63.4 Million PS4's, expect 18 millions units more this fiscal year
Sony first quarter of 2017 net income $722 Million
63.4 Million PS4's, expect 18 millions units more this fiscal year
Sony first quarter of 2017 net income $722 Million
Okay... Am I supposed to be impressed by this/
Impressive for having no games.
And fuck paid online PS3 was my last sony console
This isn't even a milestone. Save it for the tenths.
You have to go back. This is fucking embarrassing.
>no games
wow bruh ebin meem it's like i'm really in 2013 xD
How can they sell 63 million consoles if there are only like 8 million people on earth? Proof to me this is fake. Nintendo always wins!
>63 million consoles
>0 games
Damn... This is......
PS4 is failing they said
Switch will kill PS4 they said
Nintendomination they said
So much sales and success surely is a good time to increase ps+ price, ain't it?
all the best selling games are multiplat
the only reason anyone gives a shit about ps4 is because it has more power and can run multiplats better
which will change with the scorpio and ps4 pro, since sony got cocky
dumbass consolefag retards
btw it alternates every single fucking generation because microshit and sony are as stupid as their fanbases
too bad it can't play any MS platform exclusives though, Horizon 3 is goat
Sad thing is the guy above me thinks people actually care about the scorpio
EUROPE........... DOESN'T............ COUNT.............
People have huge game collections on their PS4's already (like 8 game per console sold attach rate) so people kind of just have to go with it for now. But Sony has to up the value prop then. If they merge PSNow with PS+ at no additional increase then i would say that the value is definetly there.
Imagine being able to play a ton of PS3 games ontop of PS+.
Sonyqueers are sure running some desperate damage control these days.
B-but it has no games!
And the exclusives it does have I don't like. So objectively there are no good games anyone would enjoy.
Trust me, I know about good game taste, I only play PC exclusives.
>mfw PS4 becomes PS2 2.0 and they discounting it to $100
would finally jump in tbqhwy familia
>I only play PC exclusives
PC has exclusives?
3.4M from from April until now isn't all that impressive. I think Sony will make a killing selling units come 2018 though.
Spider-Man alone is guaranteed a bundle for the price of admission.
>Watches WWE
Your opinion means less than nothing
>PS4 sold 3.3 million consoles during the same period the Switch, a brand new console only managed to ship 1.9 million
This is embarrassing for Nintendo, the PS4 is 3.5 years old and it's outselling a brand new Home console + Handheld hybrid.
i dont mind the sales but why is it so popular when its not really delivering any new standout games?
I'm happy Sony is doing well and all considering how their movie division is fucking them in the ass repeatedly, but you guys need to read between the lines here.
Go cry elsewhere.
>Casual shitbox bought by casuals
you don't say
okay, I'm still having more fun with my Switch
Fucking consolecucks not knowing obvious facts, what a shocker.
Ever heard of walking simulators? It's probably a genre you're too much of a pleb to like, but people with actual taste have really got into walking sims, visual novels and idle clickers.
Next you'll be telling me gameplay is more important than a narrative featuring a quirky, diverse cast of characters.
>playing games via streaming
lol no.
Just give me cheap option to pay only for your shit p2p online, fuck useless digital garbage
Europe don't want new standout games, they want FIFA and shooters.
They only sold .2m less compared to last years same period and last fiscal year they sold 22m total. Projections for 18-20m for this fiscal year are pretty accurate so far. Remember the bulk of sales happen around holiday season.
PS4 has all the multiplats and the most active online out of the major 3 consoles. You don't need innovative games or gimmicks to win, normies just want their fucking Fallout and GTA.
What is a 600 dollhair PC?
Yeah, it does. I remember that The Chinese Room only makes games for PC
Sony is CRUSHING it yet again! Was there ever any doubt?
All of the PS4's worthwhile exclusives sell like shit.
sad thing is you think i care that much and that i even own any consoles and that im not just unable to recognize what causes good sales unlike all you consolefag retards
you dumb faggots are so cocky about your exclusives, yet the vast majority of top selling games on ps4 are multiplat
thats why the ps4 pro is so weak, and the xbox scorpio is so powerful, you dumb faggots let it go to your head and think you can survive on brand recognition or MUH EXCLUSIVES only for the other brand to have more graphics power next generation, which is all that matters for multiplats, the vast majority of top selling games
sonyfags are so dumb and pathetic
your console exclusive shit is a meme now, they're all shit games, and its only holding back progress for consoles
please kill yourselves so we can move on to 60fps and i have a reason to buy a console again
>top 10 best selling games
>Call of duty
>Call of duty
>Star Wars
>Uncharted (inflated sales as it was in a cheap bundle pack in)
>Call of duty
Wew. Amazing. Definitely deserves all the success it has.
They made a PS4 exclusive that flopped so hard that Sony let them put it on PC, SONY!
>you fell for the Switch meme
3ds outsold.
Even digital foundry recognizes that it is rather responsive.
kek they're the ONLY ones making standout games these days
Yeah, but you have to remember, most of their sales come from bundles and massive price cuts. It's a quantity over quality strategy, which tends to backfire in the long run as they are over-saturating the market.
They still sell better than PC exclusives.
>your console exclusive shit is a meme now, they're all shit games
Sour grapes. Calm down your asshurt PClown and I will sign some petition for you.
Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, The Last Guardian, Bloodborne Nioh, Horizon, Dragon Quest Builders, and the best versions of Persona 5 and Nier Automata.
Nintendo has literally never made a console with better exclusives than the PS4.
They'll take that hit. More units out the door means more potential software buyers. Developers will see the large install base and be more enticed to create content for it. The PS brand has been making money using this strategy and I don't see it changing anytime soon. They will continue to control the market if they keep up the numbers.
no thanks, give me BC like the xbone, pls :)
B-but switch, a brand new console, sold slightly better since april than a 4 year old console. F-fuck you, sonygros.
>>Uncharted (inflated sales as it was in a cheap bundle pack in)
All those games were bundled you idiot. Uncharted outsold every exclusive this gen.
PS4 is about to outsell the 3DS this year! Crazy right? How did Nintendo fuck up so hard with their handheld that they allowed a console to catch up with it so fast?
I bought my 3DS the month it was released, then got fucked when they dropped the price and offered some NES/GBA games for compensation. When it dropped to $169.99 you think it would easily be at 80M by now, and the the $399.99 PS4 wouldn't have caught up as fast as it did. Oh well...
>Sour grapes.
Cant imagine how much of a loser would you have to be to play all the great multiplats available on PC at such a high quality, and still feel the need to go and waste hundreds of dollars for a few 30fps ps4 exclusives
I have other hobbies besides video games, sorry for having standards and a life
Get ready for those fifa 18 bundles during rthe holidays
Looks like it's obvious that Switch isn't getting anymore worthwhile third party support. All the devs are jumping onto the PS4 train.
Fine, maybe it'll do for turn based games, but I guess retards who sold their PS3 too dumb for turn based games
Either way there is no need to merge these services, I already pay for too much useless crap to this shitty company
>you dumb faggots are so cocky about your exclusives, yet the vast majority of top selling games on ps4 are multiplat
Yes? And? I'm only allowed to buy 10 top selling games nothing else? You are mentally challenged.
>thats why the ps4 pro is so weak, and the xbox scorpio is so powerful,
So why games on new xbox don't look much better than on PS4?
Can we get this thread deleted?
First of all that is impossible to emulate properly. Second of all it would make the PS+ value prop increase by a vast amount.
Being able to play multiple PS4 and PS3 games at the touch of a button.
Do you guys think it will reach 100 million?
I would expect the PS5 no sooner than Holiday 2019, likely 2020. Probably 73 million by the end of this year
Probably another 2 price drops to go over the next few years too. Plus its not like it will be discontinued the moment PS5 comes out.
100 million easily imo
>to play multiplats
You just confirmed that you wasted money on DRM port petition box of games I already played.
I thought people stopped buying PS4's? What happened Switch bros? I thought we were on track to crush Sony.
Oh boy this i going to be a massacre
Suit yourself. Most singleplayer games are definetly adequate.
>First of all that is impossible to emulate properly
yeah but it's close enough and leagues better than streaming garbage also it's free with working multiplayer
>Brags about hardware sales
>NEVER brags about software sales
it's almost like the PS4 has no games worth bragging about
It's not like PS4 will go out of production. I can easily see it passing the 100M mark.
there will be no ps5, never ever, only pro updates
>>NEVER brags about software sales
Why are anons allowed to get away with these dumb as shit posts?
PS4 actually has a better attach rate than all the consoles
No it isn't close enough. Every single game has to be ported to the emulator. The amount of labor it costs is autistic.
Only a company like microsoft can shill out for that, but that is only because they want it within their full platform.
Damn, looks like Nintendo will be forced to turn the Switch into a handheld because they can't compete at all in the home console space.
>Yes? And? I'm only allowed to buy 10 top selling games nothing else? You are mentally challenged.
You have like 2 games even anywhere near the top selling games, and you act like this is a reason to waste money on a console when you could just invest twice that in a platform twice as powerful and run all those other mutiplat games at twice the fidelity and save money in the long run because of cheaper games
Accept it, you're a brainlet
>muh combined sales
>meanwhile on the very same site
>"cinematic experiences"
yeah but it's all CoD FIFA shit. I hope you aren't arguing the absolute value of the sales given how many more people own the console you would expect their software sales to eclipse everyone else
You pay for that crap separately then, I have no trust in PSN, their network infrastructure is pile of shit
can we please stop with all of these fucking wojaks!
itt: people who unironically shill movie games. you should all be ashamed
>These games don't exist if they don't sell as much as the literal biggest franchises on the planet!
What kind of logic is this? Yes they don't sell as much as GTA, COD and Fifa but nothing else fucking does
>>>"cinematic experiences"
what is every sony exclusive aside from weebshit and horizon: zero masculinity
How is that any better than New Super Ultra New Mario Bros X, Mario Kart Hyper Delux, Mario shits on the garden 3 and Super Duper Ultra Mario Deluxe edition.
>The amount of labor it costs is autistic.
what are you taking about it's piss easy to port games to xbone BC, educate yourself.
I think the software sales from 2013 to now is 500M
>people who unironically defend bing bing wahoo rehashes
Horizon had more masculinity than your life m8
It's not the developers that's the problem, it's the consumer. They tend skip a generation as it's incredibly expensive and wasteful to rebuild a gaming library for the next iteration of the console that's probably only a marginal increase in performance. Unlike Nintendo, Sony and MS doesn't offer anything new other than a straight increase in performance for their next gen consoles. Also, especially given that developers will most likely develop games for both this gen console in addition to the next gen one, consumers will see little reason to pick next gen when they already have this one available and spent so much money on already.
Because Mario games are different from each other and are fun with a focus on fun gameplay instead of lame cinematics
And the majority of those games are sports and cawadoody.
The PS4 hasn't had a single non-bundle exclusive sell over 5 million sales, not even horizon managed it.
The PS4 is just another casual magnet like the 360 was.
>Both steam and XBL have been down since the last time PSN has been down
>being this deluded.
>You have like 2 games even anywhere near the top selling games
Can you speak in english please becauce I don't get it.
>hen you could just invest twice that in a platform twice as powerful and run all those other mutiplat games
Not every person is retarded like you though. I don't like waste money to play same games.
And Nintendo are all Mario and party games, and PC are CS:Go and Sims. Your point?
why do you play games for masculinity lmao what are you gay
imagine how much PS4 is going to sell when it finally gets this killer app