I know I shouldn't ask about videogames on politics board, but I need your help Sup Forums...

I know I shouldn't ask about videogames on politics board, but I need your help Sup Forums. Recommend me a short-session, low-skill, low-involvement game. I'm trying to learn some shit IRL and I need something to unwind my brain every 3-4 few hours. Nevertheless it should have sense of progression to it, so I won't feel like I wasted 20 minutes for completely nothing and have temptation to play more.

Spelunky or Isaac, not sure if qualifies as low-skill.

>that kid who thought Toddposting was funny

Stardew Valley


Spelunky takes far longer than 20 min
Will consider it, thanks

I wouldn't qualify either as low skill. But they're great pick up and play games.

Ace Combat games are fun, casual flight arcade games that have each mission last 10-20 minutes, with lots of planes to unlock and interesting stories to keep you hooked.

I got the first killing floor for a dollar on bundlestars awhile back. If you had a friend or 2 that are into PC gaming you could play KF with them. There are shorter games that are probably 30-40 minutes. Its a nice mix of RPG grind, FPS, and your learning a lot as you go along. You need skill but its minimal and pretty straightforward skills.

This is by far my favorite edit

>interesting stories to keep you hooked.
Unfortunately this is exactly what I don't want now, I mean getting hooked on vidya while studying.

I'll look to it, thanks

Well if you're started you wont survive more than 2-5 minutes in Spelunky, but yeah, an avarage run takes more than 20 mins I guess. Also hardly low-skill.

I guess a small, random map of Heroes 3 could take about 20 minutes with quick combat, but you'd probably look up a template for that.

Dawn of discovery is on sale right now, or any city builder really would work

I know it isnt what youre asking for but one good round of PUBG can be an amazing release and often youll be satisfied enough to get back to doing other stuff.

That's the best edit I've ever seen.


>random map of Heroes 3 could take about 20 minutes
It's sacrilege to play Heroes 3 like that user. 6 hours or nothing
Thanks anons

I mean it's an incentive for you to come back and not drop the whole thing when you get tired of it. It's close to watching a TV show with short episodes if you know what I mean

This is a FUCKING video to some fat FUCKS called obsidrones. Now, I'm tired of these FAT FUCKS popping up all over the internet when I'm looking for some fucking Todd praising.

Stick RPG 2 might be nice for you

>Work, Fight, Study, Eat, Drink, Gamble, Train, Sleep, Quest, Collect, Invest, Repeat.
Nah looks like something I'm already doing

Hey nice shirt.
Did you try Fallout 4? I heard Bethesda is trying something new.

Nigga you sure as hell ain't fucking whores with a pimp cane
but if you are then upload some images


Stop posting this in every todd thread, you lunatic autist