what do yall think is the best cod
Best call of duty
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I really like CoD5 when it came out
MW1 = 2 = 1 > BO1 > MW2 > rest
Black ops 1. Solid single player, multiplayer and a God tier horde mode.
Definitive ranking based on playing all CODs:
from WORST to BEST
12 (BO3)
8 (MW3)
10 (Ghosts)
11 (AW)
6 (MW2)
5 (WaW)
4 (MW)
9 (BO2)
7 (BO)
13 (IW)
BO was best until IW came out.
I haven't played all of them in MP but I'll definitely say my top MP CODs are
1. MW2
2. WaW
3. BO
4. AW
5. BO2
6. BO3
MW2, black ops 1 comes close in second but I dont like the campaign as much
valid opinion
MW2 had a great campaign
MW2 Multiplayer is so bad its so good, horribly balanced, Akimbo 1887, Rangers and G18 everywhere, grenade launchers are one man army, everybody was using surpressed UMP45 in SnD, but it was amusing af.
MW1 has has a vastly superior SP though.
MW > MW2 > COD & UO > COD2 > WAW
others are irrelevant to me
Black Ops 1 for actually having a decent campaign.
4 and 2 are the best, World at War designs an honourable mention too.
I also liked the "Special Ops" game mode, especially the stealth sniper missions and the wave modes where you could install turrets, survive enemies and destroy tanks and helicopters, though the levels were a bit short and apart from those I mentioned a lot of them felt "crowded" and kinda mediocre
cause tubing is hilarious
Demolition spawn trapping with a full team in Black Ops 1 was the best.
BO2 and 4.
I could never like MW2, especially since I'm a PCfag.
Though I really liked Big Red One back in the day. Also CoD3 has pretty fun multiplayer. Kinda unique in the series. It's like UO with CoD2 mechanics and trying to be mini Battlefield.
yeah I want more special ops and more strike force missions like BO2 and less zombies
4 is the best CoD and one of the best FPS period.
I feel like I like the campaign waaay more than I should. I remember every single level fondly. Anyone else?
>didnt play superior alterIW mw2
pls kys
I think MW2 was perfect, but CoD4 and W@W are both up there
CoD4 to Black Ops was a great run for CoD, Black Ops was the last CoD I really got into
neo Sup Forums
If you see my ranking I considered it the best of all COD campaigns until IW came out.
the numbers, Mason, what do they mean?
Campaign wise:
>Great tier
>Good tier
>Alright tier
>Bad tier
>Shit tier
I did, but I still didn't find this very entertaining. The balance is all over the place, though I understand that some of you liked that part.
MW2 had the best map design. It seems like they are unbalanced but that's just the loadouts.
MW2 >= WaW > BO1 = MW1 > MW3 > BO2 = BO3 > Ghosts > IW
>IW not great tier
I'll allow it.
If you are talking strictly MP I'd agree.
>people still trying to shill IW
jesus all of the children in this thread
COD1 + UO > CoD2 > CoD MW > CoD MW2/CoD WaW
all others are shit
if you argue that zombies affects ratings in any way, you are shit
Hey i put it in my top 5, that's pretty good for a game i expected nothing from. It needed more big levels with dozens of soldiers on both sides.
I watched the trailer like 50 times in April when it was first announced.
I know it's not to everyone's taste but to this day i don't get why it was so hated. It was a new direction for COD and I had the most fun playing the campaign. The MP was unimpressive but I really buy COD for the story mode first and foremost.
cod2 and waw sucked
Yeah if you want Zombies go back to L4D or whatever.
>It was a new direction for COD
It was just BO3 in a space setting
same exact garbage as the ones that came before but with fancier skyboxes
found the underage
Favorite chapter? Few games can match the goosebumps of step 1: secure the keys
>I didn't play the game at all but it's fun to bandwagon on to the youtube comments I read.
world at war is kino
Vorkuta + Rebirth Island
And crawling through the tunnels and playing Russian roulette with Bowman and Woods.
cod2 is the most generic cod of them all, rehashed cod1 with regen health
waw is cod4 with muh gore and pea shooter sounds
what was different about it aside from the skyboxes and it having multiple helicopter levels instead of slightly different vehicles?
Shit map desu
no one cares grandpa, everyone knows old games are literal baby games that are laughable by current standards
>not pipeline
>not strike
You didn't play it and obviously have no intention of doing it. No matter what that user says, you have a clear blind hate towards IW.
Fighter Jet Missions in space
multiple optional side-missions
an actually good story
gosh, I don't know, traveling all over the solar system sounds exactly the same as fighting gangsters in singapore.
I didn't consider zombies or multiplayer in my ranking Is my opinion respectable grandpa?
Judging by multiplayer
CoD 4
Black Ops
CoD 2
CoD 3
>an actually good story
this has to be bait right?
backlot is the best map in the game for Search and HQ, the two best game modes.
I mean, it's COD, not a literary masterpiece.
By COD standards IW has the best story and BO is the next best. Compared to those two BO3 is literally "it was all a dream" fanfiction trash
no gamemode has more shitty spawns
Black Ops (the first) by far.
Pretty much the only Cowadooty to drop any instance of being serious and just become a full blown action movie.
It's basically a videogame adaptation of Troma's War
>cartoonishly evil martians try to fuck up earth but are defeated by commander "never actually commands"
>good story
COD4 Map Rankings
The one with recoil and non casual gameplay
AkA Day of Defeat
Bog is fucking dogshit
>cartoonishly evil dictator tries to conquer earth but is defeated by allied forces
Everything sounds bad if you put it that way.
Oh because BO3's 3deep5u epique tweest was good storytelling?
Again, we're grading on a curve because COD are just 90's B-action movies with some interactive parts but I felt like IW gave you a good opportunity to get invested in the characters and you really feel like you made sacrifices i order to win.
>implying that all COD villains aren't saturday morning cartoon evil
>discounting the fact that SetDef probably had some valid motivation to act like dicks since they were probably treated as a vassal state by earth until they broke free.
>implying HC HQ on Shipment isn't the most fun to be had in CoD
nice spacing
>muh leddit bogeyman
??? Is spacing a new meme I'm not aware of?
I only played Finest Hour, Big Red One, 3, Modern Warfare, World at War, and Black Ops 1. Out of those I'd probably say either WaW or BO1.
People will call you a redditor if you put spaces between your lines.
Imagine being so easily upset that spacing things out for easy legibility is proof that someone visits a website you don't like.
and COD 2
world at war is arguably the best cod game
3rd best for sure
Black Ops 3 is the best for the mod tools alone.
Fresh forced meme.
>worst story
>overwatch MP
> mod tools delayed by like 7months
cod4promod here ?
have over 1000 hour in this mod
strike is the best map, most balanced in s&d
1 > UO > 2 > WaW (last good one) > 4 (the zombie mode was the most fun I've had in multiplayer, until WaW came out and it became a clone) > Blops (mediocre) > Blops 2 (garbage) > MW2 > IW Demo
Is the zombies mode in Black Ops 3 any good? I'm getting that itch again, and I've played WaW and Black Ops zombies to death.
CoD 4 is my least favorite.
>Backtracking missions
>Diverse locations such as middle eastern shithole, russian rural town, middle eastern shithole, russian rural town, middle eastern shithole, the exact same russian rural town BUT AT NIGHT AND YOU GO DOWN THE HILL INSTEAD OF UP
>no extra content
>all multiplayer maps play exactly the same and look exactly the same because they're literally just sections from the campaign
MW2 and Black Ops 1 were the best, but I'm having a lot of fun with Black Ops 3 right now because of the mod tools.
it has an entire zombies campaign, so I guess.
zombies suck
Official zombies isn't as good as BO1 or WaW but i heard it has some good modded maps.
Infinite Warfare or Advanced Warfare
>didn't fix grenade spamming because "lol it takes skill"
>casualized the game by removing idle sway and muzzle flash
more like homod desu
>worst story
When did I say it was good?
>overwatch MP
Did it before overwatch did it. Also, treyarch helped develop overwatch
Nigger, it came out exactly when they said it would. Also, "delayed" isn't an argument.
I am just trying to keep this thread alive because I like talking about COD tbqhf
Der Eisendrache and Gorod Krovi have that classic BO1/WaW throwback feel. Also, every objectively good map from WaW, BO1 and BO2 was remastered for Black Ops 3 youtube.com
And please get the PC version for endless quality content on the workshop from the mod tools.
Black ops 1 is clearly the only choice.
Best Zombies
Top online (Personally think it is the best)
Top story
>Top story
The story was written by the guy who created baneposting, it's literally /ourgame/
CoD 4 is best
MW3 is comfiest
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.4
Been working on this
Thoughts, Sup Forums?
2nd best after IW. Best story.
>Best MP
>Best Campaign
Black Ops
>Best Bonus Mode
Either Black Ops or Black Ops 3 PC
what is it
I haven't played CoD since Black OPs and i'm only now playing Infinite Warfare and actually enjoying it.
Maybe the trick is having extended breaks then going back to it.
if you read the thread those are the best 2 games.
You haven't missed much except for maybe BO2