Are you satisfied with the existing graphical progress of video games?
Are you satisfied with the existing graphical progress of video games?
1997 looks better tbqh
A crashed airliner wouldn't look like that bottom picture. The wings would've broken off. It would explode. It would crush and tear. You could not crash a plane as pristine as that.
>that plane crash
Come on now thats just stupid and lazy
good analysis, now take a look at that bridge
>the bridge behind it is perfectly intact
current year facial expressions can't compare to the 2004 masterpiece that is vanilla Half-Life 2, as in pic-related
Opposing Force is so fucking good
brb reinstalling
Kinda. It's too bad it came at the cost of depth.
Cinematic mod isn't 2017 tho
I want to play this mod now. It looks hilarious
I'm not. The games are trying to be as realistic as possible design-wise and it's getting boring as hell.
Nigga what the fuck.
No. Stop around 2004 and make everything higher res. I don't give a shit. Most modern games look hideous, so I don't even get to the point where I can even inspect a texture. Meanwhile Max Payne 2 looks fantastic when I replay it.
his show still exists?
>bloom: the screenshot
>the only way to make Fallout 4 look good is to add depth of field, so 85% of what's on screen is hidden by the blur
You should work in game design.
The bottom picture is 2004, not even close to 2017.
Opposing force came out in 1999 you fucking cockmongrel.
That's not 2017 graphics, it looks more like 2010.
>not fleshing out the full female reproductive anatomy when making a female character's 3d model
what are you, gay?
Consoles are holding advancement back, as always.
lower picture is half life 2, captain literal
It was staged poorly
ferns thread?
those ground textures look shit, no amount of bloom and saturation can hide that.
Also i think you need a bunch of pixels more for that grass, or maybe some AA
I wonder if the interior is fully modeled.
gfx peaked in 07 with Crysis
now we just have fancier shaders
GPGPUs and ray tracing when?
Killer7 graphiccsnin Unreal4 when?
I'm sure that model is ripped from l4d and I don't remember anything from inside of plane.
With no debris
What if the borgs built the bridge after the plane crashed?
Source is a shit engine, what's your point?
>not also modelling a womb
Who was in the wrong here?
Source used to be top technology 15 years ago, it's just dated
What a stupid thing to say. Even the Crysis sequels, each only a couply of years after the last, are significantly better.
Fake Factory/Cinematic Mod feels like a wank/fanfic project of how this person thought shit should be.
And in a way, it did look better, but the person didn't know how to stage shit at all, decided to make nudity, completely anime-ify several characters (at least it was optional), and they didn't know how to compress their textures to not be 10 fucking gigs.
Of course I am.
IMO games just need a lot of dynamic lighting and soft shadows like Crysis and STALKER to make them cover the ugliness or blandness.
The spic. Dog probably thought that Mexican drug lord was gonna slice his master's head off. He was being a good dog, and then that savage spic kicks the boor doggo.
It was made at the same time as id Tech 4 and was completely inferior to it.
and more lienar and with worse ai.
The prbolem with visuals is that is the only shit they are pushing on now days. AI, physics, performance or shit that actually affects gameplay is set aside in favor for jsut fancy shadding, more detailed models in empty spaces or online.
Source is just goldsrc engine with bloom and havoc.
It was easier to run, simpler to work on, and managed to look extremely good for the time
This is why it got such a huge market slice
fully modeled cervix you say?
This. I don't mind graphical improvements but it's never used to interesting effect anymore, it's all just to make gritty, realistic post-apocalyptic settings and shit.
Give me a game like Darksiders over Days Gone any fucking day. Throw all the shit on it you want to make it look good but what's important is the aesthetic.
I fucking hate anybody who does this to a game. It does not look good in the slightest, it looks like I've got fucking cataracts.
we need to go deeper
>that lod on the right mountain
Jesus fuck what is that.
The owners.
basically guilty gear/dbfz?
16GB of fucking RAM
you forgot to photoshop that bit
jesus fuck that looks bad
This is literally how they shot the movie War for the Planet of the Apes' conversation scenes
As a fan of film it was an atrocity but I think it's a trend
>photorealistic games don't exi-
>we want the stroke victim audience
I always liked the pistol model they used.
The one-handed pistol always pissed me off.
>Fallout 4 looks awf-
[AAAAAA's in Dorito]
What the fuck
id say so.
>Fake Factory
Who are the autists who made this shit? I looks horrible.
When new gen came out it was impressive, the new Killzone and the Order game were both pretty.
Then they stopped making pretty games and we've been slipping back to previous gen quality. Doesn't help that PS3/PS4 and 360/Xbone games still come out that get released on both gens.
Different studio, different people. If you compare the 360 version of Crysis and Far Cry 3, you won't be that far off. The difference is that Ubisoft said "fuck it, 95% of customers won't see it" and didn't bother with better textures for PC. They didn't really bother with anything in that game when it comes to PC.
Id tech hasn't been very user friendly for a while sadly.
It's great but so much other engines are far easier to get into through modding or other means.
That's why every Bethesda RPG has a shit ton of mods.
I think the challenge for Valve making or releasing a Source successor is keeping the flexibility and moddability of Source while adding substantial features to make it compete in the modern AAA market.
The camera crew apparently. Someone behind the doggo moved in too close and made it anxious.
Why is it that a mod for a 3 year old Call of Duty game made by an 18 year old in his spare time looks better than anything these big studios shit out?
are you a farcry dev
If people could just understand why good colour theory and god teir bumpmapping makes a game look good, I would be so much happier
Even the same team fucked it up though so maybe it's beyond the reach of retarded devs
which mod?
No, quake.
Also, the mod is called "Old London"
Did this ever amount to anything?
what mod you cockgobbler
Baked lighting helps too. Mirror's Edge will continue to look great many years from now.