What games do you consider to have no flaws?
What games do you consider to have no flaws?
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Bioshock 1. For its time.
Breath of the Wild.
star fox 64
>Those bosses
>Those "dungeons"
None, because that's impossible for human beings to accomplish.
>for its time
So it always had flaws but you were too young and retarded to notice them, gotcha. A perfect game would remain perfect.
Yes, I want an FMA game made by Platinum. Fight me.
Only simple games like classic Tetris and tabletop games are without flaws
I think there are many games that have no flaws in their mechanics, but people will bitch about other stuff like content or presentation or whatever.
That being said, Wario Land 4.
The Order: 1886 deserves a perfect 100% on Metacritic. My standards are more strict; I'd give it 97%. Still the best game ever made.
>that music
>that emptiness
>that combat
>that repetitiveness
>no flaws
I don't like they will ever make a new FMA game
FMA 2003 > FUll metal alchemist brotherhood
It's not a good game, it's barely a good movie
Nah, 2003 was too much of a mess. The ending was super incoherent. Like, why was there a homunculus who looked like their mom, but was called "sloth", while having water powers? It felt randomly thrown together to fit an entirely new narrative. Plus, the finale of Brotherhood was really great, 2003 could not reach that by a long shot. But I like Gluttony more in 2003.
The controls are much too sensitive.
Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Kill yourself, pleb.
Just try and think of a flaw and then realize you can mod it to be fixed
Super Mario World
its not even a contest. no game has been as perfect as it in terms of content, controls and secrets.
Super Mario Bros 3 (short of a save system but you can fix that with emulation)
>that one "youtube star" who said it was bad
can't believe that fag makes shitloads of cash
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
People are still butthurt, I see.
Brave Fencer Musashi
2003 got too depressing towards the end.
2 ez. pretty much a babby game. SMB3 is the superior game.
>2 ez.
see me in Tubular faggot
nu-Sup Forums will never agree with you, they're too lazy to go back and experience the kino.
Sober the fuck up.
Dab on those haters Ed, dab on them
I wish they'd remake it or release an actually good sequel. I'd prefer just a solid remake with some new content, added levels, new mechanics.
nuclear throne
Brotherhood is objectively better.
Don't pretend that FMA is better just because it goes off the rails and becomes completely retarded.
it had some of the best songs though
he's right though, especially about the combat. the combat, which is almost 40% of the game is not satisfying at all, Nintendo should have added a modifier with the left stick to make links attacks varied, but no its Y Y Y Y( the fourth or second, depending on weapon, being the blow away) after this its chase after the enemy and 4 hits again. Do realize how frustrating it is when you want to keep wailing on an enemy then to have him ragdoll after every third hit? I realized that Lynel are the most satisfying to fight, parrying is a nice way to vary the combat but following up a parry isnt as fun. Jump attacks only result in a down smash, no lunge attack, or aerial combat. At this point when trying to figure out how to fight any enemy I just look at the numbers.
The fuck are you taking about.
FMA 2003 covers the early stuff better but after that Brotherhood is superior in every way.
FMA is objectively the best anime in existence
prove me wrong
I disagree
Best anime would be Texhnolyze but I doubt westaboo faggots like yourself even watch Abe's works outside of Lain if you consider FMA to be unironically good
Not him, but I watched it and it's boring shit with some cool ideas
Haven't watched Lain at all
Super Mario 64
More than 20 years down the line and a 3D game STILL has not had better controls
Wario Land 3 is way better.
Umihara Kawase
There is no such thing as a perfect game and there never will be. All games have something they need to improve on whether their fans want to recognize it or not. Quality is subjective anyway, and in order for a game to be perfect, everyone would have to like it.
Snake, Pong and Tetris.
I think Kirby and the Amazing Mirror has no flaws.
Resident Evil 4.
The original Half-Life.
And no, the On a Rail chapter is fine. You're just bad.
FMA up to episode 23 is objectively better than Brotherhood. After that point it starts doing it's own thing and is fucking weird.
AI on the colored Kirbies. Also repeat bosses that weren't that great to begin with. I also think the water levels might have sucked. I can't remember clearly.
t. beat the game 3 times as a youngling
I agree
Thief the Dark Project
Deus Ex
Quake 3
UT 99
One Unit Whole Blood
Ninja Gaiden Black
Burning Crusade WoW
Guild Wars 1
Total Annihilation
Chrono Trigger
The more people complain the more you'll be right
2003 was all over the place in both quality and story, not to mention it could never follow it's own rules.
can't say since a lot of my favourites have clear flaws
AI is fine. What problems do they have?
What problems make the bosses not great?
Water levels are fine.
What the heck not even close
It wasn't even close to flawless for its time either. user might just have shit taste.
Final Fantasy X
One of the very few games out there I consider to be flawless.
Along with Brave Fencer Musashi, Stella Glow, Yakuza 2 and Mana Khemia 2.
I'd put Tokyo Xanadu on my list too but the difficulty was too broken/easy.
>Yakuza 2
c'mon now lad
>hacking mini-game
Sphere grid.
Every game has flaws. There are games I consider 10/10, but they're flawed and no doubt about it.
Maybe the closest thing would be the original Doom. Really tight weapon, level and enemy design with few gaps.
The others I've replayed countless amount of times but I'll admit I've only played Yakuza 2 years ago so it just might be the memories. I do remember comparing every Yakuza after it and not being as blown away.
Danganronp 2.
I fucking love it, it is the only game that succeeds in getting me emotional and pumped up no matter how many times I play it
Lifeweb without a doubt
Don't forget
Watch the first arc of 2003 and then switch to brotherhood.
There is a difference between something being good and something being perfect.
In what way is it better?
Dead Space 1. Literally perfect.
Better soundtrack, better art, it's able to focus more due to not having to catch up like brotherhood did. Also all the sad moments were done much better in the orginal
How far did you get?
so does that make big rigs: over the road racing the best game ever made?
>it's able to focus more due to not having to catch up
What focus?
03 was fucking all over the place and threw away the whole theme behind the Homunculi.
It has much better cinematography and the build up to SPOILER's death is handled way better since we've time to know him as a character but after THAT death, it goes full retard. Ambitious but makes no sense. FMA 2003 gets marks for trying
Why I said up to episode 23 where it followed the manga 100%. After that it does it's own thing.
Lost Planet 2
Def Jam FFNY
totally this
people should watch both, but your opinion is wrong
>Witches of Hemwick
>One Reborn
>Chalice Rom
>all the chalice rooms with two spider summoners
>Chalice Ebrietas
>Celestial Emissary
>Gardens of Eyes
>Living Failures
>phantom range on most weapons
>chalice giants
>Watchdog of the Old Lords
>no resting at lanterns or fast traveling between them
I want a full metal alchemist game, are the ps2 games any good?
OP is a tumblrite who renamed her image so she would fit in.
Please be nice to her because she's new.
Man I love Breath of the Wild to death, but you must be delusional if you don't see its glaring flaws
You're absolutely right