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what a cutie
any r34 yet?

BB lore make sense though.

>Youtuber /x/-tier videos about the story makes sense

the game is also much better at telling its story/lore than the souls games.

This thread again?

>brainlet can't comprehend BBs story and lore

Where is this scene from? I'm not much Sup Forums and I don't watch movies too often, but if the rest of this is as good as this scene then I want to see it.

>satanic symbolism

So....you didn't play the game...

Black Dynamite

Black Dynamite pretty good

>implying the txt '''''hints''''' are part of the story

>If I dont get it its satanic
Are you the catholic church?

Oh look, is the same thread.
Whats your weaponfu Sup Forums?

>Satanic symbolism
The fuck you on about mate

Yes they are with the architecture and the environment. Souls can have very complex story telling.


The weapon of the best boss in the game, obviously.

>item descriptions mentioning parts of the environemts you troverse make for complex story telling

>Souls can have very complex story telling.
>provided by third party autists and /x/ schizos


That's how Miyazaki tells stories because that how he likes them, it's honestly not hard to understand at all
You can miss some elements sure, but not understanding is on you

Of course he didnt he is a PCbro.

The director makes it a big part of the games story and exposition because of how he was forced to read English fantasy novels as a kid and not knowing what the fuck was going on due to his limited understanding of the language, having to fill his own gaps in the story. He wanted to translate that imagination to vidya.

i found it kinda underwhelming after seeing what maria could do with it.
the super quick R2 is great though
i am in my first playthrough going full skill.
and i gotta say while blade of mercy and Rakujo are nice,i find myself going back to the good old cane.would probably use the reiterpallasch more if i had more bloodtinge.

looking forward to kicking ass with the stake driver though, that thing looks rad.

I understand but what is the story of Bloodborne? The game has 3 endings and all of them are simply 3 second disconnected endings

Christian fundies are hilarious. It must feel so weird to move through the world believe in some lord of the rings shit.

Gore is serious business doe.That shit hurts! Are game designers not aware of it?

'Sall about that L2 desu


>I understand but what is the story of Bloodborne
You're a hunter and hunt beasts.

Also eldritch beings are using you in their equivalent of Game Of Thrones

its about 2 people trying to talk to the old gods, one believing that insight is the answer, the other one thinking that the old blood under the city is the answer.
so one opens the church, wich heals people with old blood but also brought the whole beasthood shit upon them.
the other is byrgenwerth.
so everyone tries to talk to the old gods, or even tries to become old gods with the third umbilical cords.
there are other factions like vilebloods, the workshop, the powderkegs etc.etc. but they dont really matter for the bigger plot

and people say Bloodborne is not satanic...

What son?

Never understood Satanism. I'm not an expert in theology or anything but I'm pretty sure he holds no power and you might as well be worshipping the type of behaviour a backstabbing, gossiping 16 year old cunt would have.

>satanic symbolism

"But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds"

yes and?

You forgot SICKDARK

What did they mean by this

Reminder, BB will never be ported to PC


are you fucking retarded?

I'd buy it again to get a decent framerate

the framerate is decent.

Why do you make the same thread every day? What's the point?.

The Yharnam salt mines run as deep as the Pthumarian labyrinths.

An average of sub 30 is not decent, it's one tier above slideshow with nothing quite as bad a Blighttown.

30fps with not uncommon dips is not nearly enough to qualify as decent for a relatively fast action game.

>pcfags shitposting

Remember: NEVER EVER

I have platinumed the game you utter retard
It's one of my favourite games ever
Doesn't excuse the framerate

>My mom said I could only get one thing, and I'm too stupid to build a computer

I really wanted to believe this when I played it on ps4, but it's just not true. It's not horrible, it doesn't ruin the game like a lot of people insinuate it does, but I noticed right away and I'm not normally a framerate whore.
I'd just want it on multiple plats for the larger playerbases.

I meant they believe satanism = knowledge. I bet fromsoft marketing people know americans are materialists like Bakunin.

The issue is frame pacing, not actually framerate.

Well it's still shit and caused by the PS4's lack of power.

>Frame pacing, not frame rate
Sounds like an excuse for shitty hardware


>muh catholicism
The only people left doing that are Latin American tv preachers.

Shitty programming in this case.

You have never been to Boston?

Basically through coincidence one space monster is manipulating people into beliving other space monsters create werewolves by breeding

If it's inconstant enough to notice it, it's bad. Before patches improved performance people were going into certain areas and fights with fps clocking in single digits.
It was both, but more pacing than rate now, yeah. Wish the PS4 had an equivalent to RivaTuner.

>you will never see Yharnam in it's prime
I'm actually sort of happy that they don't want to make a sequel. DaS sequels don't hold up to the original game, and they threw the lore out the window.

It isn't you goddamn idiot. There aren't even any demons in the game. If anything it's Lovecraftian but you probably don't even know what that is.

> another 'professional' opinion of random Sup Forumstard
Let me guess, if it runs badly on pc is bad programing or botched port, if it runs badly on other systems it's 'omg underpowered consoles are holding the gaming back'
PCMR fags won't ever stop being salty about BB I guess.

From may not want to, Sony may want one though.


>consolefag standards

one thing I don't like about BB is that everything is ugly and there is not a single moment in the game with good/beautiful/pleasant scenery
Everything is like 70s horror movies

Hey, got any petitions that need signing? I wouldn't mind throwing you a bone in these trying times.

Hunters dream

It will be possible to emulate in 10-20 years

Save up enough good boy points and maybe your mom will get you a sick pre-built.

moon lake, old hunters workshop during red moon, hunters dream, cainhurst castle.
to name a few areas that looks fantastic.

>I want to turn into a monster with a lot of tentacles and eyes so i can watch the stars for all eternity...sure must be entertaining.
You probably think Crash is a good game too right?

Yeah man Im mad because I havent played it and not because a great game will forever be stuck on a shitty platform

What trophy you missing senpai

>7 years as PSN member and I don't have a single platinum trophy

Laurence coz I went into the DLC in NG+3 and just couldn't beat the cunt
I'll get it some day

I've never cared about plats, had a psn account since the PS3 launch, level 23 but no plats.

I really don't care about the lore
Just give me video games please

>tfw my only platinum trophy is Telltale the walking dead season 1, wich you basically get for playing through the game.

Go back to the 90s catholic soccer mom

Did someone say devil worshipping pedo cult?

Bloodborne platinum is worthwhile because you get a nice theme sent to you

what do you get by starting NG+?

I will never not be mad about the western box art for the Old Hunters edition btw
I just wanted Maria fuck you Namco

Seems like you know nothing of Lovecraft lore

The idea is that those "tentacled monsters" see and comprehend things humans cannot even begin to fathom

Nothing, why would you?

Why wouldn't it?

You know a game is good when Sup Forums shitposts about it daily years after its release.

I mean do you get items/experience or weapons?

You can buy this case, but it's rare as fuck as people on ebay selling this shit for hundreds

Not like you get a choice, it's not like DS3/2, as soon as you beat your final boss you get sent to NG+ automatically.

the western version is identical to the japanese version mate

You get Gherman's clothing in the store and the burial blade (assuming you haven't gotten another version from a chalice) but that's it.

You can buy a fancy weapon from the messengers if you get the second or third endings. that's about it.

if it runs like shit on pc its shit optimization because everything released for pc since crysis was made with consoles in mind
if it runs like shit on consoles its devs being retards

i don't understand so what is the difference of starting a new game (new save file) and NG+?