Why did glados get to stay in control even though she was arguably more evil, yet wheatley had to gets shot into space forever? Was it because glados had a girl voice?
Why did glados get to stay in control even though she was arguably more evil...
Good and evil are merely constructs, m'lady
Because she wasn't a retard.
Wheatley was destroying Aperture Science. GLADoS knows all about the important stuff that needs to be done to maintain the facility.
Because everything wouldn't go into a nuclear meltdown under her control
>Giving a shit about wheatley
He can float into the sun for all I care.
Wheatley was cute and tried his best to help, it wasn't his fault he couldn't handle the facility.
At least he gets rescued in Lego Dimensions.
bitch wheatley couldnt even use the translation software
also he fucking betrayed you if you forgot
Alot of people are incapable of siding against women, even if they are psychotic murderers, Wheatley for example, was a pretty nice guy until he was hooked up to a mainframe he couldn' handle, and at least then he wasn't rude about trying to murder you like glados was. He showed genuine remorse over his actions, whereas glados only hinted at any guilt at the end of the game.
so wheatley was an alright dude while he was depending on you to help him survive. He was fucked when everything was falling apart, he was fucked when GlaDOS was in control, and then as soon as he wasn't fucked anymore he shifted to fucking everyone else, including chell.
That would make sense if he didn't shift to evil immediately after getting hooked up, but in this case he was clearly getting corrupted, go watch the scene. He was still trying to help you for around a minute after linking, until it kicked in and then he was overwhelmed. its not his fault hewas vuilt to be stupid.
Isn't Glados just apathetic, rather than evil? Either way, with Weatley at the helm the entire facility would have gone up in smoke. Putting Glados back in charge was a necessity.
>GLaDOS sounds like text to speech
>Wheatley is just some British dude
I don't understand.
It inspires fear in the hearts of meatbags
Glados was actively malicous in portal 2 and had a grudge against chell.
because glados was a real person.
wheatly was a fucking programmed retard you put in control so you could leave
Because she brutally tore her to pieces and threw every piece into a fire.
But it was his fault that he became mad with power after only one minute of getting it.
There was no reason to prevent Chell from leaving the facility after he had already activated the elevator, and there was no reason to try and kill her after she came back from the depths. He literally turned into someone else while plugged into the system, whereas Glados (outside of Caroline's influence) remained the same when unplugged.
Programed to be a moron or not, he has no excuse for any of that.
The mainframe was evil
Because Wheatley was minutes away from blowing up the entire facility. Now, if that would have been a better choice than Glados retaking control is another story.
Wheatley is GLaDOS's humanity
>He literally turned into someone else while plugged into the system, whereas Glados (outside of Caroline's influence) remained the same when unplugged.
He began turning into (another version of) GLaDOS, as Caroline had before him. When Caroline was unplugged, she started to very slowly remember having been Caroline.
The GLaDOS-body/system (which is basically the entire facility itself) is itself an immense high, a power-trip, and it also has euphoria-feedback conditioning apparatus built in on top of that. The degree of personal agency anyone being inserted into it would retain is very debatable.
For whatever reason (Caroline-GLaDOS says because he's an idiot, but she's definitely not trustworthy), Wheatley-GLaDOS couldn't keep up with the demands of running the facility, which was on the cusp of total destruction. That's the only reason he had to be replaced, in the end (although, neither Chell nor Caroline-GLaDOS were personally particularly focused on that rather than escape/restoration).
To me wheatley didn't seem that incomptetent until he was in control, I mean he was able to get chell as far as she did, and even defeat glados, so that leaves the question of how smart glados even was if she let herself lose control of apeture twice when i counted a dozen situational where she could have easily killed you.
what you saw was someone powerless for their whole life realizing that they call the shots now. if he's innocent because the facility 'corrupted' him, then every human being in a position of power who's misused that power was simply corrupted by their position as well.
The forced positive feedback from testing I'd imagine. Giving someone a 100% chance of death isn't really a "test" or "experiment".
Providing them with circumstances to enable them to succeed and seeing if/how they do it? That's a testing circumstance and really gets her hard drive running.
I'd also add to the last user's point about Chell tearing GLaDOS and her facility to bits in the first game pissing her off, the stuff you hear while going through the old facility demonstrates that Caroline was forcibly imprinting into the mainframe core (which considering how unwilling she was, may well have been a one-way process considering Aperture's way of doing things) meaning her GLaDOS self turned malignant as soon as she was turned on, both in revenge to the Cave and the scientists of the facility and the fact that the mainframe itself was designed to compel GLaDOS to test with a "high" upon the success of a test course. Now being a brain-in-a-jar, that feeling was probably all she could experience, so she burnt anyone she could out on tests to feel, and gassed anyone she couldn't for payback.
sounds like communism
Explain the how it is like communism.
it sounds like it
How dare you talk to me
don't ever respond to my post again
or my posts son
I'm not your son buddy
lets fuck
I'm not gay fag
pffft, what a cop out
anything better than being a gay
would you rather be a tranny or gay
>implying traps aren't gay
trannys arnt traps, gosh, get your shit together. traps know what they are, trannys also know but ignore it
Self preservation
GlaDos might kill you or you might be able to reason with her, even if you couldn't... You got away from got the first time and second time, right?
Wheatley's idiocy was going to kill everyone including himself, even if he could be reasoned with... he couldn't keep the facility from blowing up, he just wasn't capable enough. ...and since he's extra sensitive about his intelligence, you couldn't have brought this up without him going even crazier.
sounds like Stockholm syndrome
Explain the how it is like stockholm syndrome
it sounds like it