What's the consensus on Somecallmejohnny?
What's the consensus on Somecallmejohnny?
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Pretty entertaining. Not really a fan of the people he collabs with, though. That guy AntDude is bland, boring, and pretty cut-and-dry.
he looks like totaltitcansur and that alone will keep me away from his channel
There was a thread a while back that established him as /ourguy/
Not vidya.
only good e-celeb.
>comparing Johnny to TotalAssCancer
One plays games, the other looks at options menus and complains when a game is 59 FPS.
What's his best video and why is it his Sonic 06 one?
He's the entertaining version of MovieBob.
Cry more little babby
His Ecco the dolphin one.
>What's his best video
his only anime game review
cory in the house
I feel he speaks too fast sometimes.
But ultimately he's cool.
Some fat spic faggot that neo-Sup Forums ikes because he's less annoying than other e-celebs.
I watch AntDude, and I would admit to him being sort of bland in comparison to other YouTubers like him. However, his reviews are pretty comfy, at least for me.
He's the only reason to even watch brainscratch comms at all.
Chill as fuck. I enjoy his content. Did a better job of shitting on Sonic 06 in about an hour than Clement did it 3 hours.
I also like that he has a tee lopes written opening theme now.
I like him but Matt and Elliot both suck and aren't funny. Mark is ok though, maybe cause he's there so sparingly.
Redditor faggot with shit taste
Am I a retard for laughing at wonky dick?
What I never got is he says no game under 60 is worth playing but he really liked undertale, which is locked at 30.
They look exactly the same
He's just okay. He's not as cringy as someone like Caddicarus, but he's not as entertaining as someone like ProJared.
Stop with this shit. No e-celeb faggot is collectively liked by everyone. You cunts need to learn to speak for yourselves.
>that fucking fat guy walk he did
Pretty good stuff
Different strokes for different folks bro. But honestly it comes down to me finding Johnny more boring than Jared
If some call him johnny what do the rest of us call him?
Juan. Like that's actually his real name.
Doesn't he absolutely despise being called Juán?
Is it some sort of spic self-hatred?
Pretty decent
Might wanna get your eye's checked