Why is the director of Bayonetta and Viewtiful Joe such a faggot? Is he forever salty after losing Scalebound?

Why is the director of Bayonetta and Viewtiful Joe such a faggot? Is he forever salty after losing Scalebound?

>be annoying
>get blocked

Damn...whoah...really makes...you think...

Its a one question per twitter account kind of deal

Sorry that they triggered him.

>cute girlfriend
>go to check

>he still sucks japanese phil fish's cock

the only one booty blasted is you, the guy creeping on another grown mans social media


Nah actually it's you because you're mad that regular human beings use social media to talk to each other.

What's Sup Forums's excuse?

She doesn't deserve this. Or maybe she has mental issues and does deserve this.

or for some reason he has more charisma than half of the average Sup Forumstard.
Either that or the girl has some weird kink only he can satisfy like them chinese pornographic cartoons.

I don't see the problem, he always refers back to the original tweet when he blocks you for a duplicate question.

Hung like an orc, he is.

That's just how he is.

Imagine you're a game dev and you've got hundreds of people from Japan talking to you in Japanese every single day asking you the exact same questions or vying for your attention. That is Kamiya's curse

Missed the point.

i want to be a cute trap instead, but my family is christian conservative so i'm in stuck mode right now.

>Once asked him if he would do a collab with FromSoft/Hidetaka Miyazaki if he was offered the chance
>Later find out he blocks anyone asking his opinion on FS games in general, even King's Field, MWC, Armored Core and the like

And yes, the reply chain goes back to him blocking some random account, no actual answer ever given. At this point I'm sure this man just dislikes that company.

nice buzzwords, did you learn'em on reddit?

He has a pinned tweet saying only ask about his own work and not to ask about other companies/products.

You guys really do think that only Chads get girls? The people in that picture is what normal couples look like. Just ordinary people.

It has nothing to do with what you're spouting unless you're a complete shut-in. People simply just get together if they click. That's it.

>The people in that picture is what normal couples look like. Just ordinary people.
The guy is, yes, but the girl's definitely above average and cute.

What is his secret? How DOES he do it, Sup Forums?


He is a westaboo and since the USA nuked his country twice he thinks it's "cool" to be a jerk. Can't blame the guy.

Why does that upset him though? Just ignore the tweets nigga you don't have to block them and announce that you are blocking them.

Honestly it's pretty clear Kamiya is addicted to Twitter and he hates himself for it.

People say he's like a completely different dude in person. He's just angry and annoyed at Twitter all the time because he actually doesn't want to browse it but he can't help himself. It's like browsing this shithole.

he probably has a 10 inch cock and satisfy her carnal needs every night unlike you beta faggots.

Has a big dick and is funny. I don't even imagine who ever this is as being financially successful. That's just a first impression, though.

Weeds out people who cant read instructions

Kamiya has horrible taste.

The state of the people in this thread going on like this dude has landed a super hot gf when she's 5/10 at best.


Medication eyes. Oh well not everyone is shallow.

Kamiya is weird, he goes out of his way to block everyone for next to nothing

daddy's money or great inheritance

Bet that bitch stole that Amiibo like she stole Christmas.
Fucking shape on her fringe

Kamiya is a self-entitled twitter whore. He makes a public "blocked" for anyone who tweets him, most aren't even insulting or trolling.

Literally Japanese Phil Fish.


>There are "people" on this board RIGHT NOW who will defend to their last bitter pointless breath the actions of Japanese Phil Fish
>They have the same rights as you and me

she's a 4/10
also cut your hair dude wtf

>Used to like him because I liked his games
>Ask him if he'd ever consider making a game that uses a first person perspective.

Do people actually think he's being serious and is actually triggered? It's just a persona he plays of being angry on twitter. He's just working the marks, brother.

He hates whitey.

>she's a 4/10


stop larping plebbitor

My gf actually is a qt though.

I wish Twitter had a block limit of 100 people on a list. That way faggots like Kamiya wouldn't rage block without having to do inventory management on his block list for being overly emotional.

She has a tranny looking face but damn that rack looks like it'd be fun to play with.

I was being kind.

Whities are shitty people though.

just for your knowldege he blocks personas that ask the same questions and ask for games. the platinum twitter is there for that now.

>foreigners have been doing nothing but annoy Kamiya with stupid questions on twitter
>OMG how dare he hates on us why?

Is like faggots wondering why people hate them while they shove dildos up their asses on a pride parade or when furfags wonder why nobody likes them while leaving used diapers or wear BDSM in public areas


I do too, although I'm not white I was born in America. I can't stand seeing these nu-male faggots all over here in Tokyo. I know most of them are tourists, but just seeing them with the local girls and shit really pisses me off.

t. mad ricedick

>that /r/asianmasculinity incel rage
White women belong to black men so it's only fair us whiteys take the asian women from weak asian men.

t.numale cuckold

I don't hate white people, I hate the nu-male, glasses wearing faggot trying to brainwash the women over here with his cuckold ideology. The "chad" type white guys are ok. They know how to have fun.

The only thing you can take are feminist asian girls in America, Canada, or EU. Not many girls in their native countries date white guys. Especially in Japan.