Which faction should I join?

Which faction should I join?

Fallout bore is a shitty game for normies

>join brotherhood
>get an excuse to kill anything and everything cause it might have been a synth
>better safe than sorry

>Join railroad help humans and equally human synths make the world a better place as well

>join railroad
>most boring quests
>should be the most fun but no

might as well become a pacifist

Join the faction of playing actually good games you queer

>they dont have a longterm goal.
> no preservation of the commonwealth. just want synths to be equal.

if the institute wasnt so god damn incompetant theyd have the best idiology

>Going out of your way to click on a thread. Type a reply and complete a captcha just to tell a normie to stop playing Vidya you don't like

>not ditching them all to become a Harborman

Minutemen are better than instashit

Join all of them and side with any of them except the Railroad in the end, BOS, Minutemen, Institute, irrelevent, they're all better than the Railroad

>Being this much of a square by not joining the atom cats
Whatever you say jack.

The railroad has the best shit for you as the player. It's the only place to get deliverer and the armor weaves. BOS just gives you shit you can find on your own with minimal effort, and all factions get the helicopter.

You can get the Deliverer and Ballistic Weave without locking yourself out of other factions. You get Deliverer in the first Railroad mission, you get weave for doing 1 or 2 radiants.

Which faction should I join?

The institute. It is the only somewhat interesting moral choice to make. BoS is played out, Minuteman is stupid and Railroad predictable. Make singularity happen

>>most boring quests
bullshit. Minutemen had the most boring quests.

>I'm going to free market!

>Some Railroad retards want to support computer rights

What a stupid thing to argue about.

Institute + Raiders is the best faction choice. Prove me wrong

Be a fence sitting centrist and get fucked by all 4.

The faction that lets you uninstall fallout 4 and play a decent game

BoS is best
It beats taking orders from a beta black guy
It beats literally taking orders from your son
And taking orders from computer fuckers

OP is a normalfag he wouldn't like our taste in games

>It beats literally taking orders from your son
Your son who passes leadership to you and dies?

Kill them all. They're all useless.

>finding a way to kill time instead of yourself

Why would I want to Kms?

Hah, this is amazing.

Would be good fap material if it wasn't futa

>best ideology

>hurr let's make supermutants because...uuhh...
>hurr let's abduct people, kill them and replace them with synths because...uuuhhh...
>hey let's get this radiation-free baby while killing his parents instead of just taking them along with the rest of the vault-dwellers because...uuuhhh....
>hey let's give the outside world multiple reasons to antagonize us because...uhhhh....

the institute must be run by drooling retards.
well, it's all thanks to bethesda's high-quality story-writing i guess.