/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday


Other urls found in this thread:


first for intelly!!

why so early?

Why not so early


If I remember correctly somebody was asking for Genesis with a bikini and wet Tshirt.
I've got a better idea

Good lord

I'm the best.

also post some comic ideas, I might do them later

Adventurous GBMicro explores the world around her

PC and Shield are chasing Vita with tainted needles and various illegal substances. Vita tries calling home for help but her call is blocked with an E-80558325 error

i would love to see some story of -tans in their childhood. maybe someone who's had a rough life like u-tan

I've been waiting for this.

This with made in abyss. Micro as Riko and intell as Reg.

>Autism the thread

Calculator console aimed at females

Remember: post more cd-i

here, go relax now

More wet t-shirt fun with SNES and Genesis?


Why are wet t-shirts so best

Also isn't water bad for consoles

someone on flockmod already drew something similar but I can't find it in the flockmod gallery anymore

It's 16:30

What secret game will you play with CD-i, user?

continuation topic from last week.
please post forgotten tans

can someone hit me up with a design of GBMicro I can't seem to find it on the booru.




We need more drunk consoles

What's the strangest thing an inlaw has done to you?

Why do you ask?

See you in a month.



Can I see some New 2DS XL?

it's just tall 2ds

You must be the same artist that did the same thing with CDI, great work.


That's fucking nice, great job.
Pretty sure I was the one who requested that so thanks for drawing it.

Just to spark some discussion, nothing more nothing less

Classic 2DS.

I need more of 2DS in that cute dress and bow.

What vidya have you anons been playing lately? And post your favorite -tan too.

River City Ransom Underground


Cities XL.
Fuck bridges.


Spla2n, Rocket League. Looking for Ever Oasis and either Miitomo or Pikmin on 3DS, maybe Drive Girls too


>Five hours
>50 replies
It's fucking dead today.


hello where is lewds :--DDdd

Wakey wakey burgs and genki.

where is my smug PS4-chan with her newly announced Senran Kagura games?
taking games from 3DS, taking games from Switch~!

tfw no PC-tan bf



Why does jaguar have four arms while levitating six eggs of various sizes?


A real quick coloring


I want to ____ SNES!

lap pillow



don't let it die.

Let it die user


you first.


make me a sandwich





>posting anything other than Arcade-tan

Are there any consoletans that are traps?

>we get this joker instead of HANDHELD POWAAAAH every week
This sucks man

Make me a sandwich



Thats not a trap im afraid

>liking traps

Are the Switch wars over yet?

shit fetish

That's where you're wrong.

daddy like

>no afterdark again

There's not enough porn of him servicing PC.

can you fuck off already? you're annoying

fucking Xbox would be the loud fratboy drunk who parties hard
u-tan is 2lewd

is that console-tan world's equivalent of like...rule 63 or something?




i rike

still alive


Let's get uncomfortable