Post/rate/hate/have a good time
Also post collections.
Post/rate/hate/have a good time
Also post collections.
Posting my collection
>that tiny dino
Cool, what is it?
Shit nigga that's fucking nice
His name is Frodo, user. He's my pal.
I'm not near mine now. But have a bump.
>dinossaur playing dead space
Its alright. I have my three Ace Combat posters above my desk too.
You into music production or something?
Video production and editing, but I am also part of a few podcasts and then I do streaming everyday as well.
Thanks bro.
Might as well post my desktop as well.
Is that a cat to the left? Post that bastard.
Nah just a pillow.
I want a cat tho
Hello Frodo, how's 55 going?
We've been compromised.
Hide, Frodo! Prepare to combat!
Cool. Post posters please
Check the catalog next time
This thread is older dumbfuck.
Bump for dinos.
Tell that to the other OP, newfag.