on end are considered unclean
What is unclean about consenting adults having sex in an environment that's heavily regulated requiring them to be as clean as possible?
>rapidly become acceptable
It's not accepted at all aside from a few ultra progressive cities and even there plenty don't. There might be a steady stream of thinkpiece trash online but that doesn't represent the USA in the least.
>My point was why would anyone do porn in the first place?
Gee, I dunno why would anyone do a dirty job like being a sewer diver or a garbage man?
>What kind of idiot would think it would be completely normal
Pic related. There's an entire generation that grew up on porn and more to come. Everyone uses it
>Everyone I know is in one
City? I recommend you find somewhere else. With your experiences that shit is going to drive you fucking insane
Porn is streamed for free on hub sites. Video games are not... This analogy is retarded
If I had a guy in Japan to source that shit for me, you better believe I'd be paying for my favorite artists stuff
>What is unclean about consenting adults having sex in an environment that's heavily regulated requiring them to be as clean as possible?
Gee, I dunno, maybe the wide variety of health problems that regular pornstar-tier fucking wreaks on the body? Or maybe the total disconnect between sex and intimacy that it fosters, just like in people who watch it? Or maybe the bare fact that the person I'm working with has had literally thousands of miles of cock inside them (even the men, because >implying they don't have to start off in fag porn). Porn is a fucking disgusting aberration and everyone who participates in its production should be ovened.
>It's not accepted at all aside from a few ultra progressive cities and even there plenty don't
The homosexuality-in-the-fifties comparison just gets more and more apposite.
When I bought Nier Automata
There are jobs that need to be done in society for it to function properly. Porn is not one of them. Garbage collection is a justifiable job that helps society. Porn is a quick-buck that requires no skill or intelligence, just low self-esteem.
Besides, maybe if more pornstars had become scientists instead, we'd have completely automated garbage disposal units by now.
Eugene, OR.
Already there.
I haven't paid for porn because of the following:
-Most porn I jack off to is free, let it be in exhentai or pornhub. I'd compare those free porn to F2P games.
-I can't find physical porn copies in my area. I know there are some in my country but the problem is most of those are located in back alley shops that sells pirated CDs which is very close to extinction due to the popularization of the internet. Also, I do not want to pay online/digital porn because I have no plans on making my credit card connected to porn sites even if there are some that tempts me to do it.
-It tends to be difficult to have a good preview on porn than games. On games, it's more easy to analyze and see the contents let it be through a demo, trailers, or let's plays. On porn, they don't want to spoil the scenes too much in trailers and such which results into a unclear preview. The situation in which the trailer is better than the actual product tends to happen more in porn based on the stuff I pirated years ago.
-I find the disappointment of getting a porn which ends up into something you don't like from a game which is shit to be more impactful. I blame the fact that your dick is out and later on, you realized that the porn shows stuff that cooks your spaghetti (I really hate porn that makes us see the guy's face in sex scenes. I'm not saying that they should stick with POV because I'm already tired with that shit but rather, just make shots/angles that blocks or cuts out the guy's head.)