Just this

>inb4 there cant be thread about this game without Sup Forums nazis getting involed

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I'm curious why people are so upset at the idea of shooting nazis in video games.

Dunno. We've been doing it for like 30 years.

Because usually you shoot the bad guys in vidya instead of the good guys

>not wanting to be a villain

Why havent we made a game yet of shooting anitfa?

no problem shooting nazi's. The annoyance is people trying to politicize this game and trying to make into a metaphor for the current year.

because it would have no difficulty whatsoever, they cant fight for shit

Then should it be a musuo game?

why there are loads of games that allow you to shoot commies

It's a metaphor for the current year because...What, nazis occupied america and there's a black woman?

What's the opposite of virtue signaling? Saying stuff not because you believe it, but because you feel you have to for your peers to accept you? That's what this is.

Please go away, Sup Forums. We just want to shoot some fucking nazis, okay?

Because the developers don't wanna get brutalized by a bunch of violent psychopaths who are projecting their own insanity onto other people as justification for their actions.

Not just nazis, but a cartoonishly evil depiction of nazis. And honestly I don't even know if people are actually upset about it, or if they're just purposely trying to start shit in every thread. It's gotten to the point where I just ignore most wolfenstein threads because every thread goes to shit almost instantly because some faggot posts "hitler did nothing wrong" or some age old bait and everyone bites, turning the thread into a cesspool.

Yeah, so like I sad: Why are people so upset that you're killing the bad guys?

>We just want to shoot some fucking nazis, okay?

god, please go back to plebbit with your try-hard bullshit. faggots complaining about Sup Forums are worse than actual Sup Forumstards

>muh webbit
niggers like you can fuck off too

>having a problem with politicizing a game that is using politics as its premise


watch out, we got a badass over here

Pete Hines said "Get ready to impeach the nazis from America" at E3, though given that it was Pete Hines he probably thought it was an absolutely hilarious thing to say, and it wasn't part of the planned transcript but he said it anyway.

There's also a not too subtle jab at the mindset of people who dislike protestors, having one of the Nazis say that "it's just that they're so violent". It's in one of the recent gameplay videos.

because you'd need a good reason and a setting for doing that. can you wrap your little brain around that?

antifa is purely reactionary. they will never hold real power, not even if your cartoonishly exaggerate them.

I'm sorry. I promise to think about my choice of language next time

the real shitstorm at E3 was over the 10th black afro chick unveiled that show calling the MC a "whyte boi" but then everyone pretended it was because you shoot Nazis

>because you'd need a good reason and a setting for doing that
The reason is that they are violent assholes that actually disrupt the peace and the setting is any city setting

>antifa is purely reactionary. they will never hold real power, not even if your cartoonishly exaggerate them.

The nazi don't either. They dont even exist anymore and yet you're fine with shooting them up despite an actual threat being outside our doors.

Because you're shooting Nazis in this one, not the villains of WW2- Communists or scheming Jew bankers.

>They dont even exist anymore
Which is why these games are set in the past.

>Not just nazis, but a cartoonishly evil depiction of nazis.

LMAO what's the difference?

Nazis were the villains, my dude.

Nazis started WW2 sweetie, you'll hear all about it when you reach middle school someday.

>niggers being the fucking resistance movement when the fucking nazi were the only ideology and the germans were one of the only people to treat them like human fucking beings and say they deserve a country for themselves
>The clan, ever allying with the national socialist movement when it was run by rich aristocrats who wanted people to toil under them instead of helping their fellow countrymen
because Bethesda is fucking garbage thats why we have to come and shit in this game.

starting a war that destroyed the mighty British empire and setting back the white dominance over the negroid race in Africa for at least 150 years

>I want 100% historical accuracy in my Videogame about Robo Hitler

get fucked, gaylord

The milkshake scene was intresting for a variety of reasons, first of it plays with the expectations of the audience as you expect the nazi to roar,attack and suppress the people around him while he's just happy go lucky and upbeat and a kind man that only wants some milkshake.
It also introduces us to the status quo,to that guy the war is over and the hatchet is buried but not for the Yankees,it also takes the war to a personal level. Maybe he actually believed he was doing a good deed,maybe he was conscripted. All in all it really gets my noggin joggin

>i had one history class in high school the posts
god i love when uneducated people spew shit opinions outta their lips instead of facts

>set in the past

This game has no basis on realism whatsoever, so suddenly you want to use some basis of the past when last I checked, I never saw a black woman running around shooting nazis, no less with the revisioned history of the game itself.

you're really not that bright are you?

the nazis do hold power in the game's setting. and you're fighting for a revolution. antifa on the other hand could never hold that kind of power even theoretically. try to come up with a setting where you are justified in shooting them (categorically).

>i want to keep perpetuating that my side was the right and good side when it eventually lead to half the world being thrown in to communism and the other half being subverted and turned in to a degenerate shithole that looks nothing like the nation it was 70 years ago
fuck off you heeb fuck

>>The clan, ever allying with the national socialist movement when it was run by rich aristocrats who wanted people to toil under them instead of helping their fellow countrymen
This is a valid complaint, the Klan would never try to become useful idiots because they were basically rich land owners fighting for their privileges.

>I mean, what type of country would this be if I got violent with people, simply over a difference of opinion?
My biggest issue about that was that it's simply not something someone who has grown up and been indoctrinated with nazi propaganda would say.

It's good that you love yourself kiddo, but you should stop embarrassing yourself.

>the Klan were basically rich land owners
why do you have an opinion on something you know nothing about

Your next post will mention "dresden massacres"

So for some reason now, anitifa wouldn't do a video game justice because to you, giving them power doesn't work despite the fact how fictional a game is, and yet that doesn't matter cause muh nazis?

No you make no sense in the last bit and still havent come up with a reason why antifa, which are made up of BLM people, radicals ones who loot and kill and actually have presence as real life enemies, aren't capable of being villains.

>i keep bringing Sup Forums to to the conversation only complain about Sup Forums being in threads


>half the world being thrown in to communism
Underdeveloped nations that lived like shit and continue to live like shit even after coming out of communism, yes.
>muh degeneracy
Art and nudes have been a thing since the Renaissance you fucking ignorant, you talk like an orthodox jew and it's probably because you can't get any and instead of improving yourself you attack other people having fun.

Yay another cloned game of the last cloned games. Wake the fuck up people, stop buying rehashed shit.

>being this dumb
>not knowing that the clan has been founded and run by southern aristocrats since the day of its inception
>hur dur they use dumb billy joe they must all be retarded and poor like my teachers told me during nigger history month
so does the fucking Russian, Italian, polish, Japanese, and Chinese mobs. But they are run by educated and rich men not fucking mongoloids like you would think they are.

lol lot of big words from the little babby boy

Can someone explain to me exactly how you are even the good guy at this point in these games?

The Nazi's won, boohoo muh racism, yeah yeah. But let's look at the facts. The war is over. They have a stable government, aside from the rebels, everything seems to be at peace. Technology in a 60's era is equivalent, or close to modern day 2017. Economy is good. Medical is good. Everything is pretty.

Like seriously, how are we playing anything but a domestic terrorist?

must be pretty hard living in your imaginary fairy tale world where even the sunset is a Jewish trick to make it easier for niggers to rape white women.

There can't because this game is mediocre. Just like with the god of war wife's son shit it's the only notable and controversial thing about a flat out mediocre game/series

fuck off tripfaggot

The problem are commies
They are going to turn them into good guys

>The clan, ever allying with the national socialist movement
Skip to 4:38, they don't really seem like allies to me.

>The Empire in Star Wars is the good guy

lol wow

This game is marketed toward leftists. Fighting the establishment, despite it being the best thing that has happened to human civilization, is all they know. At least the original wolfenstein didnt care about that as much as just giving a fps experience of killing nazis cause it was the edgy thing at the time for middle aged male teens. Now this is being made for women and numales.

you aren't, you a basically Osama Bin Laden at this point. But the difference is that people use their cognitive dissonance because

"bash da fash"

>Like seriously, how are we playing anything but a domestic terrorist?
Totalitarian regime that will kill you for holding a different opinion?
These days if you're a nutjob you get mocked on the internet or on TV, you don't go into FEMA camps.

Because I keep having to listen to every liberal faggot comparing this shit to Trump is obnoxious
Also this

When exactly did Sup Forums become a safe space for triggered trannies and jews?

Actually the empire WERE the good guys. They pretty much gave stability in their empire, then rebels came and unthroned the fuck out of them just to be the new head of the monarchy.


don't worry pal, I would kill both if I could.

It's gonna see millions of copies and possibly win GOTYs, hope you're cool with that, Fritz

>shooting radical protestors
>shooting opponents in a literal rebellion
do you not understand the difference you dumb fuck? again, give me a setting where you are JUSTIFIED in categorically shooting antifa. and not just one or two self defense cases.

because you asked
>Why havent we made a game yet of shooting anitfa?



It depends how woke casuals are getting. If they buy it, it means status quo is still in place where people will just buy the next hot game. But if people are still soured of over all the jewing going on in the industry (which would be ironic to the subject), the sales could suck.

But that's correct you moron. The Jedi Council was completely incompetent at best, and totally corrupt at worst.

maybe you should also visit school someday and not just Sup Forums

I think I realized the problem here. You're either an ignorant brit, a leaf, a dumb ass high schooler, a member of the faction itself, or all of the above.

this will trigger at least one of you goosestepping faggots

But they were?

The problem with this shit right here is that they want to be Tarantino, but they just can't.

Wolfenstein team should watch the noclip documentary of how Doom was written and hire Hugo Martin, he understood players only want to fucking shoot demons/nazis and not revel in some shittastic movie-game that is ultimately worse than both.

>it's a bad thing to react negatively to someone punching you out of nowhere for no reason

Okay little kid

Cool fan theory! also Squall is dead

So you are saying Nazis need to start getting serious and brutal?

>destruction of the nuclear age family
>destruction of small buisness in favor of large multinational corporations
>destruction of both white and african communities through the push of drugs and nigger culture
>destruction of white culture through the push of post modernism and degenerate art from artists like picasso
>spawning of feminism and the illusion that women will be happy in the workplace helping to destroy the family
>the "its all about me" instead of the "it's all about my community" ideology is pushed in daily life
>divorce fetishism causing broken homes and fucked children (men become worthless, criminals,or betas. Women become whores or feminists instead of finding a man and settling)
>destruction of state rights for the communist god of equality
>introduction of the nanny state
>introduction of internal spying
>subversion of other countries through the CIA
>false flags by same CIA to not only force us in to wars with other countries but to cause civil wars and destabilize countries throughout the world
yeah go fuck yourself you kike bastard.

I'm not convinced the KKK were siding with the Nazis. To me, from that 2 seconds we've seen it looked like the Nazi was escorting them away and asking if they've taken their german lessons. You know when you get pulled over you get asked for your insurance and all that because the cops already have you for speeding or whatnot, they might as well see if they can tag you for anything else? That's how I saw that scene,.

Someone should set up a tally for Wolfenstein threads where people bring up Sup Forums / SJWs with zero context to see which group does it the most.

>a faggot with literally zero following who's made by the media out to be the second coming of Hitler gets punched by a useful idiot

i don't see anything wrong here

so you can't.
or maybe you realized how fucking dumb your posts are.

You dont need to do that. Just take the Duke Nukem angle and kill people cause they did something minor to you. Imagine a duke nukem game where Duke is just chilling with his girls. He doesnt care about the nazis as long as they mess with his shit. Then they come in and go "no more Duke", take his girls to reform them into nazi soldiers, and told him to fuck off. That's a much purer premise than the politics this game is spouting.

Good, you are a sane person
Are devs sane people?

You DO realize everything you just posted is a natural result of late stage capitalism, yes?

this scene is just "racist get served their own medicine"

stfu you anitifa faggot

I don't know who that is but this kind of senseless violence really does piss me off. Even if that guy said something you don't like it doesn't give you the right to hit him. It is actually infringing on his rights to do that.

It's not Sup Forums, not really, it's just Sup Forums trolling itself.

These """Sup Forums""" guys you're claiming are just shitposting lefty retards that enjoy easy bait. 99% of the time true Sup Forumsacks like me just see the lefty retardation and move on, Sup Forums is for dropping redpills, not Sup Forumseddit

capitalism has nothing to do with communist ideas. They are always bred by outside forces, always. America has been in late stage capitalism for centuries.

>it's just a joke!

>99% of the time true Sup Forumsacks like me just see the lefty retardation and move on, Sup Forums is for dropping redpills, not Sup Forumseddit

i'm not antifa. i just have a brain.
enough to not write dumb Sup Forums posts like
>Why havent we made a game yet of shooting anitfa?

but apparently your tiny peabrain finally got it.

>its capitalism's fault i sware goy please believe me
capitalism worked fine until after their goy (((LBJ))) got in to office after they shot Kennedy

>capitalism has nothing to do with communist ideas
> They are always bred by outside forces, always.
>America has been in late stage capitalism for centuries.

yo saying shit like that, you might be retarded bro

>it's a bad thing to react negatively to someone advocating some drugged up Austrian's power fantasy

Okay little kid

No, you're a dumbass who believes the free market bred the idea of there not being a free market. You're a retard.

Videogame violence doesn't require justification. I mow down niggers in GTA and I don't have any reason.

It's pointless to assume that nazis would not go turbo-autist about a nazi killing game.

Lmao this game is for nigger lovers

All you're saying is that okay for someone to hit anyone at anytime for spouting something from their mouth. That means whenever I hear someone talk about anything, I have the right (which I dont little rebellious faggot), to knock them out. The problem with your little statement is that you cannot define when it's right to hit someone and when it's wrong. You're either for hitting people anytime you want or not at all. Which is it.