6 hours remain till the announcement of the next GW2 expansion. What are everyone's hopes and fears?

6 hours remain till the announcement of the next GW2 expansion. What are everyone's hopes and fears?

Personally I'm hoping for a good chunk of gameplay for all the new Elite specs so I can decide on what class to focus on.

Link to the leaked images: imgur.com/gallery/LSXMD

Other urls found in this thread:



Not sure there's going to be a lot of gameplay, mostly teasers and trailers and talking.
Then they'll show more of the specs one after another every week or so like they did with HoT.

I don't know what they could do to make me come back to this game short of a huge wvwvw revamp and re-integration with the world.

deadeye and soulbeast looks cool, also those maps are fucking huge

This is the second GW2 thread we had today discussing the same thing. I get that you want to build up hype for your shit expansion, but try to be less obvious about it.

I'm hopeful for the Elementalist elite spec and the warriors...anti mage spec, i want to see them in action before i decide though.



fun fact, some of us don't spend our entire lives on this site, we have jobs and such. I came home and found no threads so I thought I'd start one...

nigga the presentation is like 10 minutes long they won't shot shit

Some people have jobs shilling for video games on taiwanese basket weaving pictographs.

this is why reddit is better for you. Never miss a post.

Nigga we're talking about vidya, the fuck do are you expecting you dumb fuck.

no slutwear no buy
adding m-m-muh mounts and more inane overworld currency grinding with no progression or rewards isn't enticing at all

Remember how they cut thongs under robes and that 'suggestive' female human idle animation?

>attempting to troll people for talking about RELEVANT vidya

For christs sake, just take your screenshot of your "epic troll" and fuck off to another thread. Ain't nobody forced you to click on a thread you hate the content of you fuckwit.

What happened to school uniform?

Unfortunately I do

Was probably just scrapped or never actually meant to be implemented. When I actually played the game a lot of people attributed its removal from the game files to one particular thread on the official GW2 forums but I personally doubt that a single person's ramblings was enough for them to abandon it.

Datamined, never released, just like swimsuits.

I bet one of those trannies or that ugly Hamburger hump Angel McCoy personally vetoed this outfit from ever seeing the light of day.


I'm expecting a minute long "cinematic" trailer with lots of Michael Bay explosions, and sound clips from npcs first sounding despondent, then hopeful and heroic. And at the very end, a dragon is gonna wing out of the sky towards adventurers and roar.

I guess the only time we will see these outfits when Anet will be in financial trouble.

But we're going to the Crystal Desert to save the dragon.

At the end of season 2 we had an amazing cinematic and that cinematic was the best part of the expansion because everything in it was disappointing.

Is gw worth coming back to right now?
i burned out after making legendary in vanilla


Wait until the expansion is out if you really want to try it. Heart of Thorns will get bundled with it for free. The game isn't really that much more fun than it was in vanilla, though.


I'm amazed there are still people playing it.

but i need my god damn mmo fix

It's literally a time filler for me.
I have nothing else worth playing and too many free hours after the day is done. May as well play an MMO till something actually interesting comes out, like DOS2 or MHW.

Yeah, it is. HoT gave the game the endgame content it was missing back in vanilla.
But wait for the announcement before buying anything.

i tried again. downloaded game. logged in, looked at the faggotry in nu-LA, opened daily log in chest, de-logged and then de-installed.

fuck off /gw2g/
you killed /mmog/
hopefully the fag with the bot spots you niggers trying to set up camp here


This is probably correct.

Blame the mods.

I havent played since release of the original game

Is there somewhere I can check out a synopsis of class playstyles?

>Fag with bot spams general to death
>Refugees come to Sup Forums to post

Your logic is flawed on so many levels I don't know where the fuck to start with you...

No, tumblrcunts deserve to suffer
botfag did no wrong, you shouldn't have been such greedy niggers and just stayed in your little discord circlejerk where you belong
such fucking cancer

this user gets it.
>sips coffee

You typing like such an autistic sperg because of a single video game thread. You are probably the spammer.

Which one? They removed the one where she stretches her back with tits out?

No, I'm just an autist.
Generals that start discord circlejerks should be given the /kspg/ treatment, autosage filters and all.

Yes, that one.

Yes, that one

More elite specs? Lmao sorry anyone who PvPs, better pay up another 60$ to get the ****NEW**** meta specs. What other PvP changes are they gonna add? hopefully more than just 1 PvP map this time.

How much do you want to bet that old elite specs will finally have their bullshittery nerfed before the new expansion comes out?


sorry PvP'ers are not the bread and butter gem shop users. they will get NOTHING and like it.

you are a literal retard.

The point of generals was to contain the autism of the more fervent fans to those threads. If someone wanted information about the game, they could venture into the general and post a question, often getting an answer, then being able to retreat without engaging much with the discussion, it was a fucking solid system.

By purging the generals you get this shit, where people post topics to Sup Forums and then autists come in and shit up these threads.

I'm really starting to think anyone who dislikes generals on /vg/ hasn't been on this site long enough to remember the before times.

post asura

asura (male)

I don't dislike generals, there are plenty that are perfectly fine.
/gw2g/ was not one that was perfectly fine and deserves to get what happened to /kspg/ happen to it; autosage filters around anything to do with the game, and permabans for bringing the game up.


Which is dumb, because people will then just post to Sup Forums, and if they get banned for posting about it to Sup Forums they will ban evade and find ways around word filters to post about it to Sup Forums

How long have you been here?

Mods managed to crush /kspg/ just fine, and their entire general started a literal war with them, mass ban evasion and violation of all global rules.

>tfw no tsundere asura gf calling you booka

this is mine

Just watch videos, really.

I just hope it sells badly. Btw why u guys playing this ancient crap.

for the same reason people play WoW: to waste time.

The only reason why GW2 has managed to thrive at all is because the market is starved for better alternatives, and will continue to be for several years.


Though I'd probably still play wow if I didn't have to actively work to grind out the gold to buy the gametime. At least I can get bored of GW2 in an hour some days and just close it instead of saying "whelp, only need another few thousand gold today and I can stop"

I'm honestly surprised anyone still gives a shit about GW2.
>Personally I'm hoping for a good chunk of gameplay
Shit like that sounds so stupid after the terrible support the game has had.

I'm at the very least interested in Spellbreaker, Holosmith & Soulbeast.

>announcement on a fucking Tuesday middle of the day

Why not weekend?

Everything that concerns video games seem to happen on Tuesday.

>you will never play a active prot and clear some areas in HM again
I want gw2 and gw2g gone.

I fucking hate how every class will be melee oriented after that update. With the already floaty combat and spongy enemies + elitist it will suck the last bit of fun out of this game. With already so many borderline useless weapons, implementing a spear will kill stuff like staff and scepter. At least the mps dont look too convoluted but again, same brown shit everywhere. Oh and fuck synergy and learning another ones, def going to buy a combat bot

lol the one they used to advertise the game, fucking lmao

If the new Necro elite is condi as rumored, I hope Reaper gets tweaked away from condi and becomes a decent power build again. Swinging a huge, slow greatsword to chip away with bleeds and whirls doesn't fit thematically with the animations, effects, and design of Reaper, which is otherwise excellent.

nice blog fag

This one. The funny part is that plenty of NPCs still have that idle animation, they only disabled it on female player characters.



I fucking love the idea of this spec. I really want to see what all the combinations do.

>playing GW2

that looks like a lot of ncsoft/korean tier grind.
thanks for the heads up

That's a different pose/animation to the one pictured though.

>weaver sword won't change particle effects based on attunements
Still looks great though, now will it play well


More like

Shame that this sword was locked out by blc RNG.

>not playing GW2

People still play this fucking trash?

I regret buying it.
I regret that this was my first MMO
I want my time back.

It was fucking shite.

>I regret that this was my first MMO
How is it possible?

I didnt get a gaming pc till like a day before it came out.

Since then just was a console kid

I went down to Blockbuster and picked up a load of PC games.

It's quite normal, 3 out of my 5 friends have never played an mmo and 1 of those who have played mmo played ESO as his first.

It's not really. You will learn that shit really fast in-game just like in HoT.

Really hoping it is not as terrible as tempest

I'm unironically a little hyped for it. This past year has been pretty great with content and keeping a schedule as well as the leaked maps look goddamn huge and seem to be faithful to the general areas in GW1. I don't give a shit about mounts but the rest of it looks pretty good so far.

>Is there somewhere I can check out a synopsis of class playstyles?

They don't take long to level, and you should try all of them so you understand what they do in dungeons and PvP

>6 hours remain till the announcement of the next GW2 expansion. What are everyone's hopes and fears?
>Implying anyone gives a fuck about this game

t. arenanet empolyee

>If you like the game you must work for them


If it doesn't feature all three of these things then FUCK OFF ANET