Where my ventrue bros at?

Where my ventrue bros at?

>implying Ventrue are capable of being bros
Nos, Gangrel, or get the fuck out.

>Lowborn clans talking back
You're overestimating your usefulness, mongrel. One word from your ventrue boss and you'll be tracked down and crucified by an angry pitchfork mob.

Where does the power to the camarilla come from?

How did this guy manage to become CEO of EA at such a young age?

right here

Two parts:

1) The loyal private army of the Camarilla, Justicars, Alastors and all sorts of "soldier" types taht obey the inner circle or the princes, like the Sheriff in-game.

2) The other part is the everyday vampire that wants their city to have camarilla protection and rule of law. In many cities the camarilla is the only alternative to the Sabbat, so it is the preferable option. Not all cities are like LA that have the anarchs as a viable alternative. So vampires naturally gravitate to the camarilla.

>can only get a stiffy if you think you have power over others

that's sad Ventbros, haven't you learned anything from your previous life.

vampires don't get stiffies you underageb&

An ego stiffy, you pedantic twat


Not to mention Princes, Justicars, Alastors, Sherifs, Primogens and other Camarilla high class tend to be vastly more powerful than the 12th gen shit that makes 90% of the Sabbat.
Found the Lasombra.

explain vampire sex and half vamps

What do werewolves eat?

Nosferatu are pretty cool guys. Y'know, updating your overdue library books and stuff for you.
Send moisturiser

>photoshopped photograph instead of actual artwork

I will never not be mad.

You can if you spend blood points.

t. superior Tremere, the only clan capable of not being permavirgins

Go Team Venture!


Lasombra > ventrue

I'm glad I was not the only thinking about it when you had to go to the Ventrue Tower, especially with the last season.

>not being a tremere
>not committing diablerie and getting away with it because fuck haters
>not being the most OP thing in the WoD because you're basically vampires+mages
>not being basically an invincible god, if you spend enough downtime prepping

Tremere are a pathetic half-breed, barely worthy of being called vampires, let alone having the powers of a mage.

>not committing diablerie
Sorry, your blood-bonded masters smell the diablerie aura off you and evaporate you. Thanks for playing.

>not being the most OP thing
Your higher-up in the pyramid structure feels threatened by you so takes you out, try again.

All the amazing powers in the world and immortality are not worth it if you have to live under the cuckold pyramid scheme.

>committing diablerie
I mean that's how the tremere were formed in the first place
>Your higher-up in the pyramid structure feels threatened by you so takes you out, try again.
Implying that doesn't work for all vampires.

i bet this post was made by a tzimisce

gangrel > malkavian > nosferatu > tremere > brujah > ventrue > toreador

t. bumstung Saulot fangirl

>I mean that's how the tremere were formed in the first place
Yes, and your master elders don't want you to do the same. I'm glad you see the hypocrisy.

>Implying that doesn't work for all vampires.
Not to the extent of the Tremere clan. The pyramid scheme has been set to prevent any of the younger ones to attain any real power and change the clan's direction. The blood bonds within the pyramids is the most tyrannical way of enforcing slave loyalty.

Even the pseudo-stalinist Sabbat with their absolute authoritarian leadership allow for more freedom to act than the tremere.

Not to mention that most Camarilla clans barring the ventrue don't have cutt-throat hierarchies. Literally no excuse.

The Tremere filth was born out of Tzimisce blood. It's only natural to protest against its defilement by a bunch of antediluvian-serving cuntsuckers.

>Want to go on Ventrue run putting stats into Dominate Stealth and other nonviolent areas.
>Plan on being a sneaky fucker and suiciding enemies from the shadows
>Suiciding somehow alerts everyone in the level to my exact location

>Sup Forums can only relate to the mutant freak clans

how expected

>implying that vampires don't exert as much control over childer as they possibly can
>implying there are cool clans that are a-ok with their charges fucking everything up
>implying that you're not dead as fuck if you look at elders the wrong way, whatever clan you are
>implying that being part of a plan and a community is bad
>implying the Tremere aren't the most powerful clan in modern nights

stay mad

Camarilla pride worldwide

1) The loyal private army of the Camarilla, Justicars, Alastors and all sorts of "soldier" types taht obey the inner circle or the princes, like the Sheriff in-game.

2) Tremere

>>implying that you're not dead as fuck if you look at elders the wrong way, whatever clan you are
There's a difference between you causing trouble deliberately and some Tremere asshole that ranks higher ordering you to risk your life while he enjoys his tea. Oh, and you can't refuse, because refusing your blood-bonded master is emotionally painful.

>>implying that being part of a plan and a community is bad
Same as before, nice slave "community" you got there. Meanwhile, the tzimisce keep their own haven, pay respects to the clan's tradition, are given the privacy to pursue their own interests, and only band together when survival is at stake. That's a community.

>>implying the Tremere aren't the most powerful clan in modern nights
Topkek. The Ventrue will always be the most powerful clan because they have two social disciplines. That means they can rally human and vampire armies to attack their enemies before they know what hit em. The assamites were individually the most powerful clan years back, but then they waged war against the ventrue, and they lost, by human armies no less. Do you think the tremere would do better?

Not to mention that tremere lack allies. They cursed the assamites and now the assamites have regrouped, broken the curse, and come back with a vengeance and a hate-boner for the tremere. Same for the Tzimisce. Once the ventrue deem you lowlifes as not useful anymore, you're dust.

Oy kine

REMOVE ANARCH remove anarch
you are worst kindred. you are the kindred idiot you are the kindred smell. return to tyler. to our loyal brujah cousins you may come our domain. you may live in the slums….ahahahaha ,xavier we will never forgeve you. brujah rascal FUck but fuck asshole anarch stink carthage sqhipere shqipare..anarchist genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead kindred..ahahahahahANARCHS WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget masquerade .masquerade we protect our kind , anarch return to your precious utopia….hahahahaha idiot anarch and rebel smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE ANARCH FROM THE US. you will get caught. toreador+ventrue+tremere+malkavian=kill brujah…you will bend knee/ Hardestadt alive in camarilla, Hardestadt ruling camarilla . iron fist Hardestadt camarilla. we are rich and have blood now hahahaha ha because of Hardestadt… you are ppoor stink brujah… you live in a fucking bar hahahaha, you live in slums
hardestadt alive numbr one #1 in camarilla ….fuck the anarchs ,..FUCKk ashol brujah no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur ideas and free state. tremere aliv and real strong kindred kill all the brujah farm aminal with blood magic now we the camarilla rule .ape of the zoo diablerist tyler fukc the great god and lay egg this egg hatch and brujah wa;s born. stupid kindred form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of kine. camarilla greattst setc


Children of Set was here.
That is all.

>keeping an obedient and orderly clan is a bad thing
>implying the elders are malevolent and have interests other than the clan's best interest
It's called trust. Tremere is probably the only clan that can count on it.

>nice slave "community" you got there.
Edgy. Enjoy that infighting.

>The Ventrue will always be the most powerful clan because they have two social disciplines.

wew lad. wew. Tremere might have magic, but we can play napoleon. Tremere have chantries, aren't completely dependent on specific blood, and can just fuck off to the midnight palace whenever they want, not to mention that they couldn't even get into the chantries unless the tremere wanted it.

pretty good and lore friendly

I'd say replace "carthage shqipere shqipare" with "brujah gayreek" (brujah were athens and lost to ventrue sparta) or something similar derogatory for brujah, since shqipere refers to the albanians and their similarity to bosnians.

Threadly reminder that Antediluvians don't exist.

>ywn get teased by jeanette
why even live

Oh, here we go

>his clan doesn't have Celerity

>ventrue vs tremere
>Pavis of foul presence
gg ventrue

Threadly reminder to open it.

Tremere here enjoy your thin blood while we take over the world

>suddenly, when the war starts, all the ventrue start wearing blue silk ties
>war ends five minutes later when all the ventrue shit themselves to death

>It's called trust.
>slavery means trust

>the elders are malevolent and have interests other than the clan's best interest
>vampire elders giving a shit about younger vampires, let alone anyone other than themselves

>Enjoy that infighting
Not my fault your clan is so pathetic and distrustful that the abolition of blood slavery would lead to civil war. Other clans maintain individuality, privacy, property, freedom without having to kill each other out of institutionalized competition and spite.

Young tremere have the slave morality ingrained deep inside them, their reality is so miserable and cucked that they want to think everybody else's reality sucks just as much. And god forbid anyone has fun with their life or lives better than they do, that has to be reduced to zero. The definition of a brainwashed slave that is beyond helping.

>muh chantries
Say hi to the alastors that come knocking on your door once you dare betray the ventrue. The Tremere would be wiped out in a few nights if they were greenlit by the ventrue. It would be open season from all the clans that hate them.

>All this Tremere shilling
Why don't you go ask your "antediluvian" how that diablerie is going for him

Hi, I live in a sewer and eat rats. I go to strip clubs with Obfuscate on. I used a fire axe as a weapon through most of the game.
I never scored.

>ywn reach Tremere and Augustus' JUST levels when it comes to diablerie

good feels

your '''clan''' is doomed and no amount of muh ancients is going to change that

>muh slaves
There is literally nothing wrong with being part of something larger. Even James Bond had his superiors.

>Say hi to the alastors that come knocking on your door once you dare betray the ventrue.
>escape to a true friend

uh oh, they destroyed an empty warehouse and 3 ghouls. How will the Tremere ever recover?

I want to roll on my next character. Is the user making the image still around?

Technically all clans are doomed. That's the whole point of the setting. But sure you keep debating which clan is less doomed Tremerefags, while real mages just laugh at you all.

i am but i'm still thinking interesting builds

completely open to ideas



Is Dementation any good with unofficial patches?
Kinda want to do a stealth malkavian caster.

Enjoy never reaching golconda my friend.

>not Terese
Do you hear the voices too?

Where my flesh artists at?

Dude, the Prince bought you an apartment, just use it ya pointy eared nutter.

>answer questions so the game will pick a clan for you
>get nosferatu 90% of the time
actually have skin problems that make me feel bad, wouldn't be so bad if i had other nosferatu to be with

There are some areas where you simply run out of blood and can't get enough more (the worst areas). For 90% of the game, it works. You'll still want some guns for the end-game bosses and a good weapon for the sewers.

But there isn't as many rats to eat there.

>Get told that this character is usually willing to fuck you at the end of their quest line
>They don't fuck me
I guess I will go back to the sewer then.

If you don't install the casting animations, it's good. You can quickly trance one human and kill another with dementation but it's a lot slower with the casting animation.

>>muh slaves
no, it's not "muh" at all, it's literally slaves. You disobey an order? You're tortured. You fuck up? You are punished severely/executed. You dislike living within the pyramid scheme? Too bad, it's either that or death for treason.

>uh oh
Alastors hunt down individuals that are far more powerful than any tremere faggot. And if they're not enough of a threat, there's always Justicars. And if they're not enough, there's always the elders of the other clans, like ur-Shulgi. If the Tremere lost Camarilla protection and support from the cammie clans, the assamites on their own would tear them apart. Or do you think petty chantry magic, fire tricks and a Gargoyle can do anything against the most powerful vampires on the planet?

>implying ventrue fight face-to-face on their own
literally useless, ventrue order others to fight for them

Did you read emails and check back later? It won't be right after she kills Therese, but I think after you do a couple quests in downtown she'll email you asking for you to see her.