How can you tell when someone has shit taste?

How can you tell when someone has shit taste?

Are you implying that Dark Souls 2 is bad or Fallout 3 is good?


When it disagrees with your own

but Fallout 3 is garbage

>Prey is bad
>HZD is good

To name a few of the most obvious ones

When they don't do a fair critique and instead always trying to prove some agenda (and state it in the title).

I agree with most of those but Oblivion is worse than Skyrim in most ways, the only thing it does better is its side quests, in pretty much every other aspect skyrim is better.

Defending an objectively piece of shit game like dark souls 2 is a good sign.

Fallout 3 is a game even entry level plebs know is bad so its like saying the sky is blue. Doesn't make me respect him in any way just because it is right.

By OP's post most of the time

This. It's pretty simple, really.

We can tell that you have shit taste OP.

I've only watched a couple of videos like these and a few of them were truly interesting in dealing with obsucre parts of the game, digging up stuff you can't be bothered to dig yourself but most of them is pretentious crap and those two are no exception. Is like the new YouTube craze is to be contrarian. Has Sup Forums mo/v/ed to JewTube?

Oh man i love @literally who @eceleb threads

Well if you tell people that Superman 64 or Dark Souls 2 are secretly actually good then of course people are interested to see what could be good about them.

When they post on Sup Forums

Both are shit desu

t. buttmad DaS3baby

Yeah but more than half of the videos aren't about how they are "secretly" good, is almost always "Hey, remember this emchanic everyone hated the game for? Yeah, this is actually a genius mechanic and here are my OPINIONS, not reasons, OPINIONS to back that up."
There is a difference.
Ross for example reviews weird old games and some turn out to be actually pretty good and he gives reasons as to why.

>b-but das3
Every time. I don't give a fuck about DaS3. DaS3 being mediocre doesn't stop das2 from being dogshit.

I tried watching the DaS2 video but the guy got so damn annoying plus he was calling using Shields a cowards way to play and sucking the dick of critics

so I disregarded everything in that video

They start threads on Sup Forums

When they own a Vita.

>even entry level plebs know is bad
Got anything to back that up? Plenty think it's good, even ones that enjoy the rest of the series

He's just being a contrarian faggot.

When he watches shitty e-celebs because he can´t make it´s own deductions about a videogame being good or bad.

Not liking Fallout 3 is contrarian now?

gosh i hope not

Nah, youre objectively wrong.

If they like hbomberguy. What a shitpile of a channel.

I have a friend who likes Dark Souls 2, and he has some fairly consistent reasoning for it. I completely disagree with him, but I can at least respect where he's coming from.

That dude absolutely hates hbomberguy's DS2 video because it made it even harder for him to explain why he likes that game. He disagrees with everything said in it. It's incredible.

when they're a communist.

The worst example of this I can think of is some well established YouTuber actually trying to make the case that Bubsy 3D is underrated.

It felt like he was banking entirely on his audience never having played the game and therefore not being able to see through his contrived bullshit.

It's really an awful video filled with strawmen, intentionally misrepresenting the opposing sides arguments and counter-arguments, and just flat out lies/misinformation.

Nice argument

It's contrarian to YouTube normies.

So a typical hbomberguy video?

He just doesn't understand lacanian theory.

>That dude absolutely hates hbomberguy's DS2 video because it made it even harder for him to explain why he likes that game
This was one of my takeaways from the video.
>man, those poor DS2 fans who to deal with THIS now

They're decent videos even if the guy's a dumb commie.

He relies a bit too much on shitty gotchas that don't really hold up under scrutiny, but he's a decent editor and takes the piss out of Thunderfoot, Sargon of Akkad, and Armoured Skeptic, which is never a bad thing.

>Better guilds, story, cities, dungeons, houses and npcs.

Now feel free to make some mental gymnastics about Skyrim being better than Oblivion.

their nostalgic FPS games are either Halo or Half Life 2

Fallout 3 really is garbage.

Dark Souls 2 is hard to defend and if he managed to do it legit and not just boil it down to a bunch of anecdotes and wishy-washy attitudes on some pretty hefty flaws then good for him.

Why would you even bring up the dungeons, oblivions are so irredeemably trash that it invalidates your whole point.

I liked his video on why the sherlock tv show is shit

All his other videos are trash though

>Dungeon meme

Well in a score of 1 to 10 you get a 3, keep training.

What do you mean?

Alt-centrist respect knuckles!

Dark Souls 2 is at least better than 3

What's with the backwards Ss?

Dark souls 2 is a good game , i don't know why that triggers so many people.