Decent for a $600 budget?

Decent for a $600 budget?


>RGB lighting
>Windows 10

>flashy RGB setup

What do you run on

Show specs retard
Not your cool little lights

Choose ONE (1) color for lighting.


enjoy never playing any multiplayer shooters at any level above bottom tier pub shitter

why the fuck do people do this?

1.5tb hdd
8gb ddr4
Gtx 980
Amd phenom II

Bit awkward to use the keyboard when it's glued to a wall though, isn't it?

The only proper choices are off or a super dim white if you can't touch type, everything else is for 12 year olds.

Phenom hahahahahahaha

Uh i preferrpgs....

>Gtx 980
>Amd phenom II

Holy shit dude

>Phenom II

Why even bother? just get a console.

>if you can't touch type
Is there anyone at all, on fucking Sup Forums of all places, that DOESN'T touch type?

>Amd phenom II

oh, well carry on then, the massive input delay shouldn't bother you too much


I assume it's half and half but after I saw his specs he should just jacket the brightness all the way up and turn on all the colors.

>in the year of our Lord 2017
>WITH 980
What in the world

I dual boot Linux for day-to-day tasks and 7 for games.

I don't believe you
Download speccy run it and post a screenshot of it

>Amd phenom II
is this niggerguy serious?

$200 more got me this sans the monitor.

You done fucked up.

>phenom II
>a fucking TV


>Windows 10
It's shit

Looks whos talking about done fucking up kid

The least you could fucking do is flip the image
>xbox hueg icons
>cortana on
>windows 10 in general

>daily driver


>needing more than 4 processing cores for games.

You have been meme'd my friend.

>Get's a decent CPU and GPU
>Buys a fucking tiny monitor
Why people do this?

>Phenom II
It's 2017, not 2007


>4K meme

Jelly of that monitor T B Q H W Y S

I'd highly recommend Though I'd prop save up a little more and get the IPS ver. if I could go back.

All of this is fine except for the fucking phenom, get yourself an i5

It's ok for now, but you'll be embarrassed of all this lights and "gaming" gear when you hit 16.

And after 23-26 you won't give a shit anymore and can enjoy things again.

What can I play with this boys?
It cost me 500$

Doom probably.

The new one ...right? right?

>still playing games at 23
Unless you're paid to do that, you should stop.

It's a fun hobby.

Okay grandpa

>playing games for free/personal enjoyment is wrong
>yet shitposting for free is fine

Real talk, are 8 gigs of RAM good enough for another year or so ? Just got my salary and looking to up to 16 (don't need to buy anything else atm)

get g4560

hows that cost you $500?

get a single 8gb, you can buy another one later

sadly i know many people retarded enough to buy that in current year+1
ddr4 would die on a ddr3 chipset tho

eeeh I've heard bad things about using mismatched RAM brands together. I'll get both.

If all you do is browse e621 and play mobas 8gb ddr4 is fine. 1 or 4 sticks really wont matter at all.

It only matters if you do more, like editing or simulations.

2666/3200 is optimal for gaming.

This whole thing cost me 700€ what do you guys think?

and here is my setup

What if I can't use DDR4 ? And my old ass mobo only has 2 slots for DDR3. Is the difference that noticeable ?

Stop using speccy.


I like your sprite art


vfio passthrough master race

I got this for ~$100 4 years ago.

I am NOT a computer guy, last time I owned a computer was when Diablo and Quake were the thing.

wtf is all that glowing rainbow shit, are you at a fag parade or what?

Why doesn't screenfetch show my GPU? Is it because of the open source drivers?
I have an R9 380 btw

Wait what's wrong with Chrome? What are we supposed to be using now?

Average tier. this is what all true Sup Forumstards should have at least. Anything less is pathetic and sad