Steam account value
well fuck

>52% not played
Stop collecting garbage and remove all those Humble bundle games.

52% isn't that bad for 1143 games. I stopped collecting once I hit 1000 though.

What is the purpose of knowing how much you spent on all your games? Are you going to sell your account someday, like for your retirement funds?


nice fishing site user

is there actually a market for buying steam accounts?


you dont have to login cunt.

That's what I'm trying to figure out. Who cares what you account "value" is, if you can't do anything with that information?

Fucking Football Manager.

I guess it's just interesting to know. Not everything needs a reason.

it is a good game

That's a weird way to spell depresssing.

Not too bad

that too.

>11,131 hours

That's over a year of your life.

more like >money I could have in my pocket right now if I wasn't retarded

I don't think that I own more than like 10 Steam games.

Time well spent

mine says Last online 12 days ago
but i'm online right now. nice websight.

