>get friends to come over to smash them in Tekken
>forgot to change my Senran Kagura theme on the PS4
Post your embarrassing vidya experience
>get friends to come over to smash them in Tekken
>forgot to change my Senran Kagura theme on the PS4
Post your embarrassing vidya experience
Other urls found in this thread:
did you suck their dicks
>Go to lan party
>Forgot to change my barney wallpaper
They thought Homura was the sexiest, didn't they?
>"I'll show you guys. I am really good at this game"
>get fucking rekt'd all day
>playing video games
>when the guy who has no experience with said game still beats you and everyone laughs at you
>and then you have to suck the winner off but her cock is so big it hardly fits in your mouth
>dad wants to watch dvd on ps3
>turns it on
>hear this start playing from another room
My mom saw my wallpaper I had forgotten to change when she visited me.
>Staying with parents for the holidays
>Playing MGS2 HD
>Mom actually walks in during the scene where Raiden is naked
>Friends want to play with me but I suck at games
>Don't want to pull them down by being shit so I say no so I just sit there being useless as I struggle with whether I did the right thing or not while everybody else has fun
AYY What did she even say?
>porn wallpapers
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
>friend comes over to play vidya on lan
>invite him in and tell him I have to use the bathroom real quick but he can set up his stuff
>mfw I come back to my computer and realize I left the camp buddy thread on /y/ open on my monitor
>normie friends come over and see my full metal daemon muramasa fig
>dont care because im not a pussy bitch
>this is me
No fucking experience in tekken. Don't even know how to grab. Yet I manage to get a triple winstreak in the team mode. It was 4v4 if I remember and they just threw me in first to get my match over with.
>minimize game, leave room to get drink of water
>mom enters
>sees this as my wallpaper
>laughs and says "Oh my God"
>leaves and doesn't bring it up
What did she mean by this?
friends? I'm beyond that.
>friends don't immediately start cheering when they see your senran kagura theme
You need better friends.
do you want to bang your mom?
>not having friends who like weeb games
Got my friend into playing SK, he loves Katsuragi.
Yeah but if she knew she would disown me
>invite my people from college to my appartment to fuck them over in Super Smash Bros
>they insist on playing only on Omega maps with stocks instead of fun maps with items
Fucking tournee fags
>her cock
>friend and his girl friend come to live wit me before they move
>she sees titty ninjas case(booklet and all)
>starts looking at the art book and asks for me to play it
>gets a kick how Ryona turns her ass towards attacks when blocking
My friends already know I like big anime titties so fuck it.
It's hard to get friends in to senran when they're basically pedoshit in their eyes, shit like standard JRPG's are easier
What a meh image, why do people even use background-less scribbles as their wallpapers?
>friend and his girl friend come to live wit me before they move
Literally why the fuck would you do this? Why would you want to be a cuck in your own house? Tell the gf to fuck off or bring hoes for you.
Haha user, I was your mom all along and you are fucking disowned
>Played FFXIV with a buddy for a while
>He had to stop playing when he started his apperenticeship because no money and time
>Still likes to watch me raid over steam broadcast
>I instinctively tab out and open chrome after wipes until everyone is ready
>Forget to turn off "Capture Footage from all Applications"
>Frequently Visited Sites: Sadpanda, Sankaku Complex, Hentai Haven
I like to put on porn wallpapers for my second screen and the tv when I fap. Usually a folder with many pics on rotation.
She asked me if I could change "that" to TV (it was on the TV screen she had just turned on). After that nothing on the subject.
>that screencap of user's mom finding out he like mom futa
Someone post it. It's always a good laugh.
>Senran Kagura theme
Most important thing is to be yourself.
>her cock
>still ashamed when people see your porn tastes
Good and normal people won't judge as long as it's not toddler shit.
>"oh no people know I look at porn"
>Want to invite friends over to play video games
>Don't have any friends
a-at least I don't have to worry about being embarrassed
>female friend borrows my phone
>first suggested word on the keyboard is hentai
It's weirder when it's Hentai, especially when it's Sad Panda but you're right. I'm just an insecure virgin.
>most characters have big tits
who the fuck looks up porn on their phone
Did he even say anything?
He probably doesn't give a shit.
>playing Dragon Age: Origins
>have nude mod installed
>dad walks in while I'm talking to nude Leliana and goes, "Wow, look at her!"
He also saw me jacking off at least two times, which taught him VERY quickly to knock on my goddamn door before entering. If you're young and you still live at home and you want privacy, let one of your parents walk in on you jerking it or doing something weird. If they don't learn how to fucking knock, you'll make them fucking learn.
>he doesn't have the exhentai android app
>having female friends
I usually do after taking a shower
>go to my mom's for the holidays
>bring my 360 and start playing Dead Rising in the living room.
>mom and niece are watching
>forget that the game uses your photos for loading screen
>it loads that pic of Jessie's tits that you have to take for the photographer
>awkward silence
Thanks, Capcom. You piece of fuck.
They look like 10-12 year olds with big titts
Nope and I know he doesn't. He plays Neptunia and puts his characters in the beach outfits, I never asked but it's pretty safe to assume he has the same interests.
>ever jerking off when there are people around while living at home
Why would anyone ever do that
>all my RSS feeds are about updates of my favorite doujin artists/3d hentai producers or decensor-processes
Everything is risky nowadays.
Fapping in the toilet and cumming there and flushing is the supreme way to fap and cleaner, try refute me, that's why phones are better.
>mom catches me fapping to gay porn
>moves my computer to the living room
haha yeah I sure taught her to knock
How do you even aim properly (I'm a cutfag I know I know) if your boner points up and it flies everywhere?
Did it cure the gay, though?
I just did. Fapping on the couch is great user
You do a handstand against the wall next to the toilet bowl with one hand.
Then you have no choice but to jack it to gay porn in the living room. God speed, friendo.
I actually did this once.
It was not nearly as exciting as I thought.
>only friend who's in to weebshit is in prison now
>everyone else keeps nagging to play shit like cod and fifa
Oh no your dad now thinks you are not gay.
I bet he is Disappointed.
>only friend who's in to weebshit is in prison now
Let me guess, he's either black or he's in for pedoshit?
I doubt they cared, friend.
What did he do? Stab some fuck for disrespecting his waifu?
yesterday at work I showed my coworker a picture of my cock purely on accident while flipping through pictures of my cat on my phone.
sorry no video games, I went home and played Tetris.
Lolicon shit isnt any better u pedo
Yeah this dumb black weeb got caught trying to sell drugs and had a knife with him.
I like to play tetris when I'm feeling down too
>tfw sister and her friends walked in on me
>tfw they laughed and said my dick was tiny
>not having friends who are just as fucked up as yourself
My dad once walked in right when i was at this part in NMH2
>get friends to come over
>forgot to change my loli wallpaper
>her cock
You must be gay.
post cat
>friends come over to smoke weed and play vista
>one of them brings a qt Asian girl
>friend requests to see fallout new Vegas for a bit
>tell friend to load a saved game but dont save etc
>leave to get water
>come back and everyone is laughing
>forgot I made a character named ASIAN SLUT
>come home one day
>dad asks to talk to me alone
>tells me he saw some of the porn I was looking at
>tells me it's okay to be curious, but warns me that I can go to jail for looking at child porn
>the "child porn" in question was Bondage Fairies
>never had anything like this
>not an anime loser
I wish
They're so much more normie than me
He's right though
wow your dad took this really well i think
>only person I talk to that's into lolis is an online friend I met through an MMO
Not sure how you find out if someone's into 2D little girls face to face.
>uh uh it was on random haha
Pedo scum should be eradicated
Just come out of the closet already so you can be jailed.
>Friend comes over
>My room is fucking messy
>Friend trips over some cable on the floor
>Knocks himself out on my knee
>Rape him while he is out
>He never found out
>Cash in the bank, it all checks out.
>wanting to be friends with people like yourself
but I hate myself though
so it stands to reason I'd hate them too
Maybe you'd like yourself more if you got to know yourself better.
>having to explain why I only play female characters
I didnt know that it need expalantions.
Man, there just isn't enough stuff about tiny girls getting fucked by small animals and insects.
On deployment at my job I was playing tokyo jungle.
The captain of my ship walked in during free time timeout see what "the men were doing".
He walked in on me and my friend watching the tutorial for the pom Dog fucking the other doggo.
"Nice graphics I guess"
Then he left.
>download hundreds and hundreds of wallpapers from /wg/
>they are all like vidya related
>get an occasional weird one
>have them on my tv that i use as a second monitor
>wallpapers change randomly every 5 minutes or so
>mummy walks in
>"user get that off right now!"
>don't know what shes talking about
>look at TV/second monitor
>its a screenshot of a chrome window on redtube with lots of thumbnails of anal scenes
>mfw when i click on the X in the corner of the window
>mfw it doesn't do anything
>mfw I realise its a wallpaper
I have my right hand on my dick and my left hand holding toilet paper over the tip. Need to have a convenient place to hold your phone up, though.
Why don't you just put down your dick when cumming and cum inside the toilet instead of toilet paper?
>tfw never caught and nobody even suspect i like anime