Why have RPGs become synonymous with hack and slashes in the videogame community? You can barely find a game that strives to be an actual RPG - they all for the most part place 97% of their emphasis on combat and the other 3% on dialogue decision making.
Why have RPGs become synonymous with hack and slashes in the videogame community...
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"Computer rpg means it must be about dialogues and decision making" is one of the biggest, most retarded misconceptions ever.
Tell this to virtually any classic computer RPG except for maybe planescape which is just a glorified visual novel.
>have become
reminder that Sup Forums considers D2 a proper rpg
Probably because early RPG's have roots in being hack and slash. Just look at the first three Ultima's
Console and Halo generation, mostly. Though it's not quite true that RPG's have became synonymous with hack-and-slashes - they have been just as much associated with shooting.
Well it's one way of facilitating actual roleplaying. It's better to associate the genre with that than with loot and combat.
>Tell this to virtually any classic computer RPG except for maybe planescape which is just a glorified visual novel.
And Icewind Dale, Fallout, Ultima series, the Gold Box games, etc.
>t. crpg faggot that thinks all RPGs must mimic his shitty choose-your-own-adventure shit.
I don't know why crpg guys even think crpgs encompass rpgs, they're so limited compared to pen-and-paper.
>Tell this to virtually any classic computer RPG except for maybe planescape which is just a glorified visual novel.
Fallout 1/2, Arcanum and Baldurs Gate would like to have a talk with you.
Also, nothing proves that you are just Sup Forums-meme-parroting underaged faggot more reliably than claiming that Planscape is "glorified VN". That is some of the most pathetic meming in the world.
All that said, RPG's aren't about dialogues and decision making. Many of them - including actually most of the biggest PC classics - focused on those elements, but it's not actually integral to the genre.
"actual roleplaying" is impossible in computer games
the only thing devs can do is to adapt tabletop rpg systems to computer games and give you multiple ways to handle certain situations but for a typical adventure the combat/looting will ALWAYS be a major focus
>Icewind Dale, Fallout, Ultima series, the Gold Box games
it's like you're implying that any of those were heavy on dialogues and non-combat decision making
>"actual roleplaying" is impossible in computer games
No it isn't. It's just come in a limited form so far. My complaint is that it became even more limited to the point of non-existence over time when people started associating the wrong things with RPGs.
>it's like you're implying that any of those were heavy on dialogues and non-combat decision making
There's a conscious awareness of these elements and their purpose in those games compared to many games since.
>Fallout 1/2, Arcanum and Baldurs Gate
You mean the games with extensive accent on combat and adventuring, to a point whatever bits of actual decision making you do through dialogues is absolutely irrelevant compared to how you advance through the game via combat or usage of exploration or loot-gathering-related skills?
This is retarded:
Hack-n'-slash growing in popularity and appropriating "RPG" has nothing to do with cRPGs (which are also extremely limited as RPGs in their own right) becoming extinct.
That's a crazy false dicotomy, these things are independent of each other.
Nice try Cleve but you won't make me purchase the ultimate roleplaying experience of our time that's finally releasing in less than 15 hours so easily
>"actual roleplaying" is impossible in computer games
It's not, Dwarf Fortress among other games is proof of that, the problem is that you people don't realize that nobody wants actual P&P roleplay in videogames, there's a reason with it's niche stuff even outside of videogames.
Hardly anybody cares about manchildren playing games of pretend with goblins and dragons, that is why videogames RPGs are more grounded in combat and decision making rather than personal fantasies of wizards stimulating a monk's prostate with magic hand or rolling a dice for cooking that dragon meat.
>No it isn't.
Yes, it is. It will always be limited to parroting a character building from tabletop systems with no actual "role playing" to back it up.
>it became even more limited
Play in more games then.
Underrail is the best thing that happened to genre in last 10 years and it has as much impact you can do through dialogues than in any classic CRPG.
>There's a conscious awareness of these elements and their purpose
Why charisma sucks so much ass in BG then?
>a person mentioning dorf fortress is talking about manchildren and games of pretend
At least I'm self conscious and aware why P&P RPG "mechanics" will stay mostly a tabletop thing.
I can't even refute that NBA 2k is an honest to God basketball RPG
is this picture a jo-jo reference?
Divinity Original Sin 2
Damnit. How'd you figure it was me? Real busy over here. Just finished uploading to warehouse #26463728. Have like 1 or 2 entries left in the manual after I finish my coffee
you never played aracanum you underage weeb redditor
go somewhere else if you want to pose as a real gamer
are you stapling all full color manuals together by hand?
almost every aaa game strives to have some sort of rpg element these days. hell even freakin ghost recon wildlands has character creation, upgradable skills and some dialogue choices.
What's your point, man? So efforts have been underwhelming. This is ample reason for you to go off on an autistic tangent to defend your precious dungeon crawler loot grinds?
Roleplaying is not impossible. This is a retarded claim. Computers can serve the role of DM and multiplayer is a thing. If cRPGs haven't gotten very far yet it doesn't mean it's impossible.
>they all for the most part place 97% of their emphasis on combat
Thats because party building/optimizing, combat and solving puzzles alwyas were and always will be the most fun and exciting elements of RPGs, since the very first computer games in fact.
If you want talking, you have Torments. If you want ONLY talking, you have adventure games.
>So efforts have been underwhelming.
"Non-existent", you mean.
>autistic tangent
user, if there's one autistic thing in this thread, it's you. At least i don't have grand illusions about what computer RPGs can achieve, on top of never having nostalgia goggles big enough to think that non-combat decision making ever mattered more than actual combat and character building.
>Computers can serve the role of DM and multiplayer is a thing.
Good thing we are talking about singleplayer computer RPGs where actual pnp-like roleplaying is STRICTLY impossible.
>computer RPGs where actual pnp-like roleplaying is STRICTLY impossible.
not so fast user
a better question is: why are there still people who associate rpgs with the dialoge-consequence system instead of the leveling/character building system?
just play a telltale game or a visual novel if you crave the former
>"Non-existent", you mean
There's a semblance of roleplaying in games like Icewind Dale and Planescape and Deus Ex no matter how much you want to deny it.
>Good thing we are talking about singleplayer computer RPGs
We? You mean you are, because it makes maintaining your shitty narrative easier. RPGs can be either. In fact, they should be multiplayer. You don't play tabletop by yourself.
Because roles are social by definition. There is a very low social aspect in pure combat scenarios.
>Deus Ex
Yeah just like i'm playing a role of duke nukem in duke nukem 3d user.
How much of a complete experience is it at the moment?
Is it worth getting into now or should I wait for the release?
I'm wondering if I should wait like a year after relase for an enhanced edition as it will apparently be launching without any VO and if I wanted to read I would play goddamned planescape
>Deus Ex and Duke Nukem are da saem gaem guis
The autism is strong with this one.
>the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation
Your definition is hilariously half-assed
>invent an argument
>proceed to laugh at it
I guess it should be called "laughing at your own stupidity"?
A role is a functioning part in a scenario. That implies interaction with something. It is social more than it isn't. God damn, go back to school.
>play old pc rpg
>character creation lets you do anything you want
>you get destroyed in combat if you don't build one in 3 ways
NBA 2K's MyPlayer mode
FIFA 17's The Journey
There's your non hack n slash RPGs, and I'm not memeing.
>That implies interaction with something
Not necessarily a social one.
Actually, such a typical for classic rpgs concept of adventure makes far larger accent on combat and adventuring roles.
What you want is a VN, not an RPG.
Let's be honest, true PNP like experiences in a computer game is just not feasible.
There is no game that will completely change its story on the fly based on the characters actions.
You can spend ten years strictly writing and crafting scenarios to respond to the shot that players do and you qlwill still come up short somewhere.
You're an idiot. A role is what an actor plays in a movie. That's how it is understood in RPGs as well except in circles of clueless retards such as yourself. The difference is that in an RPG the entire plot isn't scripted beforehand, only some elements are, and you have to come up with your own lines within reason of your party's skills in order to drive the plot and carve your own path in it. If a game achieves this at any significant length, it is an RPG.
>game achieves this at any significant length
So none?
>decision making
This is what's missing
>in an RPG the entire plot isn't scripted beforehand
we're reaching extreme tiers of autism here, lads
>it has skills, skill checks, dialogue, abilities, multiple quests in single maps, inventory management
>its duke nukem not an rpg
>it has skills, skill checks, dialogue, abilities, multiple quests in single maps, inventory management
>doesn't have a pnp-like role playing like that retard was trying to say
>and has a locked protagonist with preset personality on top of that
your point is
Because decision making/dialogue would require actual decent writing, and anyone who can write does so for respected mediums, not games for manchildren.
Say something of value for once.
I was talking about pure RPGs there. Tabletop games only. In a video game, obviously everything will be scripted beforehand (except in MMORPGs like UO where there's a little bit more flexibility on that end), but having branching story paths and showing the player only some of them at least achieves the sensation that it is forming as the player makes decisions. The sensation is all you need.
Because good combat is fun and RPGs generally lend great settings and mechanics to said combat.
There's a place for cRPGs and I'm really not sure why you're bitching as much as you are because there's a ton more of them available than 10 years ago, but it's always going to be niche compared games that have more of a combat focus.
I didn't say it was pnp, I said it was an rpg. as you are probably aware, no video game is pen and paper. they are video games.