ITT describe a video game very poorly, other anons guess what it is

ITT describe a video game very poorly, other anons guess what it is.

You're playing as a guy working for a company that makes enhancements for humans. You're also trying to uncover what the hell the jews are up to and you're also tasked to stop the "rebels".

You're a hopeless faggot trying to save the world bY slaying the gods and demons and monsters that get in your way, even slaying an emalgamation of people at the very end of it. Only to have it all be for nothing as the world fades around you

You must collect all the demon monsters and do battle with fellow demon masters to become to true elite demon master.

Spec Ops: The Line

you are trying to become mayor by killing a bunch criminals.

god of war.

pokemon i guess

deus ex.

it's a manchild's autistic fanfiction, but somehow it's also a very successful franchise.

Shin Megami Tensei

postman pat meddles in politics

Electronics gets eradicated and magic gets discovered as a recovery effort. Magical genetic advancement gets Japan nuked by a rogue experimental creature. Humans declares war on those beings. Post mains.

Final Fight

You fight a god.

You fight as a group of violent cartoon characters who go out of their way to blast eachother to smithereens while suffering from a series of psychoses, whether it's being drunk, being loudmouthed, or being outright delirious.

You and your potentially cannibalistic party members climb this huge fuckoff tower and fight the creator god because everything that doesn't directly concern him is just a big game. Or you instantly kill him with a bugged weapon.

>Early ps2 era game.
>very Contra like except in the city
>First level you fight a ufo
>later on you fight a bioship where a heart like organ is the weakspot.
>pick-up power ups just like in Contra.

Gross lava bug from the future is going to explode out of the earth like a pimple and piss fire down on anybody left on the ground. You gotta fight this gross lava bug.

Tea For 2

Kinda sounds like that game with Andy Serkis called Enslaved, but I'm probably just misremembering it.

A business man gets his vacation to Europe ruined because of the Muslims customs being absolutely retarded while your coworkers are busy dealing with their autistic step brother

You play the sequel to a colorful, brutally difficult game with a lot of weapons and a completely grim ending where you have two weapons, two colors, and a slightly less grim ending.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse?

You play as a member of a team of repo men hired by one of two brothers quarreling over their late father's estate.
Answer: TF2.

Mcdonalds, Disney, Comcast, and many other corporations overthrow the governments and use robots to do their bidding. One game involves giving those robots a shield made out of Metal Gear developers.

You play as an angry monster who teams up with a small boy and a couple mental patients to go break some douchebag's mailbox, eventually discovering the power of love, friendship, and invincibility frames.

Kingdom Hearts.

Kingdom Hearts

The game is a multiplayer game. It's a team game and it's based around the serotonin shot the players get at the end of a grueling 50 minute match.

You play as a thousand year old loli or shota piloting a fleshmech and are asked by your THICC mother figure to commit genocide for basically no reason.


smash bros

cave story but not

Dude, Sex

You gotta kill these immigrants and immigrant gangsters to free your country from its invisible shackles by following instructions being given to you

Below Story

Your favourite game

>Below Story

Space muslims are mad cause space angels chose your people to be the space Jews

Easy. Desu Ex human revolution.

Edgelord kills dogs and ayys

>Get to the end of the map in 1-2 turns.
>A++ strategy. Best general ever.

edgelord kills everyone

Your employers want your hand and your uncle wants your sword, so you have to beat the shit out of both of them.

Metal gear rising

He sucks

you have an asshole voice in your head that is literally too stupid to know that you were the big bad all along

Your relative gives you and your friends Nintendo DSes that summon otherworldly creatures


Mister Mosquito?

A Muslim and a Beta Professor kill some guy you knew for like 5 seconds and steal your tools of trade while you weren't looking you go through the game and you find out that they did that because a completely different guy that was only introduced in the last chapter and has 10 minutes at most of screen time

Mr. Nott Emportant's game

A naked person joins a pest eradicating group, saves a town and helps a cripple get revenge.

devil survivor


Yes yes

You wake up and decide it's time to become a hobo with a shotgun

You join the police along with a loli, chad and stacey but you get bullied by everyone because another group has done a better job than the police for years.

You realize that socialism is always the correct answer

70s stereotypes kill each other to the sound of funk music.

well uhh you live downtown and meet a girl and uhh you wake uhhh up and people discuss if they should kill you but then they accept you and a hobo shows you around and you live the nightlife

Guy stumbles in building and travels to other worlds by contacting paint.

your daddy or mommy was an angel and you are overpowered and kill everything countless of times just to get a burger costume for your weapon.

You shoot infected niggers


Honestly forgot about that game until now



Super Mario 64

youre the OP, but you actually come from reddit and brinng your shitty facebook memes with you

A giant space head takes you to heaven because it's being consumed by darkness

Russia invades America, and when the Americans think it's over they find out that it has only begun.

you and your friends go kill a bunch of people for a chair

youre a medieval king leading your army to battle when suddenly a car comes out of nowhere and annihilates your knights with missiles. its license plate spelled "pepperoni pizza"

You and some other assholes blast your way through a bunch memes to fight the ultimate Meme Lord and his disappointing as fuck giant monster.


You play as a dude who fights with two other dudes and a dudette against other dudes who were mislead by a third group of dudes who are still mad about a brodown that occurred 15 parties ago that resulted in the spilling of 7 kegs.


Your gay brother, a cat who constantly wants your food, and a bunch of other annoying assholes won't stop bothering you

Go get something for someone. Oh crap. Demons from nowhere. You start killing demons. Lots of demons


dude lesbians lmao



Everyone wants your dead grandfather's money

You go to see your gf at her work´s place but everything is fucking up and everybody is loosing it so you spend´s most of the time stopping the floor while trying to leave.

you deliver various quips and jokes while climbing buildings and shooting things in jungles

It's not your fault simulator

a hipster completly ruins the MCs life and you´re trying really hard to get back at him. also time is beyond fucked in every way possible.


That version of monster is shit, blue is far superior.

one post above yours

Dark Messiah?


>drinking the low calorie sips
The sugar is half the feeling


nope, think gamecube game

Doom 3


You want to fuck the snake but the protagonist for some reason doesn't want to

dude magic lmao

Reverse-engineer alien technology to get hyper-death squads.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty



You're a janitor.
Go clean shit.
Okay, you're done.
Hard mode: Work overtime so you can go on the company vacation.