You're going to buy it, right, Sup Forums?
You're going to buy it, right, Sup Forums?
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Has it been confirmed that ''Fusion Mode'' is hard mode? If it is and it's only accessible through amiibo then I won't get it.
>playing 3ds games
Space Pirate.
I'm buying it digital so my money goes straight to Nintendo and it'll always be on my 3DS
>giving money to a disloyal company
>endorsing a cancerous practice
Of course, I want Metroid 5.
I was going to but then i remembered how awful it feels to play action games on the 3ds so no.
> Amiibo needed for Fusion mode
Nothing of value was lost. Fusion was for 2D what Other M was for 3D. And yes I know Fusion was first.
Not really. Metroid was never good to begin with.
just buy a fucking nfc sticker and use your phone's nfc to make them into amiibos you cuck
Pirating the amiibo functionality is fine.
Pirating the game itself will make me rip your head off and shit down your neck.
Jokes on you, I already bought them all :D
At that point just pirate the entire game
Nah. I'll pirate it, but I'm not gonna support Nintendo, they clearly don't know how to make a good metroid game anymore or how to make smart business decisions regarding it. AM2R was better
no I want the 3DS to be retired so I am not going to support it further
>People will defend this
>giving money to Nintendo after the Wii U switcharoo
hahahahah no.
Bought my 3DS secondhand and put freeshop the moment I turned it on.
how do you pirate the amiibo functionality ?
>walk, see enemy, stand still and let it attack, counter, shoot, repeat
This looks boring as fuck.
Bosses look pretty fun though.
How to not support Amiibo: Don't buy them.
I will buy the game, but not the amiibo if they're locking content behind it. Not like I could find the amiibo anyway. It's a shame because they actually look cool.
but if there's a way to pirate amiibo, how do we do it ?
That looks way less fun than AM2R's fight
I think I will, I just hope it's good.
I'm playing Hyper Metroid right now and it's awesome.
You're just being naive.
I really hope you can play the entire game without having to do that stupid shit because it honestly looks like it trivializes all the enemies.
Metroid has always been about easily killing most enemies you meet to make exploration easier. The counter system just makes it more involved and supposedly it's not that easy to do, but it wouldn't be bad if it was.
Glad you have time to play the game to judge AM2R better.
dont think that is the right use of the word
>more involved
I think you mean more tedious. Shooting an enemy takes far less time than the counter mechanic does.
I planned to, but just like I did not support Fire Emblem "A single game divided into 2 and a half" Fates, I'm not going to buy a game with content locked behind amiibo. Even though I wanted to get the Metroid amiibo as well.
I have other things to spend my time and money on.
I'll pirate it on day one and delete it a month or two later when I realize I've never bothered actually turning it on.
I never even got around to playing AM2R. What hope does something miserable-looking like this have?
The counter for regular enemies is less than a second. It'd only be tedious if because enemies have to be more aggressive now, they become a nuisance trying to attack you all the time when you're trying to explore. In the other games you really only fight enemies that are in your way and the few that actually attack you.
>wanted to get the amiibo
>no longer wants to support the game after the amiibo does what amiibo do
You are a retard.
Not him, but it's a matter of principle. Especially nowadays, when it's mindlessly easy to pirate 3DS games. They need to give me a game that's worth dropping money on, with no shitty gimmicks. No stages, no modes, no characters locked behind Amiibo, or else no buy.
Exactly, it's about principles.
And my on-line store of choice does not have the amiibo any more, so there's that.
>Press X to awesome
>Press X to reveal all secrets in the area
Why would I buy the latest cinematic experience from the Metroid series?
I think the melee think looks potentially annoying and the amiibo thing has me pissed off but I'm still probably going to get it.
I love Metroid too much to skip over any of the games save for Other M.
What the fuck is with all this shilling going on for this game? I've never seen a game being so shilled in Sup Forums before. FUCK OFF IWATA
>I did not support Fire Emblem "A single game divided into 2 and a half" Fates
You made the right call, I got both and I was disappointed.
You might think it's bait, but that's exactly what happened with Federation Force. I had it for months before realizing I'd never even turned it on.
>actually letting Mercury Stream fuck up metroid after they fucked up 'vania
Fuck no, anyone who isn't a drooling fucking retard fanboy won't support this garbage
Yes but I'm spoofing all of the amiibo stuff because fuck a $10 paywall for some goddamn art.
True fans want the series dead.
> 0.25 has been deposited in your account
Day -5 pirate desu
Of course I will.
Holy shit, this is so kick ass. God damn, I can't wait for this game and the full 3D background is the shit. It feels so god damn good that 2D Metroid is back.
>Metroid turning into a cinematic experience is kick ass
The more I see this game the more I want it.
If it enrages you so much that you have to pay extra for hard mode (which is perfectly understandable) then get some of these. Chances are that you can program them yourself with your phone. It's not like Nintendo is gonna care if you guys don't buy the amiibos.
It's up to you whether you want to stand still and wait or just go ahead and shoot. Obviously it makes more sense to counter more agile enemies that are dodging your shots and just shoot the land ones
I use action replay power saves.
God damn, that looks fun.
I didn't know powersaves unlocked amiibo stuff. That's pretty neat.
Seconded. It'd have been better if Metroid just faded away instead of having shit game after shit game released first.
Can anyone say 'GOTY 2017'?
Realistically, how well will this sell?
Over a million or 2 million.
Considering how well Metroid games typically sell, and considering the last one they released sold 100k copies in total, I'd estimate maybe 600k at most.
Okay, you can stop shilling now.
>considering the last one they released sold 100k copies in total
That was a game 90% of people hated as soon as it was announced. It's not really the best metric to judge sales by. I guarantee Samus Returns will positively destroy Federation Force in terms of sales numbers.
You can stop being a fucking retard now, Sup Forums ain't the world and you faggots are always and I repeat ALWAYS wrong, maybe you guys should start making better predictions you little bitch.
Yeah, and I said that it'd sell 6x as much. Putting it just under Zero Mission, Hunters, and Prime Trilogy.
Aw, looks like the paid marketer had his feelings hurt.
>I guarantee Samus Returns will positively destroy Federation Force in terms of sales numbers.
It's not even going to break 90k.
Why do you say that?
Yes, i will. I'll try and get a cute squishy metroid amiibo cuz I want one anyway
But sales still won't be good enough because Metroid games never fucking sell
Not him, but
1: Federation Force might have earned Ninty a lot of bad will with customers, to say nothing of its quality in the end
2: Killing AM2R for this might have also earned them bad will
3: Same goes for locking content behind amiibo
4: 3DS piracy is more prevalent than ever
>Melee counters
>Released late into 3DS lifespan
>Metroid has never sold well
>Most people have played AM2R
>On cart DLC
Looks like you're the only one crying, you're going to be crying more after this game breaks a million in sales. Don't you guys ever get tired of being wrong?
I don't buy shovelware games. 2.5D was a mistake.
>A 15 year old game looks better
Even Super looks better.
Only the world's biggest dumbasses are going to refuse to buy this solely because of a fan game.
Yeah, I'm sure it'll manage that when the aforementioned games couldn't. You are insane.
>Don't you guys ever get tired of being wrong?
Like when we said Federation Force looked like shit and wouldn't sell at all, right?
>having a melee attack makes automatically turns it into Uncharted
HAAHAHHA no i canccelled my preorder. Will pirate it. very disgusting. AM2R and patched Super are much better.
True fans want the series to have good games again. I'm not saying anything on whether this one is looking good or not, but it's always better to have the possibility of a good game than a zero percent chance of any games.
When you push a button and control is stripped away from the player to shove flashy cinematics down the player's throat it is a cinematic experience.
Take Super Metroid for example, you always have absolute control over Samus including almost every cutscene. The game respects player agency and never feels the need to take it away from the player to insert a bunch of flashy sequences.
The game is ugly as fuck.
>patched Super
Okay, I understand the complaint about the cinematic attacks on bosses, but for most enemies it's literally just a melee attack.
Got it preordered and picking it up day one, just like Fusion and Prime when i was young.
Get fucked Sup Forumstards, play a fucking video game sometime.
looks terrible
Emulators can apply patches. Currently I use a bugfix and controls patch on my hacked 3DS.
Which patch?
What is a melee attack doing in Metroid, remember the last time we had those?
I get other stuff here:
>FPS on handheld
>some shitty Rocket League ripoff mp
>turning Metroid into chibi trash
>Samus not the main character
Who the fuck was this Federation Force's audience? Explain that, faggot
Good question. Who the fuck is Samus Returns's audience? The people who already played AM2R or the people who don't give a shit about Metroid II?