>hand holding mechanics in Asuka's game
>Bashou DLC for PBS
>new mobile game rpg thing
>Burst remaster
Out of all these which got your attention the most whether it was good or bad? Why?
>hand holding mechanics in Asuka's game
>Bashou DLC for PBS
>new mobile game rpg thing
>Burst remaster
Out of all these which got your attention the most whether it was good or bad? Why?
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Honestly, the Mobile RPG looked really nice.
Burst Remake could be cool, but it looks just like a Burst Skin for EV for now. Having the Versus Engine does not help at all.
>Yumi in SK Burst remake
Be nice.
Don't for get the pinball game.
They showed everything I expected on the stream, the Asuka game is what was advertised and it's pretty much confirmed they'll put more girls, pinball games are always fun, Re:Newal is obviously a cash in but at least more people will be exposed to the start of the story and New Link is exactly what I wanted from a Senran Kagura mobile game. Only wished they would've shown more of 7.
>Out of all these which got your attention the most
That delicious Bashou daki ass.
No bullying allowed here.
The Burst Remaster looks slow as hell and a rehash of EV. I thought going PS4 only would improve the graphics a bit. Guess not.
I'm going to marry Yumi!
She is just a optional playable character, right?
Stop that.
>Bashou DLC for PBS
Please be real i want to belive
Stop posting Yumi.
The pinball game.
Refle looks more like you abuse Asuka.
she's a real girl now
So these are ninjas huh?
>Valkyrie Drive, the better game, will forever be neglected
How do i change timelines?
OK, but only because I have no other pictures of Yumi being bullied
Its sounding like to play as her you need to pay for DLC.
Stop being mean to Yumi.
The mobile game is what i always wanted. New wave is trash.
>Yumi will be a playable character through a limited edition bonus.
She's basically there to get the people who are mainly or rather only interested in her a reason to buy the game.
>Asuka's game is switch exclusive
>if any other girls get in as unlockable or DLC, it'll be Yumi first
I'm excited, disappointed, and afraid.
I need more Kat in my life.
for what is worth
Any videos/trailers on them?
Bashou is an improved Yumi.
Reminder that Yumi not only voiced best senran, but also best valkyrie.
AS expected. I just hope they won´t make Dai and Rin paid DLC and let them be unlockables.
Also Robo Maids need to come back, they need to model a lot of new enemies for this game.
We know, Ayame.
Yeah, here's one of them.
They'll put Miyabi in the Burst remake too right?
So that way all 4 leaders will be playable.
Oh, they'll put her in all right.
Does she get to roll around in a wheelchair?
>New Link
Oh you.
These are your comfort girls for the night.
Stop that Miyabi a cute
>but also best valkyrie
But that's neither Mirei or Akira.
Burst Re:Newal. Never played the original.
I'll still be playing the others though.
Doing my best!
Never said she wasn't silly.
not exactly
>"Yumi will be a playable character through a limited edition bonus. We’re planning on adding a side story that will show what characters introduced after Shinovi Versus have been up to behind the scenes."
Who's ready for Takaki to go full George Lucas on us?
No, that's Mana. Those two bit sluts you listed don't compare to her.
Woo. Ten hours of cleaning bed sores and emptying her bedpan.
He's just taking the necessary steps to merge both continuities by introducing the more popular girls in the Burst/Deep crimson timeline.
I'm going to keep saying this.
The main series needs a timeskip to pull the cast out of the corner Takaki wrote them into.
Jump forward a few years, get them out of school and let them have a few off-screen adventures together so that they can come back with more mature personalities, confidence and the ability to take on more important missions.
The story is frustrating right now because it sets up plenty of cool enemies and encounters but those are all either in the past with Hanzo, Sayuri and Kurokage or they are in the future with Shin and other yoma.
Timeskip seems like an easy fix to the rut the series is in.
Why are you slapping Asuka anyway? That's mean.
Maybe they'll do a timeskip after the Deep Crimson remake with Yumi
So will we get Ayame?
Dumb Babu.
How many of you will fall into gacha hell now?
Funnily enough she was the only absent on the mobile game intro.
Dumb Babu
>We’re planning on adding a side story that will show what characters introduced after Shinovi Versus have been up to behind the scenes.
Nothing major I can imagine.
In fact New Hebijo can´t be anything major because Miyabi needs to be in the wheelchair with Imu at her side, Murasaki being the incarnation of a hikimori and the twins still being at Gessen.
Limited Edition bonus, the news says there will be a mini scenario showing what Yumi was doing in the beginning of the series while Hanzo and Hebijo where fighting.
I'll give it a go.
I already play Fire Emblem Heroes and that's all right for what it is. This looks okay too.
I would really like a Versus game with better combos and yomas. Something like Monhun but without stamina.
I don't think I can afford 20 comfort girls.
Yeah New Hebi is easy to explain their inactivity, only need to show gessen which will probably be some story that ends with dead Kurokage.
Now for Deep Crimson they'll need to think more about what their stories will be.
If it was the better game why it sold so poorly with an anime and mobile game to boost its sales? It was under the obligation to sell more than 100k, which was what happened with Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus when the anime originally aired in Japan.
>and the twins still being at Gessen.
That will probably one of the things they'll include, maybe to connect it to that one part on the SK7 teaser with Yumi, Ryobi and Ryona.
Probably taking it up the shitter by Kurokage
Stop talking about my wife like that.
>pinball game.
Wait, what.
you have already paid
Man, I love Homura's new tenshin. So badass.
Post Miyabi
Valkirya Drive's designs are as bland as it gets, the girls have little differences in visual while having the same face, meanwhile Nan is guilty of drawing the same faces too but at least the designs have plenty of differences in clothing and hairstyle.
There's talk of the PC release of it being ported to PS4.
see >This is something I’ve always wanted to do. I wanted to play something that will let me feel when the ball touches breasts. I want to play pinball on a woman’s body.
Peach Ball. Switch exclusive pinball game.
>Valkirya Drive's designs are as bland as it gets, the girls have little differences in visual while having the same face, meanwhile Nan is guilty of drawing the same faces too but at least the designs have plenty of differences in clothing and hairstyle.
>the girls have little differences in visual while having the same face
Dude what
Switch game, it is getting the Asuka fondling game and a Pinball game. Can't till they make a Kart game, I would like it.
They're pretty different as far as faces go, but lord their designs are terrible and unappealing as they can possibly get.
I'd actually dig it, may as well go with a party game too while we're at it.
Pay with your life, through your penis.
>tfw senran becomes the mario of titty games
But there will never be a fighting game.
Your wife pleases tiny Japanese penises for money puri
Literally the same characters.
I just want a dating sim
I'm not joking, this Asuka handholding game is the reason I bought a Switch.
I mean we may as well get one with the Asuka game being a thing.
It's obvious they never want to progress the story in the games anymore.
You need your eyes checked if you really believe that user
It's not like Nan's range is exceptional either.
Miyabi fighting in her wheelchair when?
I just want to teach snek to feel love
I will protect that potato
The Asuka game seems to be that, or something close, she is getting touched for a reason.
I'd laugh if that ever happens
Nope, can't really bring myself to care.
>How many of you will fall into gacha hell now?
Is it coming to the west? Definitely won't bother if it's jap only.