Senran Kagura Re:Make an 7 to be on PS4 only

Nintendo loses yet another third party to Sony.

And only gets a shitty touching simulator for 10 bucks

Sony gets not only the original game ported to the ps4 but also revamps the gameplay to make it 60fps and mitsuo style like the newer ones.

RIP Nintendo

Other urls found in this thread:

>mitsuo style like the newer ones.

This is going to be paraded as a positive thing now

Shit game

>Dumps the side scrolling beat'em up style of the original game
>Uses the musou shit engine of Verses
>Had to inject Poochi so it might actually sell.

>bootlegged Dynasty Warriors gameplay is a good thing now

You know the gameplay is shit when it's worse than a series that already gets lots of flak.

Sorry but mitsuo style sells because actual gamers know whats good.

Fucking lol
Eat shit, yumi naysayers

I tried thsi game and it was pretty much one of teh worst musou liek I ever played.

Never again.

>Nintendo only gets a touching simulator
don't tell me you guys actually play these games for the gameplay

At least Homura looks sexy as always.

It sucks that Nintendo is losing Senran but at least I get to touch the best Senran

I can't type today fuck

As if Senran Kagura was anywhere close to a system seller.

>shit thread
>only meant to start console wars
>series for weebos
>series for otakus

No one outside of Sup Forums will give a shit about this.

It's fine since it fits the theme of the thread.

The series wouldn't have gotten to this many games if this were the case.

To all the 3D naysayers: what was special about 2D Burst gameplay?

I'd say that Sony will kill the franchise and it would come crawling back to Nintendo like every other time this happens. But they already killed it with Yumi. Now it's just a corpse that is infecting the few good things.

>could of had something like classic tmnt style gameplay with longer stages
>get musou shit again
garbage it goes

Name 3 times this has happened.

Watered down musou at that.

I'll give you 4 off the top of the head. Well 5, because one of these double dipped.
>Resident Evil
>Monster Hunter
>Mega Man
>Dragon Warrior

Yeah, starting to feel like I should sell my Switch. I love the system, but this is becoming a retarded trend.

Good beat'em up that favors reflexes and combos over button mashing since you need to be good at juggling and enemies can break out of your combos and punish you. Also, it can get balls hard in frantic mode.

Musou by nature cannot allow that because of the large amount of enemies.

>Monster Hunter
>Resident Evil
Not even true
Started on Nintendo then X came to Sony, then Sony got more Megaman games than Nintendo.
>Dragon Warrior

It would, because all games are low budget shit. We're not talking Splatoon, FIFA, CoD, Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy or any series that actually matters commercially.

We're talking about a weebo series that has a very loyal and very small fanbase.

Nintendo doesn't give a shit about this.

Yumi is by far the most popular senran. Only because you don't like her doesn't mean everyone else hates her. SKSV is the best selling senran game. SKEV outsold Deep Crimson. If you'd actually care about the franchise you'd know, but you are too blinded by your fanboyism to even see basic facts.

I hate Yumi.

who the fuck cares which system gets games

Nintendo should because they can hardly float with the "game" they have now. They need any third party that can reliably sell games. Senran was that but now...

>Monster Hunter
>series started on ps2
>went to 3ds
>next game to be released on everything but nintendo
Actually the best selling MH game was on PSP. Looks like crapcom is crawling back to papa sony and not the other way around.

>goalpost moving and denial intensifies.

>I failed to support my argument.
>I'll also misuse fallacies I hardly know the meaning of.

>XX in Japan only outsells SFV which was released around the world.
The series was doing fine.

>Damage control.

>Nintendo loses yet another third party to Sony.
What the fuck are you smoking? They lost the series back when Shinovi sold shitton more than SK2.


You dumb fuck. Nintendo needs system sellers, not weebo trash. Nintendo needs FIFA, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, CoD, those kind of games.

Senran Shitgura will always be weeb trash.

The only reason this garbage keeps selling is because they keep pandering to waifufags

What senran game should i get on the PS4?

>Has to resort to anime reaction images
I accept your surrender.

He buddy here is an example of moving the goalposts

I thought the Wii U had cod and fifa.

Senran hasn't been on Nintendo for years. Why does this deserve its own thread?




Listen, retard. Saying Shitgura is important to Nintendo is like saying making Bayonetta 2 exclusive to Wii U was important commercially.

No one gives a shit except some hardcore fans.

Any of them because at this rate you'll get them all in 60fps
The Asuka game is coming to the Switch to test if people will still buy it on that

>mitsuo style
Oh for christ's sake, even shitposting should have some limits.

Shit versions. Wii U version of FIFA lacked Ultimate Team, which is THE biggest selling point for FIFA.

Ok so here is what happens when you corner the toddler. He self-destructs and is irrational to everyone around him. Please take notes.

Don't own a Switch, but I kind of hate it when companies to stupid shit like this.

>we'll release this unrelated mini-games, and if it sells, we might consider releasing stuff on it later, maybe.

They're already making a Burst remake. Why not have that be multiplat to test the waters? It's not like SK is a graphical marvel

Why waste your money when you know it will be a money sink?

>no arguments
>resorts to name calling
Every time

>This desperate to discredit because he dug himself into a hole.

Are these games pedo shit with loli's or teenage chicks with big titties?

What I'm saying is, wouldn't it be cheaper to just port Burst Remake than making the silly Touch Asuka's fingers Game?

Old hags with fat meat bags.

Same-body anime girls with different hairstyle, except for one or two flatties.

I missed all this shit. Any news for shit coming to Steam?

they never said in the stream that it would be ps4 exclusive btw

I dont see why you had to take a screenshot. It isn't like I was saying you were the same person or anything. Just to take points on what not to do after you got BTFO by me. Also take notes again because apparently this doesn't understand how important making Bayo 2 a Wiiu exclusive was. Which shows how irrational and stupid he is. But hey what can you do. Toddlers have peanut size brains.

There's a token loli character to attract some of the pedoscum audience

Test games aren't done for any legitimate reason and are done in bad faith to justify to shareholders why they aren't developing games for X Nintendo platform. Even the Vita, which sold as bad as the Wii U wasn't even treated half a badly.

They would have just said PS4 and Switch though. They literally announced Switch games. Only in in the west will there be PS4/PC

Nothing, but may PS4 ports of 7 and the Remake.
The switch hardware is pretty fucking bad. They would have to downgrade quite a bit (see DQH2) just to get the game running on it. Prolly not even worth the time downgrading it for hardly a profit.

Sounds like you're still being BTFO by both of us and can't even make a coherent counter argument.

I can't dumb it down any further. Im not a miracle worker.

these games died when they went from cool handheld side scrolling brawlers with cool stories into fan service dynasty warriors cancer with tits in your ass every 2 seconds

>senrans will never tits in your ass
Feels bad.

Perhaps you should just a different false idol to worship over Sony then, since it has failed you.

T&A was always the thing. but I understand that the deep stories were pushed aside for the inclusion of 80 more babes. If Yumi just never existed...

Fugg. Thanks for the info.

And you call me the incoherent one. Fufu~

If you can't understand it, perhaps you aren't as bright as you delude yourself to think.

I doubt Burst Remake is gonna be graphically impressive, since it's using the EV engine. Both EV and PBS on PS4 look about on par with EV on PS3, and these games don't looks as impressive as DRH2.

Also, why are we assuming it wouldn't sell? It would probably sell more than the Asuka Dating game. Then again, I don't know how strong the Switch actually is, and I don't really understand how much time, effort, and money goes into porting a console game.

>The switch hardware is pretty fucking bad.
To which I call utter bullshit. See Fate/EXTELLA

>Display a linear line of thinking that is easy to follow
>Calls me incoherent
>Posts something incoherent

I will pray for you.


This is great news. #4theplayers.

Hope we get some better asses and feet models on the girls though

>The switch hardware is pretty fucking bad.
To which I call utter bullshit. See Fate/EXTELLA

Doesn't that game run like 30fps with stuttering all over the place?

>Can only resort to studding green text
The last refuge of the weak minded

Ah the last whimper of the weak. I accept your defeat! Despair wins again!

>see DQH2
You mean a rushed port?

Bad example. A better one would be something like Fate Extella which is closer to Senran Versus games which runs at a steady framerate on switch.

>Can't win against a well crafted argument
>Has to declare victory and go cut his loses.

>mitsuo style
>series on the 3ds
>doesn't port to switch

The flagship game BOTW doesn't even run consistantly. So that barometer of steady frame rates on the Switch is too clouded to pin point. Does Fate run above 30 fps?

>Pushing these lies
A patch fixed the framerate issue to where it doesn't happen anymore.


So I'll get to hold hands with best girl right?

>musou shit
>yumi shoehorned in

Sounds awful. You can keep your remake

it's weeb shit so of course it belongs on ps4

>Can't respond
>Can only resort to reaction images

Dude go to the Korok Forest and tell me there is a consistent frame rate. I'm not trying to lie to you, that's just how the game is.

Its the only retort I need Sweetie~

Is this the same guy who makes Senran threads every day only to be thinly veiled Nintendo hate threads

I don't see any problems there. Get your eyes checked and stop trying to tear the game down.

If by best girl you mean Asuka, then yes.

i didnt

Because you have nothing of merit to post.
So shameful