Get hyped for wolfenstein 2

>get hyped for wolfenstein 2
>think about new movement system with the suit bj is wearing
>turns out bj becomes a cripple and the kike suit just makes him normally walk again
>also the whole fat and cripple sjw shit in the beginning
is there anything that instantly killed your anticipation for a game like this?

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>fat and cripple sjw shit
Sup Forums and it's boogeymen, everyone

How the fuck is that sjw? I swear you poltards are legitimately mentally ill


>suck my limp dick, able-bodied kraut!
just watch this from beginning to end

>cripple sjw shit
lol what

>fat and cripple sjw shit

>a fat nazi in the background and bj being called a pathetic cripple are sjw propaganda
I watched it. You're a fucking lunatic. Kill yourself.

>based bethesdabros didnt forget to add us dicklets
another reason to buy terror billy edition


>making fun of fatties and disabled now constitutes as being a nazi
the history is being rewritten before our eyes.

yeah I mean that's basically all the nazis in wolfenstein do

they just bully fat people

>Insulting the man who you were likely told nazi horror stories about now that he is in a wheel chair is somehow SJW propaganda rather than just a character being relieved that he doesn't have to fight a one man army.
>Nazis didn't see being fat or unfit as shameful.

jesus christ why can't they hire actual german speaking VA's, when they portrait nazi's

To be fair given the attitude of order. It wouldn't be out of my imagination that being unfit would give them cause to mock you. Since they were going for the whole "master race" idea.

The only thing I'm pissed about over this game is the fact that they're shoving references to real life political shit in there.

It's a game where you fucking fight robot nazis with laser rifles anyone who compares it to real life politics is completely retarded.

It can be both.

>real life political shit in there.

like as

The stupid conversation between two guards that's meant to be a strawman of people who think antifa are violent thugs.

>muh black womyn.
>muh jew technology.
>muh fattie german.
>muh commie priest.
>muh KKK is ebil.

As far those idiots are concerned, that makes TNC a sjw game.

>>muh KKK is ebil.
I thought they were portrayed pretty accurately in the diner part

>being this far gone that being a cripple is now considered sjw