Crypt of the Necrodancer Amplified

This game is pretty fun. Why is no one talking about, Sup Forums? Did something went wrong?

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I'll pirate it and give it a go, I guess.

As stated on Ted Martens' Twitter[1], Bolt is genderqueer and prefers pronouns they/them[2].

> final boss in the expansion is a nigress

Everyone who owns this game should be shot.

great discussion points about the game guys

This is Sup Forums you're talking about here, they'll try and find anything to avoid actually talking about games

It's a pixelshit that brings nothing new to the table except a gimmicky movement system. It's Spelunky + Dungeon crawl except it's bad.
There's nothing to talk about.

because the concept is stupid and gimmicky

It's a okish indie game, pretty mediocre if you aren't a fan of "X with rhythm" games, so it's very easy to forget it.
I got a bit hyped for it because I actually love "X with rhythm" games, but I only finished it with one character and never played it again. Replay value is weak, there is very little variety in dungeons and items (especially after your first full run) and the other characters are mostly boring gimmicks and stupid challenges that adds nothing new to the game itself, giving you less reason to replay it.

Yeah but Sup Forums is contrarian so I like it.

It's in my all-time top 5. I think some of the DLC still needs some work, I don't feel like Zone 5 is a proper finale for an All Zones run for instance, but the core gameplay is incredibly addictive & rewarding and I adore the soundtrack.

You shouldn't have made this thread, Sup Forums only talks about shitty games and this thread will 404 soon 'cause it's a good game.

i'll just wait until it shows up in a humble bundle

I don't how many hours have you put into this game but it doesn't get much better. After second stage the game gets tedious. I'm talking about basic game.

Necrodancer is fun as FUCK
And the music is bumpin

you're that kind of creep who buys bundles and never plays any game at all

Based Danny Bara

>couldn't even finish the game properly
>"t-the replay value is weak!!"

haha epic greentext strawman!
upvoted :)

>boring gimmicks
>no replay value
So you're a filthy casual who doesn't like to challenge himself, got it

>have to get amplified if you want to enjoy mods

maybe next summer sale I'll get it whole

this is Sup Forums what did u expect, people who like vidyas are actually playing vidya, not browsing social forums to talk about vidya

>I don't know what a straw man is

I keep having this feeling that people who gave up on the game and try to blame lack of variety or "replay value" (what the fuck?) can't keep up with the difficulty. Have you people seen the global achievements on steam? More than half the players haven't finished the first zone, it's pathetic.

I like vidya but I'm out working now so I'm shitposting while waiting for a fare

Beat the game with the first 2 characters, then they decided story mode was continued in "Don't fuck up even once of you're dead, dagger only" mode and I quit the game forever.

I don't know if I'm just terrible, but some of the presented challenges feel really implausible. Like the entire concept behind Aria. Or beating the game with every single character in a row. Or low% runs. I know people have completed them, but it just seems like you'd have to put an unreasonable amount of time into them to git gud enough to succeed.

But again, maybe I'm just terrible. I feel like I've hit a wall when it comes to my skill, and that's pretty discouraging.

It's not even that hard
Now bolt, that character is hard

It's a moderately difficult "turn-based real time strategy" roguelike.

90% of the reason most people don't talk about it, is because its' difficulty curve is extremely high, and that turns most peoples attention away.

The music is fucking amazing, the gameplay is great, but the plot can be disregarded.

No but seriously though, the game is way too difficult for most casual players. It starts getting out of control at Area 3, and proceeds to snowball everywhere after that. Melody is a slightly easier character to progress through the game, and gives a good idea on "changing up your gameplay" based on the character you're playing as.

I can easily say I got through most of the game by having some form of bullshit loadout and ranged attacks, which even then can be detrimental to gameplay, which is a nice way to balance.

Aria isn't tough, all char run is retardedly difficult

Go back to your dark soul containment thread and don't ever leave it

it took me only 4 days to complete

>oh no the game isn't playing itself, i should quit

Nah man. With Bolt you can fuck up on the beat as much as you want. I beat it with her legit within a couple of tries. You're effectively allowed twice as many moves per level, so more often than not, you can just wait for the enemies to come to you and kill them when they get close.

If you meant Coda, however, I can understand. That's just horseshit.

I finished it once, did some of these daily challenges, tried to play with the main character's mom and other dumb characters, but in the end they are just self imposed challenges on the same dungeons, with the same items, and the same few enemies and repetitive patterns.
Sorry if you somehow got offended because I didn't like your favorite game, but if it makes you feel better I really fucking tried because I love rhythm gimmicks, but I can't stand a roguelike with this weak level of content variety for very long. As a roguelike, it is a mediocre game, but the rhythm gimmick adds a bit of extra value to it, only if just a bit.

I don't go on Dark Souls threads, my man.
Maybe try and defend this shit game instead of resorting to ad hominem?

Just look at this shit, nothing even crosses the 50% mark.

>i didnt play the game and know nothing of it
>i should talk about my little experience on the game like it's the whole game experience

>playing games
pick one

To be fair, there is a shitton of games with the "press start button" cheevo below 40%. This is Steam, people just buy games for the sake of it.

I'm sure I could do it with enough dedication, the problem is it's not fun. Usually when you unlock a character it comes with some upsides and downsides and changes the way you play. The characters in this are all just cripple modes and Aria in specific does not change the way you play at all, it just cripples you and tells you to play through the game now.

I like the game, but
>6 months old expansion to 2 year-old indie game
Gee, I wonder why nobody is talking about it

the characters adjust to their backstory/lore and it offers new ways to enjoy the game, what's wrong about it

I guess OP got his answer.
With a fanbase this small and yet so autistic, it's pretty obvious that anyone would prefer to simply avoid it.

it's beautifully made and exactly my type of game but I'm too shit at it to play it

i don't remember people talking about during the time of the releases tho

guess only the fans like it and talk about it

Some people enjoy self imposed restrictions like playing through a shooter with nothing but a pistol or grabbing a star in only half an A press. I'm not a fan of that, I'd rather you just make the levels and enemies harder rather than making you weaker.

Roguelikes like offers different classes that do different things. In Dredmor you have a single character but dozen of professions to choose and customize your playstyle.
In Necrodancer, all characters are just "Cadence but with less options". Self-imposed challenges are cool when they are actually self-imposed.

>half an A press

dredmor is so fucking underrated and good

I don't want to play it because Danny B did the music, and that reminds of of the fact that Danny B and Edmund McDonalds won't ever work together again

Good Isaac sucks

That game deserved so much more than it got.
My theory is that the game never got popular because it had a strained at best relationship with capture software

What's the best soundtrack in this game?
That's actually only the best 1-1, the rest of that soundtrack is pretty dull and lazy. Jake Kaufman is my real favorite.

Talking about the music here, cretin

on top of being the best rougelike I've ever played, it's also the funniest
>all the achievement titles

Is the DLC good?

I think it was just too early. I remember it being one of the first of these rogue like gumball machine games and unlike Isaac, it didn't re-release and update for a decade.

My favorite is Invisible Inc but Dredmor is definitely up there.

I wouldn't say it's necessary. There's an extra level that extends the campaign, but it doesn't feel too terribly interesting. There's new weapons but most of the characters can't use weapons in the first place and they often just come off as better versions of other weapons. You're mostly getting potions and an extra level.

Yeah shit music. Glad we agree?

Dredmor was a 10/10 game. Making all sort of crazy builds was so fucking fun thanks to all crazy skills, like vegan and lawyer. Being a vegan pyromaniac was broken as fuck. Shit, now I want to burn some fucking diggles. Time to replay it.