Which is the inception of games?

Which is the inception of games?

Literally persona 5
>enter an enemy's consciousness and try to change their mind

Remember Me if you want people re-organizing dreams and memories to make them do something.

Metal Gear Solid series for sheer scope and complexity.

Watch Dogs
both dogshit and dishonest forms of their medium

The problem with the MGS series is that its less complex and more nonsensical. It hits you over the head with really dumb things like how every one has an eye patch and theres only room for one snake and one boss and then expects you to sit in awe for an hour while a character comes back from the dead, again, to vomit out exposition to the player so you dont miss a beat!

Love those games but fuck are they stupid.

>comparing inceptiokino with watch shit

you have to go back

>you have to go back
>liking nolan
fuck off you retarded pleb.
trying watching 『狂った一頁』sometime.

>literally nobody liked watch dogs
>inception has great ratings, liked by most people, won 4 oscars and features in all time best lists


Nolan's pretty crap, but Inception was actually a somewhat good movie which had plenty of really great ideas - the twist of how Cobb knew inception was possible was well laid out and there are plenty of enjoyable parts that would have been cut out were the film in the hands of any old John. Plus the score's top tier.

inception was the best nolan movie tho

not him, but daily reminder that the plane scene in the dark knight rises exisists

Yeah, it's known that Nolan films have terrible dialogue, and I'm personally of the opinion that capeshit is without fail worse than Bollywood films because they operate on basically the same level of sophistication. Nolan can sometimes put out worthwhile stuff that isn't overwrought shit.

-The Matrix: Path of Neo
-American Mcgee's Alice
-Alice: The Madness Returns

These are the only ones I could think of that deal with dreams or alternate reality, that really do it well.

Depends, are we talking about content or context?
Probably Remember Me, since it's the only game I can think of where you go inside people's dreams like that.
Easily Bioshock Infinite. Both shit products from legendary creators that pseudo intellectuals rave over to make themselves feel smart.

Haha okay, you know what? I agree. What you said is true.

I was thinking more context wise.


Half life

What twist? That is the premise of the entire movie.

watch the movie again

so you want western games that ripped off japanese games?

weebs are not humans

deus ex