NieR: Automata

I finished Route A and got to the Goliath fight on Route B.
I loved it so far but playing as 9S makes me want to drop the game altogether, hacking is immersion breaking, unintuitive and not fun. The combat being neutered doesn't help either.

Does it get better?

The story won't progress either, consider yourself as having beaten Nier Automata

The story will progress after route B, consider yourself halfway through.


In all seriousness though, it does get quite better but you'll never get rid of 9S, in later chapters you will be switching back and forth between 9S and 2B, so do try to make your peace with the shota

>immersion breaking

>being teleported to a minigame mid-fight is not immersion breaking

>janky hack animation doesn't even point at the right direction most of the time

Oh look a retard.

Dude the hacking sucks and I put solid 25h into 2b's part before getting to this point.
I hate slogging through the game with his shitty sword throw attacks.

>immersion breaking

Not with those sick 8-bit alternate tracks it isn't. If you want to say it interrupts the flow of combat, try saying that instead,

>The combat being neutered doesn't help either.

9S has more interesting movesets than 2B. After playing 9S and A2, 2B feels boring as fuck. Figure it out, holy shit

What does A2 have that 2B doesn't? I'm genuinely curious because besides the taunt and mongoloid mode I couldn't tell.

>the game prompts you how to self destruct for the first time during route B

>I hate slogging through the game with his shitty sword throw attacks.
Use his heavy attacks??

Isn't heavy attack replaced by hacking?
I use a lvl4 Type 4O sword

evade+attack is his heavy attack

>9S tells me he's recording me configuring my setting in route A
>He actually plays it back for me in route B

No. This is the 9S game. You got baited by ass, now here's the shit (combat).

Equip a spear and hold heavy attack to win. The rest is just hacking.

>muh immersion
You people are the worst.

stop using small swords then and pick up bracers/spear/large sword
not that 9S' small sword moveset is bad but those other weapons are a lot more braindead because their charge attacks are ridiculously good
also you can use heavy attacks with 9s by either staggering your combo after the first hit or by doing a backdash into attack

>immersion breaking

You don't even have to hack if you don't want to, 9S is strong enough on his own without it.

Also, congratulations on getting rused into buying a game that's main character is actually 9S. You'll understand why if you stick with it, and the combat gets better the stronger and more revenge driven he gets.

I got a little bit into route C and just quit. It was boring, and I ran out of healing items, and there's no way to refill.

Good start, bad end. Pick up something like Yakuza Zero and have more fun

you're an idiot, everything ties together perfectly. You're just a quitter.

>and I ran out of healing items, and there's no way to refill
how are you this bad

>hacking is immersion breaking, unintuitive
are you retarded?

>hacking is immersion breaking

t. nigger that doesn't know what immersion is

9S charged attacks are literally the most powerful non-berserk mode attacks in the game.
Get good.

And you don't seem to understand being forced to do a tedious task over and over takes you out of the experience and makes you not want to play anymore

>Does it get better?
No. 9S is the reason for pirating this shit.

nobody forces you to do it, retard
there's only a few story segments where it's necessary
aside from that, Automata's hacking is probably the smoothest mini-game of this kind i ever saw in games, and it has a synergy with other abilities of 9S like dropping down his Pod program cooldowns because time doesn't technically stop inside the hacking space