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kind of feel like buying 10 copies of this game to spite everyone on Sup Forums that thinks every game should flop as hard as it or TOR
i'll pirate it 10 times to cancel out your purchases
god this was so fucking underhanded.
and that DLC was so insipid you could just tell they might as well have been saying it through gritted teeth
2bh extended ending + Leviathan DLC made the game a literal 10/10.
that DLC was literally backpeddling like you wouldn't believe. also
>buying DLC to get a """""better""""" ending
fuck off and die
I didn't buy the DLC to "get a better ending", I bought it to get more content. The fact that the Leviathan DLC fixed the ending and gave the entire trilogy a purpose was a nice bonus tho.
Stay salty, edgelord boii.
You know, as much as I get that being incensing, it's not like it's unprecedented.
then why does mass effect 3 still remain on most top 10 worst video game endings lists, even to this day?
Extended ending was the bare minimum to make this game bearable and not an insult like it was before. Still, the story was stupid, starchild was fucking annoying, synth/organic conflict as a idea behind Reapers sounded like a something they outsourced to India to save on the writer fees. I'm not even mad at this point, just sad because of wasted potential.
Because people don't forget the initial reaction and even still they usually mention that they fixed it with DLCs.
Show me that list dude. Srsly it was a mess, random scenes that doesnt make a fucking sense in ME universe, patched more or less with extended ending.
just google any of them
Hi Casey!
>fixed it with DLC
Hi CDprojekt!
Completely epic food analogy m8.
>ITT: Sup Forums is literally, LITERALLY, defending ME3's ending. one of the most notorious vidya endings of all time
holy fucking shit what happened
Leviathan happened. Mass Effect literally went Lovecraft and the people who think the ending is still bad are literally too dumb to understand it.
are these people entitle whiners too? fuck right off with your pathetic dick sucking drone.
>>>/bsn/- oh wait, it got shut down because you mindless fanboys couldn't stop whining non-stop about it. fuck you.
After the bland mess of fanfiction that was Andromeda, I would rather have another ME3.
You're trying waaaay too hard to fit in. Dial it down a notch, you sound like a parody of Sup Forums.
You sound like a cuck.
>create one of the most interesting universes with some of the best lore in gaming history
>a literal goldmine of infinite potential
>create one a ridiculously loyal fandom who will literally throw money at your franchise
>make a shitty gay ending
>all that money and potential gone
Was this the biggest fuck up in gaming history?
Played through ME3 with all the DLC for the first time recently. I guess I saved myself by not giving a shit about the game when it came out, because I honestly had zero problems with the ending. Was expecting to have atleast one problem with it, but it was actually prety satisfying.
>create one of the most interesting universes with some of the best lore in gaming history
I don't have an appropriate picture for this one, but you can have my sincere wholehearted LMAO
give an example of a game with a more interesting universe with better lore
>He gave his life for this asshole
Witcher 3? Duh.
Just take a shower man, wash the mundane dullness of the day away, chill and enjoy your life
> giving nubioware money
never do this
> being THIS new
summer is real
has anyone got the video of the gay krogan from the new game?
I know this is bait but
Star Trek
Star Wars
Warhammer 40k
Dr Who
Battlestar Galactica
Stargate SG1
Planescape: Torment
All of which that have more established and consistent lore and none of which that focus on lesbian and homosexual romances as a main feature
Awakening was even better than the base game, tho.
The Elder Scrolls.
I said 'gaming'
>Star Trek
>Star Wars
Wow, an actual game. It's a good universe, but I don't think it's as interesting.
Just no.
>Warhammer 40k
>Dr Who
>Battlestar Galactica
>Stargate SG1
>Planescape: Torment
don't know enough about it
>TV series
>Film series
>Book skeries
>TVV Series
>Collectible Board Game
>TV Series
>TVV Series
>TV series
Look, I think you fucked up here my boy. He asked for GAMES WITH BETTER LORE and you posted more franchises related to TV and Film than games. You're actually retarded.
no that dlc made the reaper looks like shit
it's not the enormous monster from outer space
it's just a faulty toaster
>food analogy
Found the high school drop out
I have no dog in this fight but
>food analogy
Yeah it checks out.
This one?
>The fact that the Leviathan DLC fixed the ending
>We're omnipotent biological beings but our servants keep killing themselves with AI
>I know let's build an AI to stop this from happening!
>Oh no the AI is killing us! Who could have forseen this?
I wouldn't say that. It's more like a bookend to the game like how ToB was for BG2.
Kind of a shame, really. I would've liked to have seen Awakening as a full-fledged game.
name more than 10 endings are that worse than it
It's hardly the worst ending around but it's definitely in the top 10
and what list is that frodo? watchmojo?
> mass effect 3 has provoked a bigger fan reaction than any other videogame's conclusion in the medium's history
good job taking criticism out of context and turning it into appraisal, nobody sued them for this?
just some assholes that want (you) ignore him.
It's amazing that, despite the greater poly count, Terese's hair looks so much better than the biowear monkey's
kill yourself.
it's even more amazing (and humiliating on bioware's part) that Vtm:B runs on a premature source engine while ME:A runs on fucking cutting edge frostbite
I rented a seedbox specifically to seed EA games at crazy speeds so no one will have to buy them. If I were a billionaire I'd do anything in my power to make them fail on all fronts even if it bankrupted me.
this isnt 2012. EA isnt the enemy
EA is always the enemy, you underaged little cunt.
>too young to remember beloved franchises from the 80s and 90s swallowed up by EA
kys kiddo
> too new to know not to reply to obvious bait
> inb4 we were ironic and i'm the one who took the bait
Well, they aren't lying
Rip me not knowing an old ass Sup Forums meme, should have lurked ME3 threads more
you have to go back
unironic bioware cocksuckers happened
why do you think Sup Forums is one of the most hated fucking boards on this site?
To /tg/? Maybe later
kill yourself
Jesus fucking Christ.
this desu
baka desu senpai
>caring about Sup Forums
time to end your life, senpai
I rented a leechbox specifically to leech EA games at crazy speeds so no one can pirate them. If I were a billionaire I'd do anything in my power to make them succeed on all fronts even if it bankrupted me just to piss off Sup Forums.
We've reached a state of corporate pandering and shilling on this board over the last 6+ years where it is impossible to tell what is legitimate trolling or what is earnest opinion. Especially in the context of a single sentence. Chances are you're still just an underaged cunt.
t. someone who has been here 11 years
strange times sindeed comrade,nowadays our enemies hide among our allies,gaining intel and waiting for every opportunity to keep us from true videogame enlightenment.never stop fighting,Sup Forums.we must keep our videogames magnificent,no matter the cost
reddit happened