my gf died of cancer a few days ago and so far the only thing to keep my mind off it has been wolfenstein and just beat it
before the urge to kys my self come back what are some good single player fps game?
My gf died of cancer a few days ago and so far the only thing to keep my mind off it has been wolfenstein and just beat...
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Just kill yourself faggot
Play F.E.A.R.
Don't listen to fuckwits OP
Nice blog m8 liked and subscribed :^)
How about you go through the grieving phase properly so you can enjoy video games to the fullest once it's over.
Doom, Doom 2, DOOM
Kill the demons, user.
Also a solid choice.
ive beaten f.e.a.r. before but im sure its worth a replay
f.e.a.r. 3 was the first game i played with her ;-;
Try this game, it's got a good story
you cant trik me i know what you are doing there
Bitches come and go OP, get over it. She was your gf, not your wife. Be thankful you didn't date a girl with emotional issues who killed herself, that's much much worse, as you have the sense if guilt plagueing you.
Cancer is a natural cause, my closest uncle died of cancer when I was 9, yeah it fucking sucked, but you learn to accept that sooner or later, we all die.
Also, play Sengoku Rance, it is the ultimate cure for depression. That's what I was told by Sup Forums 5 years ago when my ex killed herself, so it's what I'm telling you now.
>don't want to kys
>play fps instead
Why do you torture yourself so much?
Quake and DooT
>not your wife
but she was going to be
>why do you like things i dont
gee user who knows?
Now I bet you wish tou weren't a smocker
I just can't stop wearing smocked shirts though.
Go outside, stop playing games. Force your body to move.
How old are you?
serves you right, filthy unvirgin
You think you know better than FEMA what to do with this months ambrosia shipment?
i never did get around to the new doom but did want to
grind away at league of legends. Its so damn irritating and annoying, but mildly engaging
Follow her steps and an hero.
>Its so damn irritating and annoying, but mildly engaging
just like a real gf :^)
>f.e.a.r. 3 was the first game i played with her ;-;
That is too bad user. Hopefully you played better games with her before she passed.
yeah the game is pretty bad but it was fun with her
and yeah we played lots of other stuff
so many dickheads ITT
OP, i can't relate completely to what you're going through, but I did lose my father to cancer at the age of 18.
The only thing I can say is that I wish you the best, and I personally found solace in the persona series. They address mortality a lot in an uplifting, bitter/sweet way.
Play Stalker yet?
sorry for your loss but you dont belong here normie, pls leave
Do you also own a computer?
Yeah, you dodged a bullet there buddy. No man worth his shit should be getting married before 35. You've still got a whole life ahead of you.
Don't you have a career? Any passions?
Marriage to a cute girl while you're young and immature might sound nice and dandy, but the reality of the situation is that your life of blue pilled ideals wouldn't have turned out the way you expected, and you would have lived a life where all the love and passion you and your SO once felt completely fizzled out and you were stuck in a marriage hating each other.
Give the film Blue Valentine with Ryan Gosling a watch, and give this blog a read:
You're 25, see this as life forcing a new path on you and giving you a second chance. If you become a man with drive and purpose in life you will meet tons of women. Given how this seems to have affected you, it's clear your entire life was built around the ideal you created over this girl, you were postrating her on a pedestal, a common mistake most men these days do, and now that she's gone, you have nothing. You have yourself to blame for that, because you had nothing to begin with, and were filling that in with her. See it as it is, an experience, like most relationships are. Cherish the memories, but find a purpose in life. Fate has given you an opportunity to become a self made man, not a provider for female hypergamy.
Bulletstorm is a hilarious and overall really fun game to play, even if the level design can be kinda lacking. Also Steve Blum swearing every five minutes is hilarious.
Stalker is pretty boss to take your mind out of reality. Once you hit the rad100 the game gets really really good
this is not /r9k/
thats all i have
only a little bit but yeah
If you're serious, sorry for your loss. I'd advice on something but my grieving is usually drinking myself half to death and wait for the sun to come up.
If you're joking, whatever.
>Brother (9 years older) marries her gf even though she had cancer
>She was fine for a while
>2 years later, she keeps going to the hospital
>The day after I graduate from college, she ded
>Brother comes back living with us. First weeks he was sad
>6 months later, he has a new gf as old as me
Things like this happen. Even if knowing that a lot of people experience this doesn't make you feel better, you should consider that not everyone can down their sorrow in videogames. You can as you enjoy playing them.
Also, post more cute Ayla.
Surround yourself with friends and family as opposed to videogames and the kinds of autismos who post on Sup Forums, holy moly. That said, I'm sorry for your loss.
I gotta agree with this user, Bulletstorm always takes me out of a bad mood, if solely due to how hilariously stupid the game can get.
Try Starsiege, not exactly an FPS in a traditional sense but it's fun as fuck and more people need to play it.
When my dad died of cancer, I played the fuck out of inFamous. It had just come out like a week after and I really immersed myself in it. Made for a great early coping mechanism because it made me feel powerful when I was truly powerless in my life. That whole series is a lot of fun, I highly recommend them.
First step is to get off Sup Forums. This place will just make you feel worse. Second step is to connect with your friends and/or family, especially if you were close to your gf's family - they're suffering, too. Gaming may distract you, but it won't help you.
Plague inc.
me on the left
dont worry
i dont think Sup Forums could do anything to make me feel worse that i do as is
>i dont think Sup Forums could do anything to make me feel worse
Don't say it twice.
>kys my self
>kill your self my self
You should kys.
how new r u?
Sorry for you're loss
Bulletstorm, Metro 2033 and last light, nuDOOM, Shadow warrior (original and 2013 reboot) and Shadow warrior 2
OP, my gf died near 10 years ago in a car accident where I was the driver so I know what is guilt and grief (we are going to marry too)... I know every comment feels like they cant understand your pain but believe me, time heal, you dont forget but helps you to accept the fact that the world keeps moving.
I know you are asking for FPS, but try just cause 3, is also a goofy game so maybe it can cheer you up.
>Bitches come and go OP
>Also, play Sengoku Rance
Why am I not suprised?
>getting married at 25
fucking hell
My parents are mad for me because I'm turning 26, and they still have no grandchildren to play with.
>making kids just because your parents want grandchildrens
top kek
what kind of cancer did she have this young?
>having kids because your parents are bored and want grandkids
Your parents are pricks, user.
>this young?
little kids get cancer too user
Tell your parents to give you more siblings.
>my gf died of cancer a few days ago
>confessing to murder on Sup Forums
h-haha i would ever do that!
Finish that one game she never did.
>my gf died of cancer a few days ago
Play Little Big Planet. The first one. Remember to turn the music up as loud as you can.
The new DOOM is the epitome of clatharism. You just angrily kill the demons of hell in brutal ways while rock music loudly blasts. I'm sorry to hear about your GF user. I'll pray for you to see the beauty in life again. I'm sure that's what she'd want too!
Few times my dad told me he should have made more siblings when he was still young, maybe these would be much better.
First time I heard this, I was emotionally crushed to be honest.
Well, I'm not making any yet and find this reason alone to be kind of silly.
I'm working full-time, paying for apartment, I maintain career and hobbies, work out, and even travel. And it's still not enough.
hey thats my name
This, it can help provide closure