Why is everyone with talent/brains a fucking arrogant cock?

Why is everyone with talent/brains a fucking arrogant cock?

From game devs to modders, every single one of these pricks is a sociopathic antisocial god-complex anal retentive faggot. Never have I met one down-to-earth person with any skill at all.

maybe the problem is with you?
maybe you are such a self-centered narcissistic bastard that you alienate people around you?

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


You sure proved him wrong. What a dick.


Why though? it doesnt even adress the point. FPBP is reserved for first posts that completely demolish OP's argument, are you sure you're not samefag tooting your own horn?

early man

Is that motherfucking jayz?

Looks like a young earl sweatshirt



they hold expectations of others around them and become disappointed and disillusioned with they find out these others cant live up to them
whether these expectations are warranted, relevant or even justified is anybody's guess
these expectations may or may not hold up to harsh scrutiny if given enough time for logical and fair deliberation

I've never seen a photo of earl so young

good to see the guy had the same lips back then too

This tbpfh

Sounds to me you have an issue that stems from your own self worth.

I just find it utterly inconceivable that a person can go through life without noticing a nice person with skill either the guy is completely fucked up mentally or he's just lying for attention.

His game got a lot of praise but i never tried it, i only learned about the game and him after the twitter meltdowns.

>that one time he cancelled FEZ 2 and came here as a random user trying to make people feel guilty about it with a screencap of his tweet but forgot to log out before taking the screen.

>Why is everyone with talent/brains a fucking arrogant cock?

They are not, but you barely hear anything about the non-genitals.

this makes the argument only more poignant.

>Why is everyone with talent/brains a fucking arrogant cock?

>create website that becomes huge and rakes in millions of dollars
>get messaged every day by thirsty cunts trying to beg and scam you out of your money
>get sued by some literally-who because your website was his idea or someshit
>get offers to sell your beloved website to [insert big soulless corp here]
>get harrassed by their agents until you give in
>lose all faith in humanity
>start treating people with disdain for the cunts they are

This. When you can do things easily you assume it is easy for everyone. When others can't do it instead of saying I'm smart you say they must be stupid


Nice shoop faggot

wow, it's like you never remember praise but only remember scoldings!

Fuck off moot, you were cool until you kicked snacks out and then got in bed with anita and company.

People will remember the good things, but they wont forget the bad things.

dont talk that way about moot you bitch

If in the course of your day you run into one person who seems like an asshole, you just had the misfortune of meeting an asshole. If in the course of your day everybody you meet seems like an asshole, you're probably the asshole.

Fucking make me, nigger.

I can imagine dealing with morons, which are the majority, on a daily basis can get tiring.
It must be a coping mechanism.

Great attitude

>all evidence shattering my preconceived worldview is fake

hey at least I tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Heh, i'm part of the majority.

>someone creates a 10/10 mod
>has an entire youtube channel and blog where he showcases his mods
>refuses to share them and gives vague answers to people requesting the mod