Senran Kagura risking complete ban in the west due to pedophilia elements

Due to new regulations for ESRB and PEGI, future Senran Kagura titles now risk to be banned completely from the US and EU. The reason is new definitions in the rating systems.

Instead of just looking at the amount of cleavage or butt being shows, the new guidelines prevent "characters who look underage from being sexualized". This will result in a complete ban from the market.

This change is a natural evolution for the rating boards, much like Japanese CERO has gotten tougher on indecent content lately.

This will most likely mean future weebo titles won't see western releases, including Senran Kagura.

fuckin jews

Great source

>you lived to see lolicons get btfo
The day of the cake comes soon

no source but good


>This will most likely mean future weebo titles won't see western releases, including Senran Kagura
or they will just tone them down for the west and people on Sup Forums will screech about censorship

>This change is a natural evolution for the rating boards

good riddance
Based ESRB
Based PEGI

Funny. It'll all be banned, user. All you'll be allowed is ME:A style fuglies.

[citation needed]

The esrb isn't a fucking government institution how the fuck are they gonna ban anything?

got a source for the new regulations?

>No source
>Rating boards can ban videogames

Sexualization is something done by the observer and not the artist.
If you think Mirai is sexual then that's your problem.

Good this is Haram!

They practically ban games, because if any game get slapped with an AO rating, no stores in the US wil sell it.

Developers and publishers alike always make their content with the rating boards in mind.

>diddling kids
>not haram
pick one

His ass

Not OP but this is complete bullshit. Developers portray Mirai in a sexual way.

I mean pick both
this sand business is confusing man

Please, go on, tell me more about why you find- I mean why Takaki made Mirai so sexual.
What is it that makes her that way?

Complete bullshit. But on the other hand, if it were true, then we wouldn't be missing much of anything here. Nothing of value would be lost.

They literally rip her clothes off. Stop fucking trolling, you dumbass weebo

the Australian Claasification Board has stricter guidelines around that shit than ESRB/PEGI do and no Senran Kagura title has been refused classification/banned there yet

You know I played Gal Gun the other day and all I could think was "I can't believe this joke of a game is banned in New Zealand."

GG isn't even sexy, it's just silly.
It's like a dumb parody of house of the dead.
And it's illegal in New Zealand - not even refused rating like OP is suggesting - it's actually illegal to own.

>Not OP but this is complete bullshit. Developers portray Mirai in a sexual way.
What you're saying is complete bullshit. It's cultural. To some people if a woman isn't completely covered up she's being sexual. To other people she needs to be naked.

You'd have more success arguing about posing/facial expression/etc.

So anytime you see a child with their clothes ripped off you automatically assume you should want to have sex with them?
You don't maybe, think of helping them instead?

You're fucked up man.

Nice source you dumb faggot, there would be 50 threads on something like this if it was true. You just wanted to shitpost.

>this guy is serious
I have no hope left for humanity

And those new regulations are? Where can I read them? How will they be enforced?

I think it's most likely that you're full of shit.

Meanwhile real pedos are being defended. Good job, jews really.

Porn games will destroy pornography business,imagine create your own perfect women,honey select make it by competente developers.

r9k talks about sex robots, but photorealistic honey select is less 15 years to makes reality.

Porn games will be like change magazine porn to internet porn (webcams,nude models,porn,sexting,tumblr amateur)

This is such a shitty argument it's not even funny.


I really don't agree.
Senran Kagura isn't a pornographic game, there's no explicit content at all.
None of the poses or animations shown in game are there to arouse, the majority are comical or there to inspire some kind of sympathy to the characters.

Really, who gets off on this kind of thing?

apparently that user does
pretty shameful desu


Would Mirai be acceptable if she had big boobers

I can't wait till 2020 when Japan clamps down on you sick pedos. The tears of you subhumans will nurish me as Japan cleans its image up for the Olympics.

Ok, child fucker.


She would even be more acceptable to herself

It's a good thing Senran Kagura games are already unrated on Steam.

Way to go Mirai you stopped us from getting SK games in the west!!!!!!!!!!!

>We need more inclusivity and diversity
>Let's ban little girls from starring in video games
What do they mean by this?

OP you make these dumb threads every other day

>rating boards are now isolating underdeveloped women
How long until feminist revolt that not all women are born with DD breast or over 5ft height?

>We need more inclusivity and diversity
>Let's ban beautiful girls in videogames, beautiful peoples don't exist anyway

Really, what did they meant by this

xD I made it up again!

>We need more inclusivity and diversity
Unless it offends our puritanical morals. I the other part of that sentence.

This mentality of thinking has already began to implode on itself. Starting with booth babes at cons and now up to attacking artist who draw fanart.

>arabian-sounding username "Amir"
Three time's a charm. All three of these are over-represented when it comes to child pornography.


>Everything moves to PC

There's nothing sexy about Mirai, she's an unnatractive joke character

God what a stupid ass dog.

careful there, dont wanna end up like this user



The real problem is games like Honey Select.
Actual porn games with custom characters, there's nothing to stop someone dragging the breast slider down to zero.
So what do you do about that? Ban breast sliders?
But then you have to face real women, some of whom have different sized breasts despite being of a mature age.
So what do you do about that? Ban small breasts in real life?
Government sanctioned, mandatory tax-payer funded boob jobs?

Let's do it.

I wish I still had that
>impossibly unrealistic standard of beauty unreachable by actual women

SJWs are hilariously bigoted sometimes.

>So what do you do about that? Ban small breasts in real life?
Australia did that, didn't they?

Porn with chestlets is illegal even if they are over 18.

ESRB cannot ban games. They just give them a higher rating or refuse to rate them if too obscene.

The games will get censored before they get banned.

>being tricked by internet memes

Where were you you when cow titties FINALLY won?

SK models are shit anyways

Banning them from porn isn't enough. People might be attracted to those inferior women in real life too.

>put a burqa on the loli
>problem solved

>I'm free, I'll always be free
I wonder what Kitty-tan user is doing now

Mirai is the sexiest Senran


Either went back and is in therapy, is living destitute/homeless, or an heroed

If doodles are given rights, shouldn't they also pay taxes?


hes a drifter riding train to train to freedom

Goddamn, I hate feminism and Jewish tricks.

>having beta parents who would kick you out for expressing normal heterosexual sexuality

Can we ban pedo games like Splatoon as well?

But they didn't kick him out? Also rape dungeon pedoshit isn't exactly normal. I'm not one to lewd lolis usually but if you do lewd them gently

Let's just ban video games. They are all degenerate and don't benefit society at all.

>No Source
>weebo titles
>Was obviously going to type weeb
Nice try, Ironic weeaboo faggot. Neck yourself.

Only Nintendo and Japanese games. Western games are harmless.

Without a doubt.

pls stop perpetuating this dumb myth

it's annoying as fuck that after all these years people seem to still unironically believe that porn of adult women with small breasts is illegal here, it's not

Erm, hello?
Mortal Kombat is teaching our children to tear out each others hearts and turn into dragonmen.
Night Trap is teaching our children to assault women in the shower.

These video games need to be stopped.

Did they put a word filter on weeaboo or why do I see people calling it "weebo"?

I know it's bullshit but I still believe it.
Just seems like something Australia would do.

Those things are ok.

Pic related is not ok.


Harry Potter is literally teaching our children to become warlocks and practice dark magic!
Why won't you think of the children?!

It's so fucking unfair

I'd fuck that.

>sjws crying that kids should be allowed to "choose their gender"
>all of the european sexuality revolution
>this recent "drag kids" thing

give the world five-ten years and pedophilia will be legal

banning most effective form of escapism sounds like amazing idea to move society forward. combine it with movie ban and non-scientific book ban, watch the world advance like never before and suicide rate rising like crazy, but hey, the mother of all omelets

But what if I want my children to learn how to shoot fireballs and teleport? I'm only thinking of what is best for my children like any good parent after all.

That's ok.

Pic related is not ok.

Pokemon is teaching our children to summon demons from the nether realms and/or abuse animals.

Pokemon is ok.

Pokemon girls is not ok.

I agree, so whatever you do do not post more things like pic related

>This change is a natural evolution for the rating boards

That's just not very progressive at all. I hope the Loli Bees Gays Tits community fights the good fight to repeal this hurtful and toxic behaviour of the ESRB and PEGI.

Dragons are not people