Looks like AngryJoe is dead. Told his subscribers to fuck off

Looks like AngryJoe is dead. Told his subscribers to fuck off


Give the mark where he said that

You have to understand his standpoint. Game companies blacklisted him (banned review copies) cuz he tells it like it is. Youtube hates him cause his reviews are late.
So he gets roasted from both sides

>youtuber having to get a real job



needs a 2 month vaction from watching Game of Thrones and fucking his russian gf..

Why are all celeb vidya reviewers so retarded

Great, one less AVGN clone in this world.

nice try joe

>Why are all celeb vidya reviewers so retarded
It just comes with the territory.

>Waah waah why don't people like my shitty TV shows reviews

what was his name again?

>I don't get review copies because I tell it like it is and companies have blacklisted me

wtf I love angry joe now. This fact alone is reason to be a fan I think.

>AVGN clone
probably the politest way to put his channel

want to talk about Sup Forumsideogames instead user?

Because retarded fanboys will keep defending them no matter what they do

You sure Op? Cause it seems like most people in the comments are insulting people like you, not Joe.

What's his problem exactly? One year he's complaining about his shekels running dry. The next he's complaining that he has to produce content to keep the shekels flowing. What the hell?

Absolute BS. He doesn't get review copies cause he is an unprofessional critic with no contractor.

If a lack of professionalism is the problem then why the fuck is IGN, GameStop and all these companies publishing their 10/10 reviews before the game is even out? Video game companies only care about positive coverage, not professionalism.

so guy with a bit of a mid life crises whines about how reactionaries seeking to recreationally be upset about random shit are finding random shit to get upset about?

Sure he is being an overly defense fuck but still how is he really wrong about shit other than again being an over defensive fuck about shit?

Herniated Hernandez

He just does this to score pity donations on Twitch. His new gimmick.

Angry Joe is the "Ow My Balls" of game reviewers.

I do appreciate that he's generally honest about his opinions

Oh boy, it sure is mature to whine about free content you're getting...

>eceleb thread
Kill yourself

They disliked his vacation announcement video and now he is trying to justify it "HURR I WORK HARD FOR YOU BROOS"

Perturbed Pedro

This place has fallen so low.

>E-celebs slowly killing themselves one by one
Soon, soon Sup Forums will be rid of this shit.

mad about criticism when his whole job is about criticizing games and EA since 2009

His angry reviews were actually really good and funny compared to all other game reviews at the time. Then he decided that he didn't want to be interesting and spammed out 10 minute vids of him and his 3 friends sitting on their fat asses and fucking talking.

He over saturated his content with boring vids just because it was easier to get views that way.

Sup Forums really needs a container board for this shit

I see youfags threads even in /lit/...

Gassy Guerrero

>why the fuck is IGN, GameStop and all these companies publishing their 10/10 reviews before the game is even out?
they have review copies 1/2 weeks before release date

Meanwhile /ourguy/ evades disaster once again

Fuck no. Stop containment boards and start banning for shit like this and rules breakers. A containment board for politics has already proven to be a huge mistake.

They forget what a 9-5 job is like.

shes a swede no?

like how he told his fans he will never remove comments and dislikes? Like how he made a schedule and didn't follow it?

You can have all the e-celeb shit you want right there

Penetrated Paulo

who cares

don't start the 'we used to be a good thread' shit cause youfags were always here

>and fucking his russian gf..
They broke up a while ago.

Manchild Manuel

to the spergs:
e-celebs are a hot topic. people want to talk about them. get over it. if you don't like it, move on. find another thread. we want to talk about joe, TB, boogie, etc.

>pewdiepie isn't on the thumb

Sup Forums gets everything wrong

> real job

Self-employed is the ultimate real job, loser.

ah yes when Sup Forums lied to joe saying she was a gold digger and joe believed them kek

Living off donations isn't employment. You're still taxed at the end of the day do not like I give a fuck.

Why did he have to say it in such a cunty "I give you free content" way. He could have just said he thinks his angry reviews aren't at the quality he wants and needs some time away from them to put out some other content while he gets some new inspiration for them. People would have understood that, but now he sounds like an entitled fat fuck.

all those trailer reviews are hard work user


I think a lot of this e-celebs need a reality check. Work is not something which normally gives positive feedback even if its deserved. Work is work. You learn a skill, do your job and get paid. If you improve you climb.

The sandcastle economy of youtube is falling apart and it shows. Trends fade and "personalities" like Joe come down. He should learn responsibility and good work ethic.

Fair play to those few still afloat like Lilypichu or singers but they are either based on being cute girls which will always have appeal or actual talent.

DSP is actually entertaining to follow.

Entitled 'Fat Fuck' Eduardo

Grande Garcia

>He could have just said he thinks his angry reviews aren't at the quality he wants and needs some time away from them to put out some other content
It was quality in 2009-2014 then he started movie/cinematic reviews which fans hated. Now he hates that we hates it and is in denial that he got lazy

He should have just taken a vacation and not announced anything. He didn't need to make statements or anything. Now he's arguing with people trying to justify his own life decisions. Honestly I would have just taken a break, told the fans they'll get the content when it's ready, and ignored whiners.

i can blow a hole through this

see, i can TELL IT LIKE IT IS and not make money on shit

but jo(k)e wants to make this a "job" and in the REAL WORLD, greedy companies wringing their hands and shit don't want any bad talked about their games

so joe either says nice things and gets paid or says bad things and doesn't get paid

he is a faggot for thinking otherwise
or its just that he wants free games, in which case, just say nice things you faggot

He is responsible for his own downfall. Youtube nor any trend had nothing to do with it.

Nigga this was funny

He was already taking a vacation prior to the video, not sure why he decided to announce it

El Gordo

He made a video scheduling all his Game/Movie reviews and then he realised he has to do actual work so he said ' the schedule video is worst decision I made'

Salty Spic

Why do you care about this faggot?


Well youtube is a form of trend media so making a career put of it is hard. Maintaining it even harder. As a hobby its fine but as a main source of income its not. Even being a basic admin is better than youtube as its stable.

But you are right its his fault. He is handling the situation terribly. Game Theory did the transition much better. If anything Joe should have used them as reference.


Taco Bell Employee#4539


I have better

>His angry reviews were actually really good and funny compared to all other game reviews at the time.

They have dumbass skits you need to skip through. Nothing that has dumbass skits is ever funny and I hate AVGN, TGWG and all the other retards that ever popularized that trash concept.

It even ruins RLM, with the absolutely ludo Plinkett takedown of Star Wars Prequels having those same stupid skits that add nothing to his awesome points.

Boogies procedure is today Sup Forums

will he make it?

>Game Theory did the transition much better.
That's because they are considered "family friendly" and Matpat knows how to cheat the system.

hope not!

didn't it get delayed

Sup Forums tends to think that unless you work for a huge corporation that doesn't give a shit about you it's not a real job.

>Boogie's bypass is today.
>Go to /fit/ to see if they're yapping about it.
>Took a single refresh to see it at the top of the front page.
Dunno if I should be impressed or disappointed.

Think this is the dumbest comment in here.


This. The new generation's been taught that Corporations are just like a cool Dad, and you just need to impress dad enough to get on the gravy train. Meanwhile, I work at a place that gives $5000-7000 monthly bonuses to idiots that just follow their boyfriends or girlfriends around the office and do as little work as possible. I was approached several times by the primary client of our company to be told I am the best employee he's seen in 10+ years. I got a chapstick as a reward.

Those that work smarter, not harder- they've got the right idea.

All these gaming YouTube channels are lazy as fuck as they are switching to reviewing tv shows.

Only gaming YouTube channel I'm still subscribed to is LGR and he actually does interesting things besides gaming.

Joe is dead idk why people keep watching this hypocrite as he disables the like and dislike button on his videos and comments when he said he would never do so.

>cuz he tells it like it is
kek, Didn't he give Skyrim a 9/10 or a 10/10?

>Income is dependend on the whim of a huge company

Why are people still giving this fuck money?

what was it

big anime tits, nothing special

Sometimes his taste is simply shit. He actually thought Spider-Man Homecoming was a good movie.

how do e-celebs live without the youtube money?
they don't have health care or anything.

He streamed yesterday and today

>own a small business
>income is dependent on the whims of the market

Private health insurance is a thing.

>he tells it like it is
>"That was an awesome fucking movie!" -
Perturbed Pedro on Suicide Squad (2016)

>Why do people do X
the average IQ is not very impressive and half of everyone is dumber than that.

They kinda like him in /fit/ though

Wow, what a surprise he is in the overwhelming majority.

They forgot they were donating to him.

>Angry Joe.
>Has a VERY popular youtube channel.
>Gets paid for that.
>Has a REALLY popular main attraction for his channel - his Angry Reviews.
>Infrequently releases episodes, but still gets paid for this.
>Has a handful of tertiary review shows to pad out his channel in between his main bread winner.
>Gets paid for them as well.
>Has a Twitch stream which he uses as b footage for his reviews.
>Gets paid for that.
>Can not, for some inane reason, find a way to put together a legit schedule which allows him to talk about Game of Thrones, play dress up with Other Joe, review shitty movies, and stream video games without being overwhelmed.
The man has been doing this for 9 years, but is incapable of planning as though it were his first? A bit hilarious.