Just finished Mario 64 and got all the stars.
Can we all agree that the camera fucking sucks shit and Shifting Sand Land, Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Ride are the worst levels to ever exist?
Just finished Mario 64 and got all the stars.
Can we all agree that the camera fucking sucks shit and Shifting Sand Land, Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Ride are the worst levels to ever exist?
tick tick clock was fun, there's a glitch with a 1000 dollar bounty on finding it.
Sounds like you didn't build up enough speed faggot
Also, git gud
Shifting Sand Land isn't bottom 3 because any level where you can shell surf isn't the worst. Worst levels are Tick Tock Clock, Rainbow Ride, and Hazy Maze Cave. Otherwise you're right. It's still an amazing game.
I disagree about Shifting Sand Land and Tick Tock Clock. Rainbow Ride can go fuck itself though.
Camera is dated, but there's a ROM hack that improves it that you could've used.
>Just finished Mario 64 and got all the stars.
pic related
>Can we all agree that the camera fucking sucks shit
git gud
>Shifting Sand Land, Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Ride are the worst levels to ever exist?
but how many A-presses did it take?
I actually recently got 120 myself, and while I do agree that the camera is absolute hot garbage, the levels are top tier. SSL is pretty easy, and the best part is inside the pyramid. TTC is one of the best levels in the game, and if you're really a shitter, you can just pop into the level at 12 o' clock to make it piss easy. RR is kinda fun with its difficulty, and you can do a whole of bunch of cool things to bypass the carpet rides, but if you are playing casually, waiting for the carpets is kinda lame.
The worst level has to be Tiny-Huge Island. The gimmick is pretty cool, but in actuality, it's a pretty barren level, and has a horrible design flaw in the Huge portion near the beach where you can't really go anywhere or go back to the Tiny portion.
Also I'd like to add that SM64 is way too fucking slippery. There's way too many surfaces in the game that seem like that won't slide you that inevitably do, and ironically, there's surfaces that seem impossible to climb (like the 4 pillars in SSL) that won't slide you. It would be a much better game if they lowered the fucking sliding tolerance so that basic slopes won't slide you off the level, and it would allow for more freedom. I think that's worse than the camera; you can atleast fuck with the camera.
Mario 64 has some well designed levels but shit like the cave level shouldn't be in the game, what an ugly clusterfuck
Camera isnt that bad, and it was like the 1st fully functional camera in a 3d game.
Why are you so assblasted about the camera? I almost never ran into camera problems and when they happened it wasnt a big deal. Why is everything such a big deal to you kids?
No such thing, you can't half press a button
>and has a horrible design flaw in the Huge portion near the beach where you can't really go anywhere or go back to the Tiny portion.
You can completely circle the entire level without ever changing size, both tiny AND huge.
>G-Guys trust me! I'm good at games! I know what I'm talking about!
The only terrible star in Rainbow Road is the one who has you use the cannon to get it.
DS Remake > 64 version
>Can we all agree that the camera fucking sucks shit
>and Shifting Sand Land, Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Ride are the worst levels to ever exist?
>git gud
he got all the stars how much gudder can he get
besides, i think 100%ing the game gives you a pass to complain about it
>fuck the levels with platforms in a platforming game
Except for the slow carpet rides in Rainbow Road, those levels were the tits.
You're just terrible.
Yeah, if you have arthritis maybe
TTC is the best stage in the game
acquire taste
nah mate
DS version feels too unfocused. they had a chance to add in a bunch of cool shit but instead they just spread the power-ups that were already there across 3 characters, gave mario an inflation fetish power-up that makes some stars really easy, and gave yoshi a power-up that's all but useless for like 2 stars
not to mention they completely ding-donged the castle roof and turned it from a pretty cool little reward into basically nothing
that's not even mentioning the controls, which for me were only bearable because I was playing on a 2DS
Camera was revolutionary but yeah
Fuck off with your stale neo-meme. People like you are why we can't discuss this game anymore.
oh and wario was absolute dogshit, they didn't even give him shoulder bash and the only reason his existence is justified is because they added those big black and white blocks
>camera is shit
no argument there
>rainbow ride is bad
Just because you died constantly to pitfalls like a shitter doesn't make them bad levels. I used to hold that same opinion when I was a 7yo shitter who had troubles fucking long jumping/wall jumping.
The camera isn't as bad as people make it out to be you can navigate through a level with precision just using the camera to angle Mario while moving forward because the levels were designed with rigid sharp angles. Granted it would've been nice to have a smooth camera like in Banjo, but I never had camera issues in SM64.
>He didn't use R, C-down
You deserve everything you got
>Why is everything such a big deal to you kids?
It's summer, I expect it. But seriously, you teens are cancer.
some people can't play games while thinking about the year the game was released
Mario 64 came out 21 years ago, play it in that mindset and any wrinkles the game may have developed over the years melt away
>camera sucks shit
agreed, but consider its release date.
>Shifting Sand Land, Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Ride are the worst levels to ever exist?
only rainbow ride, yes.
>"We'll make the controls lighter and more precise!"
>Remove control stick deadzone
>Mario is now impossible to handle well at low speeds
>"We'll make the camera free and easier to aim!"
>85% of available camera angles are fucking useless
>"We'll make shine sprites take longer/more involved to get!"
>Make them more frustrating instead
>"We'll add FLUDD!"
>Crappy FLUDD-based platforming sections AND normal platforming sections are trivialized
SM64 is the more fun game.
SM64 being released 21 years ago instantly makes most later 3D platformers fucking embarrassing.
No, there's nothing wrong with any of those levels. Shifting sand is one of my favorites. The water levels can fuck off though. The atmosphere bothers me
>The water levels can fuck off though. The atmosphere bothers me
>he doesn't love DDD theme
I think you have the bad kind of autism, friend.
I don't understand the complaints on the camera. I never had trouble with it as a kid, and I still 100% it once a year. I do wish Rainbow Ride didn't have as much waiting in it, and looking back, Wing Mario Over The Rainbow (that wing cap level across from Rainbow Ride in the 50 Star room) was kind of annoying in how if you fall off, it takes you outside of the castle.
Go away Pannenkoek
I agree with him
the water levels are spooky
DDD theme is nice to listen to though
>Water levels
>they are all short as fuck
shifting sand land has the best music though
Mario 64 only has like 6 songs
>Tick Tock Clock
>Rainbow Ride
Git gut faggot.
I agree on SS but if there is a shit level in SM64 is Dire Dire Docks.
You can put the camera into "mario" mode and then zoom the camera out while still in mario mode and it's way better.
I never knew that as a kid and I assume most people never knew that either, but it makes the game a lot more enjoyable.