ITT: Specimen in public

ITT: Specimen in public

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Jesus fucking christ.


Nintenbabbie confirmed


Why you dont see this kind of crap outside US?

When I went to the movies the other day I overheard some kid next to me talking to his mom about his new PC he was going to get and he said he wouldn't need to upgrade for at least 7 years. I figured I'd let him discover the truth himself.

Anytime someone posts shit like it's always people like pic related behind the monitor.

>average Sup Forums poster

as a responsible parent and productive member of society you should always check what your children might play in order to save them for harmful experiences.


Americans have more confidence. Even the ones who shouldn't. These people exist in Europe. They just don't leave their houses.

>Being a console warrior
>Having an agenda like this
>Taking pictures of people in public who probably look like you

jesus christ how HORRIFYING
they're... *gasp* they're playing video games!
we HATE THAT! kill them!

Why is it always Nintendofriends though?

How is this thread even video-game related?
Its just pure shitposting, why are the mods so fucking useless?


You mean less shame

Same thing.

t t-that's not true! I leave my house.. sometimes..

No one has a Vita.


Yet they're in public enjoying the things that make them happy while your insecure ass is posting anonymously on a video game board.


ITT: unattractive people playing video games in public.
Let's laugh at them: haha.

Take note how it's all Nintendo consoles and games.

poor lady.
imagine having an autistic piece of subhuman trash for a child.
she seems like she's pretty good looking as well.
life is cruel.


>It's another acfag / blunderfag thread
Kill yourself leaf.

why are you so triggered about a thread on your videogames board?

>I'm here for the job interview

I'm 6'2, fairly attractive and have a girlfriend. I just think threads like this are pathetic. That said I'm probably a hypocrite because come to think of it, I'm an FGC cretin who makes fun of Smash babies for similar shit.


This is how I imagine all of you look like

Unattractive person detected

what are you talking about

It's ok when fat black men do it

>used to be 180kg
>smelly neckbeard
>played my original 3DS sitting down on the floor in school
>long hair
>wore a fucking cowboy hat

I should feel emberassed but it's only amusing to me after all these years. Lost weight, got in shape and learned how to properly socialize.

Holy fucking shit. How in the world do you sink that low?

>going out to have a dinner with your waifu
I cant see anything bad here.

>LMAO let's laugh at these people XDDD

Fuck off

>m 6'2, fairly attractive and have a girlfriend.
Fuck off. You think that shit matters when you're here? You could be a balding mid 40s recently unemployed sperg behind your monitor.

Isnt the blunder guy pokebarneyfag?

Which one are you in, senpai?

>spotted the ugly manchild

You can't? A diet on that is loaded full of carbs and sodium. He doesn't need four bowls.

What is this, a daki for ants?

>why cant everyone be ugly like me!
laffin at ur life

Is anyone else scared that you are as pathetic as them without realizing it?

I'm like half way sure I knew that tutu guy in college.


Only 10 more years until I go bald and pack on the pounds

t..turn the screen

>You could be a balding mid 40s recently unemployed sperg behind your monitor.
But I'm not. Your perception doesn't change the reality so it doesn't bother me, I have no reason to lie to anonymous mouthbreathers on the internet. It's great because I can shit talk and gloat and never take a hit when people project or post insecurity bait like those charts regarding height and penis size.

is that a female on the right?

He is but most if not all of these images can be found in his threads.

Someone should splatoon that degenerate's head all over the nearest wall.

>Is anyone else scared that you are as pathetic as them without realizing it?
Nope. I'm not bald, fat or out of shape. I also don't wear videogame clothing.

I too am uncertain.

Probably just gyno

This thread only tells me that I should get fatter friends so I can stop being the chubby one by comparison.

I find it interesting that in the west it is becoming harder and harder to tell the men and women apart.

>it's all drones
Oh god I can't believe I actually get into arguments with these people.

Ok and your perception doesn't change the reality that in truth, no one here cares about anything you have to say. You're just words on a board with no tangible influence to change anything. Just another voice in the crowd.

Why are they all fat?
Where are all the skeletons like myself?

Always worried I'll end up in one of these threads every time I go to a midnight launch for a new Halo.

>Nintendo fan thread

Best kind of mommy, the mommy that sucks your dick to be friends with their autistic child.

You did make friends with retards right Sup Forums?



Skeleton meme is a myth. People like these are always fat. People in general are fat nowadays too.

these are the people who post on Sup Forums?
jesus christ


I want to get /fit/ now and go to launches in shirts showing off my muscles and flex and show off hoping I get into these threads standing next to fat neck beards.

>always thought I was fat
>turns out I'm not THAT fat
Didn't stop me from looking like a thumb in my yearbook photos though

exciting times


The man did nothing wrong. I want the faggots to go.

You might still be obese. What's your height and weight?


I just want to put a smile on Sup Forums's faces with a funny muscle man hanging with fat guys.

I'd stab that ass 119 times if you know what I mean

Not since I started working out and ended up looking better than about 70% of people I see in my everyday life.

200, 5'9", that's down from 230 though so I'm getting there

What a stupid number. He couldn't stab one more to make a nice round 120 stabs?

Why are these people almost always nintenchildren?

That's bullshit man, I know several skeletons through the internet.

You first.

>trans shouldn't have to disclose that they're trans to dating partners beforehand!
>gets stabbed for deceiving people

i love it

Goddamn they are bloated, they are like some enemy from doom or some deformed shit from xcom. Fat people should be purged.

Good work user, now go for a run right now

nah senpai look at all that chicken. he's making gains

I could probably fuck his mom desu

>being triggered by what people wear
wew lad

For your height, and assuming your weight is fat not bulky muscles, then you are right on the line of obesity at 200. Good job losing those 30 pounds and now longer being 30 pounds into obsity.