Never played fighters but tekken a few times with friends

>never played fighters but tekken a few times with friends
>want to get into them
>watch different games and decided to start at SF5 since it seems the easiest 'real' fighter
>been playing 2 weeks, practiced the moves in training, combos, watch youtube videos, high level players and read guides
>out of 100 matches have won 1

Im using ken right now could that be why? This shit is not fun at all and im just getting bodied over and over, how do you even get into fighters?

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Practice fundies before anything else. This will get you to at least Super Silver.

You are probably fucking up on your decision making. since making combos in SF5 is easy as hell people usually shine in mind games and pressure.

You will only ever get good at SF5 or any other fighter if you have the time to put practice and play it a bunch. HAving friends also helps.

Else it is better to not even tackle to genre.

You're better off learning how to block and when it's safe to attack first.

The hardest part of the game isn't learning combos but learning how characters play and reading the opponent.

I watched a lot of tournaments involving my character when I first started, and practiced how other people played them.

Hope that helps, stick with it. It's hard to play a fighting game without any previous experience. Just gotta keep playing and learning.

This, I started winning with no attacks other than Guile's crouching HK, Sonic Boom and Somersault Kick when I learned how to block and counter.

If you want an easy edge over the shitties here's what you do.

The biggest mistakes shitties do is miss out on free damage after blocking unsafe moves. Learn to identify the really dangerous moves, the shoryus, the invincibles, all the ones that crush counter on recovery. And then learn to not just throw or sweep them afterwards, learn a simple ass crush counter combo, even if it's just like crush counter -> target combo -> special move. Then learn the special moves that are on-block punishable by medium normals, like most tatsus. Block it and punish it, even if it's just with medium punch into fireball. Learn to also react to blocked sweeps even if it is just with your own sweep. Crouch block should be your default defense and shitties like to sweep randomly because no other crouching kick exists for them.

Learn to defend, shitties will almost always bury themselves with the aforementioned moves. If you're Rookie you can get way into bronze at least just by simply identify block-punishable moves and waiting for the inevitable moment where they just throw it out for no reason.

Everyone always says you shouldn't give a shit about frame data if you're just starting out. It's bullshit. There's nothing arcane about it and it gives you a basic jist of when you should retaliate or no. Look at how much minus on block the moves are that are blowing you up. If it's -6 that means usually you can get a punish combo from a crouching medium punch at least. If it's in double digits you get a fierce punch or even roundhouse starters.

What should I work on as Diamond player?
I know it's kind of a broad question without replays provided.
My problems are: grappler matchups, getting blown up by shimmies, some jump-ins. My strong points are meaties and pressure. I main Bison.


You dont need combos. Learn footsies, anti air and spacing.

>since making combos in SF5 is easy as hell

most of the cast has dial-a-combos like ryu, ken and karin. but charge characters require more practice because of the charge timing. thast is why most people dont even play urien or chun because they require skill

I got you senpai, this e-book

I wanted to get into Tekken 7 but no in game tutorial and it got boring fast

also wondering what fighting game to pick

street fighter v
crossplay it what keeps it alive

Just don't bother, fighting games will never be worth getting into because you spend like 200-300 hours at the beginning of each game's lifecycle getting shit on by other people until you gain some sort of competency. You need to play like four fighting games religiously over the course of five years or so to get to the point where you really start having fun with them, and at that point you would've been much happier just playing some single player games/multiplayer games that don't require years of work. Fighting games are a niche game for a niche audience, and the overwhelming majority of people who buy them play for a week or so, then drop it and never play them again until EVO comes around and we get another fifty threads like this.

fuck it then i give up. dont think i have enough time or dedication to make this shit fun.

Pretty much this. Some people find this kind of thing fun but most don't. If you don't don't worry about it and play some shit you like instead.

Should i get ultra sf4 or sf5? I have never owned a sf game but played a little here and there with friends

This has to be the most productive conversation I've ever seen on Sup Forums, most of the time it's shitty memes or noob-shaming. Why aren't you guys like this all the time?

Both are easy games, but SFV requires less competency and execution, aka more beginner friendly, not bashing the game, just stating from personal experience

SF5 is one of the easiest, but also the worst. It's also only the easiest one because it has the most players. However, other fighting games may very well kill SFV's player base because no one is really satisfied with the game -- the community is mostly built and maintained by Capcom's sponsorship.

1. If you're not being sarcastic, you really haven't been here much.

2. Most people just aren't going to like fighters. Hell, Sup Forums is proof enough of that. Next to nobody here likes them and that's fine. Better to move on rather than force yourself to play a genre you hate.

USF4 has the content if you want to jump into the game with a packed roster from the start.

You can win games in bronze wo knowing a single combo more complex than canceling a normal in to special or super.
Its all about having a plan and reaction time.
Lern some basic ken cross ups or how to tick throws.
Althou ken is heavily focused on combos.
As far as characters that have good fundamentals and can win wo relying heavily on combos go.
Id recommend Birdie RYu Gile Cammy Alex Nekali and Vega.

USFIV if you want to play solo. The game is dead online and the few people still playing it are hardcore autists with tunnel vision who will demolish you within seconds.

SFV if you actually want to play online.

Ultra has way more content.
But the online in it is sparse.

Expect to not find people for several minutes and if you do find people they will be way ahead of you.

SFV right now has less content but it has the most alive online community of any 2d fighter.

Assuming you have decent internet and dont live in the middle of nowhere in Siberia you will find people to play.
Many of them even beginners.

Fighting games are badly designed
Here's why.

Modern fighting games teach you:
>mechanics (including proper blocking)

This is enough for any other game to be played consistently at first with decent success and, with continued practice, gain skill. However, these crucial elements to playing fighting games effectively are only learned through outside resources:

>spacing and zoning
>character matchups
>neutral game
>other "fundamentals"

Fighting games don't give you these tools or properly set the stage for you to learn them on your own. They give you the bare basics and throw you into their game. While you may make it in single player without them, if you don't learn these elements you will not be considered "good" at fighting games and will lose constantly on a player vs. player basis. I really don't know why people give fighting games a pass when they're the ONLY genre that requires you to seek third party instructions and information to get the most out of them. There's a reason why fighting games were dying before the internet exploded.

SF5 is trash but you will find other beginners to play with.
SF4 is good but the only people playing it are people that were already playing the game for years and disliked SF5 enough to not switch.

You can learn those things just from playing the game, however that only works if you can actually find other players within the same universe as your skill level, so most games in the genre are trapped in a cycle of perpetual niche appeal.

You're probably doing unsafe stuff and getting punished like crazy
It should be the other way around

Stop with the random shoryus and tatsus, they aren't going to do any good
Sweeps (crouchink HK) are mostly unsafe across all the roster, don't do them randomly
Learn a crush counter combo and punish people that do random shoryus
Learn to cancel crouching MK (or MP) into fireball (and super if you want) and punish random sweeps (or just sweep them, usually that works too)
Don't jump too much, if your enemy hits you out of the air once or twice then you should just stop jumping against him, the higher you go the harder it will become to get a jump-in, so don't rely on that
Crouching HP to punch people jumping-in too much, stay at a distance where they'd fall right on your punch if they jump, they should stop after a few tries

Welcome to silver

No games completely teach you that second layer of info or the nuances of being "gud" because there's no way for the game to teach you how to fight every single brain playing these games. Tutorials are getting much better about actually including matchup tips, option selects, footsies, etc. and those stupidly complicated and impractical later end challenges give you some clue on how to eek some damage out of a random hit you might get on someone bouncing around because not every hit confirm is going to be perfect.
It gives you the tools, after that it's just learning through trial and error how to implement them in ways that work for you. Not many people like seeing their ass beat over and over so it doesn't pan out.

Please respond.

>been playing 2 weeks, practiced the moves in training, combos, watch youtube videos, high level players and read guides
just 2 weeks?
and all this chinstroking?!
bro i have a video for you to watch
now frame your perspective differently

>chun because they require skill
get that ass banned

This isnt true though, you obviously have to put a time and effort into getting better, watching good players and figuring out what theyre doing helps a lot, there are a shit load of high level tekken players making tutorials. If youre not retarded you will be competant enough to win at the lower levels in a few days

my question for op is
despite saying 2 weeks
how long per day did you actually play
how many people/matches did you play per day
there are people out there with months of experience and hours per day of practice and application
you can't complain that you're losing to them as if you're supposed to be some kind of natural talent who'll get some kind of startup boost to somehow catch up to their level

i'm good at fighting games now but when I first played SF4 as my first fighter I lost more than 100 before winning once. I had a good time doing it too, since everything sorta comes together once you start understanding what's going on.

let go of your pride and just accept the Ls, the fun part is learning.