*Presses Q*
*Presses Q*
>*presses Alt-Q*
> not focusing mercy
Yes it's a shit move but people should know better
fun AND interactive
>players STILL don't focus mercy
>It took them this long to patch Mercy sitting in spawn underneath the final checkpoint of Gibraltar to resurrect the whole team
Been playing Pharah lately. I like how in 70-80% of games people literally completely ignore Pharah and I can just slowly glide from one to another and kill them. Getting all golds and potgs without even using ulti ever. People in this game are so fucking retarded it's amazing.
Mercy is the worst. No skill needed, nothing worthwhile, excepted her rez.
Like the fuck, Ana is way more fun and engaging than this shitty character.
And oh god her mobility is so fucking annoying. Being able to fix bad positioning at will must be good uh?
they should rework her completely, makes her more skillful and give her a better gimmick because fuck this.
Why do Ana and Zen become harder as the climb go on but this bitch is always reliable? A bronze Ana & Zen are completely different from a grandmaster Ana & Zen, who lands better shot (and sleepdart) and over all, they can take the place of DPS, so that makes them really hard to play (changing between DPS and Healer is something to know) the expectations always go up for them, but for this dumb bimbo, the only expectations is to know how to do rez. Fucking cheap ways to win a push. Of course you'd win, you killed two of us during the last gunfight. She completely remove all of the carry potential of the game, because a player may kill 2 guy singlehandedly, but they will be revived along the other.
> stories from gold
entertaining shit
>have to play hide an seek to focus mercy while the other teams is trying to kill you
Never fucking mind the ridiculous invulnerability that she gets when ressing.
Event fucking when? It's literally pointless to play OW outside those things.
You can play as Pharah in the dive meta you know? she is still strong in the upper level, but this time it's only if you're not a retard that stays in the air permanently.
otherwise yeah it's only on gold and even maybe plat that people just don't focus pharah immediately and shoot her down
I know it often can be hard to focus her as she will be behind enemy lines, but if you don't have a genji or tracer then at least you should always have a rough idea of where she might be / come from to pop that ult. Or if you have an offensive one like 76 or mcree you can do the popular "let her res them so I can kill them again move"
I do agree it's a shit ult to play against (it's bad enough she is invincible but the shit charges so damn fast) but I also see people not keeping her in mind when fighting the enemy team
>I cant kill enemies by normal means WAAH WAAAH
I think Lucioball is coming back in the next couple weeks.
Meanwhile when I play mercy, the entire enemy wants me dead and my team doesn't give a damn
t. one trick pony mercy main
why don't other heroes get invulnerability when ulting? it's such a fucking low risk high reward ult compared to others that it's pure bullshit
not that i play comp anyway, first it was mexican standoffs behind rein shields and then it was the cancerous dive meta, at that point i realized that wasn't the game for me
>muh rein
time to play winston then
Overwatch is shit.
>Bitching about mercies in 2017
She only has so many places to hide, (unless shes in spawn on defense) and people should be looking out for her in every single fight regardless
>he actually plays assfaggots
Now here's a reasonable post.
You are right, sometimes it's almost astounding to see people straight up ignoring Mercy in the middle of a team fight and then going "hurr why won't the enemy die? Must be our DPS' fault". Like Christ man, do you not see the fucking healer with a glowing line attached to your target?
Yet at the same time it is so grating to go through a heated team fight by the skin of your teeth, only to see a flying glow stick setting up for round 2 again.
>You can play as Pharah in the dive meta you know?
I've been playing Pharah since the game was launched and if you're ignored by the enemy team you're either not doing good or playing against shitters
Most of my games result in the enemy team changing to a dva and/or some hitscans, if they didn't have any, precisely because as Pharah you can wreck an enemy pretty hard
I know the feel
I often feel the need to say to the team "focus mercy" as if they just started playing or something. although judging by their level I'm sure they already know
yeah haha, remember when that reinhardt did a backdoor push through the top minion lane into the enemy ancient?
too bad their genji was too busy farming the jungle to notice, lmao
Then when they are without a healer during the respawn time they complain that they are dying and that they couldn't sustain while the enemy team keeps their healer alive and stomps them. I'm not even a healer player, I play Mei, and your teams are my favorite because I live by the idea of "No Mercy for the enemy."
t.console player or gold
>metas getting progressively more cancerous and unfun and is even spreading to low comp leagues now
>character diversity has never been lower
>character revamps constantly flopping, intended nerfs turn out to be buffs, game epitomizes Blizzard's trademark see-saw balance that it almost feels like an intentional joke
>devs openly tell people to stop complaining, say they are balancing around "most players" as the game gets progressively more unfun for players of all skill levels
This is unironically the most mishandled Blizzard game of all time, it's actually hard to believe.
I haven't played a game where Pharah is ever ignored
t. gold
>low risk high reward ult
You have to manage, as a slow moving healing character to get from your hidey hole to the center of the point where your team died and the enemy team is all gathered within seconds of the first death otherwise your rez is useless or you die before it goes off.
Just get a genji or sombra after her or stagger your kills so she can't get a game winning 5rez off.
Yeah it's not like you can push a button to accelerate straight to the group of corpses or anything.
>fucking circle wheels we should be using square wheels. Circle wheels are too easy and convinient. Square wheels actually pose a challenge and it takes skill to haul things with square wheels why is this allowed ree.
I can't aim for shit but i'm master because reaper is fucking easy i swear this game doesn't require any skill whatsoever
>game requires skill
>can make a hero completely immune to any form of interaction and damage
Which way, western man?
inb4 someone posts ubercharge which doesn't revive the entire team, can be countered with airblasts and sentries, and only lasts 2 seconds
Never mind the fact that the two other must pick heroes literally don't have to aim. I used to like this game but this sucks, at this point they might as well remove aiming altogether
They're also never adding in scoreboards or anything vaguely competitive despite them wanting it to be an esport because competitiveness is toxic according to the fat hambeast SJW forums.
And it's a game where switching is supposedly encouraged but they reward players for sitting on the same hero. Had a lot of potential as a more modern TF2, but it's a stupid decision after another. I guess they don't mind as long as kids keep buying loot boxes
Who the fuck has time to play hide and seek while the enemy team is in your face trying cap?
>They completly killed Roadhog cause the hook>1shot mechanic wasn't "fun"
>Rez is even more bullshit than it used to be cause of invuln
That's going to stop when people stop feeling their skins are exclusive and therefor valuable. They're like magpies going after anything shiny; even if they know the skins will come back the majority of them don't care and will only start to after the event comes around again.
I saw it happen with AQWorlds as well a long time ago. It's amazing how in games with no trading people still find a way to be autistic about hats. What you see with that kind of behavior is the Gaia Online community thinking, where people just want to stand out and be unique like the other several thousand people with them. They don't care about playing the game, they want attention and to feel special. Unfortunately we live in a society that has both bred these people and makes the most profit on them. They're literally used like cattle.
>People should be rewarded for their skill and for playing challenging characters
>Durr square wheels
What the fuck kind of analogy are you making here? All you're missing is food.
>fucking banana fags should eat thick skinned kiwis instead if you're allergic all the better
For real though the games TTK is abysmal and it's balanced around casual retards, possibly stupider than steam Q&A testers.
>They completly killed Roadhog cause the hook>1shot mechanic wasn't "fun"
>Release Doomfist who can 1 shot everyone Roadhog could but even easier
They killed the Roadhog hook mechanic because shitters can't understand placement, overextend and then die.
It's like them nerfing stickies in tf2 because people aren't observant.
>Thank you, Mercy!
Fucking this. How about when a bunch of shitters with terrible positioning all complained about Roadhog so much that Blizzard just said fuck it and made him completely useless. Scatter arrow can oneshot the entire roster except for 4/6 of the tanks, and Doomfist can do basically the same, but Blizzard justifies the Hog nerf with "we don't want characters who can one shot most of the roster." What the fuck is Blizzard doing?
>Release Doomfist who can 1 shot everyone Roadhog could but even easier
Doomfist can only kill 250-hp heroes and ONLY if a wall is nearby.
It's obvious why they did it, but they literally released a character who does nearly the exact same thing about a month later.
Overwatch has gotten so shit that the only thing left to cry about is fucking Mercy? LOL.
theres a bug where rein one-shots 200hp characters with one hammer blow
>Doomfist can only kill 250-hp heroes
So could Roadhog. No one could consistently one shot Zarya, so don't bring it up.
>Wall nearby
There are walls fucking everywhere, this is almost never a problem. It's especially obvious during choke pushes.
>my team doesn't give a damn
don't ask them to protect you. Fucking tell them to spread out. that's it. all it takes is a triangle formation to keep you alive 90% of the time and an off healer
>off healer
Lmao you're lucky to get an off tank as your main tank. 80% of my games lately have been 6 DPS squads. In comp you'll get DPS mains fighting over who has to play tank (poorly), and Mercy mains fighting over who gets to play Mercy (poorly).
Roadhog could effortlessly kill everyone with one or two shots. Doomfist can only kill people up to 250 health with the aid of a wall.
>There are walls fucking everywhere, this is almost never a problem. It's especially obvious during choke pushes.
Doesn't matter when you can't maneuver yourself so there's a wall in range behind a target before they shoot the shit out of the melee character with the worst ranged weapon in the game. And you need to spend a few seconds getting your punch strong enough to actually kill the target during which time Doomfist's huge body and low health and vulnerability to all CC and stuns and interrupts means he dies first. Doomfist needs to be able to kill quickly because unlike Roadhog he can't stay alive at all.
>arguing with hog retards
it kills me to them not see his cunt stick poking out corner but they just keep hitting big targets
I always try to go after Mercy first. Problem is that she immediately flies away while/or before I get to her position her teammates rip me apart or she's got someone covering her.
Doomfist doesn't even need a full charge if he's in his best range, which he will be during chokes. And the only way Hog could "easily" kill a >250 hp hero was if his whole team followed up, and that was due more to the hook than it was to his gun. He was absolutely one of the best heroes in the game, but most of the bitching came from shitters who never bothered to learn positioning and preferred to solo Roadhog within hook range (aka asking to die). The fact that Blizzard decided the right course of action was to make him an ult battery incapable of following up on any hooks by himself is laughable.
>he doesn't have friends to play with who will fill different roles
How does it feel to be a beta cuck healslut?
>not playing best healer
Yep, it's the Overwatch community.
That's not Lucio
>wallride around the enemy team, retard DPSs can't hit you
>soloing other healers and even DPSs it you're decent
>booping people off cliffs/off the point in overtime
>useful ult
>don't even have to actively heal, just flick healing on and enjoy the fun
>And the only way Hog could "easily" kill a >250 hp hero was if his whole team followed up
Why are Roadhog mains such pathological liars?
>play Mercy because the team needs a healer and my aim is dogshit (so no Ana)
>50% of the time my team assumes I'm a girl and keeps trying to flirt with me
>low health
>8-second cooldown on mobility abilities that don't do much damage
>bad ranged weapon
>hitbox the size of a tank's
>the immediate focus of the enemy team
Once again Blizzard gives us a completely shit character.
I cant wait until after they drop the cinematic when they nerf the shit out of all of luciofags
>literally predicted all DLCs are going to be "minorities"
>everyone was shitting on this picture
It's kinda funny looking at it now.
Dont forget that the next one is going to be another African American (hammond)
>go for mercy with winston
>ana pockets her
>try to go for both
>widow pockets the both of them
how the fuck do I deal with this shit I'm only one monkey
>my cousin and sister both play mercy
They don't do that for no reason. Why are you playing a girl role as a girl character knowing men will hit on you?
In that case he'd have to edit the "Blizzard are pros" out of the picture since this would be the most obvious propaganda ever at this point.
Because he is a faggot, whether he knows it or not. Like most Overwatch players.
they should nerf defense matrix. It is total bs, a quick rightclick with little cooldown counters ults and absorbs an infinite amount of damage as long as it's up
you deserve it for playing winston
distract so your team can rape them.
ever see a really skilled winston + tracer play together with good coordination? jesus it's the most terrifying thing in overwatch right now
Why do Sup Forums and racists get so upset about a video game not being 100% white American men?
I was talking about solo queue, since most of the thread is too. I played a lot with my brother and some friends, especially for comp. Everyone dropped this game around Chinese New Year, with a little revisit for Doomfist that didn't last long.
>kill people up to 250 health
Did you miss the part where his shotgun deals 400+ damage in one second and is impossible to miss after stunning a dude into a wall.
Every game comes down to who has the better Mercy. It's so boring.
Lost a hard-fought game on Lijang yesterday because the enemy Mercy got two 5-man rezzes in the last round, and our Mercy died with rez almost every single time.
>having neat looking skins is a bad thing
whatever you say, only problem i have is that tracer is a lesbo
How's plat?
Only one who is triggered is you.
>diving in on a mercy knowing a widow is waiting to wreck your shit.
You did this to yourself user, blind jumps always lead to deaths. Pick your target try and leap on them for more damage. Poke at your target and others around with tesla to charge ult. Peel out repeat
>his team can't focus a tank
Still gotta hit them into a wall and then fire before they use their movement or defensive abilities to negate what you did or their teammates rape your 250 health, and that still requires you being able to line up a wall-impacting punch.
I want a stealth one-shot character so bad
*hide in spawn*
asking questions=/=being triggered
glad I left Sup Forums after a year lmao
>m-muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Fuck off reddit
>not focusing the mercy
It's your own fault
Mei isn't fat, Zarya isn't a robot lover, fuck off Sup Forums
*locks your ult*
Most skins look like fucking shit and they could have easily come up with something better and more original than ethnicity changes.
There is an infinite amount of themes they could skim through. School themes à la pic related, for example. Something Street Fighter always does.
Notice how this image relies isn't damning on its own, it just relies on you hating brown people in video games.
>still requires you being able to line up a wall-impacting punch
His shotgun deals 400 damage in a second combined with 200+ wall punch and then, because temporary shields, he just zips away with any of his abilities because his entire fucking kit is mobility. And firing a shot off before a reaper presses shift is easy as fuck since they're goddamned stunned.
It's funny, in MOBAs like say Dota 2 this is perfectly fine but in a game like Overwatch it's an outrage