Now that emuparadise has taken down every single nintendo rom, where is a good place to get them now?

Now that emuparadise has taken down every single nintendo rom, where is a good place to get them now?

Other urls found in this thread: aria of sorrow rom

The video game store, asshole

Buy the snes mini, goyjin

here you go faggots


oh shit thanks

They are all still there?

they haven't

the Wii U virtual console of course my fellow gamer :^)

Why did they do that? I wanted to download Castlevania AOS some days ago but the download link wasn't there.

Too bad since I really liked that site, F.

>haha I'm le retarded ironic le funny kekekek lmao XDD

Oh well, looks like us 4Channers will just have purchase the Super Nintendo® Entertainment System™ Classic Edition™ when it gets released, or we can preorder now!


Nintendo is the Japanese Disney. They know they can treat their fans like cattle and they'll still defend them.

That doesn't have everything tho. For example, Fire Emblem 6-8 for GBA aren't there.

>had their entire collection of gba gc ps2 and ds roms
>hard drive died yesterday

>complete PS2 set
U wot nigger? How big was it?

my hard drive

actually I'm retarded nevermind, probably thinking of something else

Thank you for aiding and abetting.

What are you talking about? What's wrong with

I'd recommend downloading the complete no intro set from and just keeping it on an external drive or something.

All ninty licensed games got teken down. Same as Emuparadise.

theres no GC games here aria of sorrow rom in case you were actually left without your rom

nice honeypot you got there


years ago

Thanks, but I already got it and played it.

Why though?

Every? I guess that's why I couldn't get Mystery Dungeon each week I tried. Damn.

Those are ISOs, dumbass

>destroy archives consisting of 500 titles so you can sell around 12 titles and then drop support entirely
I really hate Ninty. It is hard enough trying to get malware-free obscure Enix RPGs like Dark Half nowadays

torrent them all

>google "[game name] ROM"
>notice at the bottom of results the note about DMCA notice
>check if any sites are missing because of it
>it's just some torrent links to Medal of Honor

Holy shit how do you people even survive
Do you fucking retards really think emuparadise is the only ROM site? Or even the only safe/easily accessible one? How dumb are you?


Printed game discs are a type of read only media. If you want to be a fuckhead about that you can start calling rest of the rom images by their appropriate file format as well.

>tfw people still share Goodsets from the early 2000s
>open up Super Mario Brothers
>three dozen roms inside, most of them unworking bad dumps, or redundant files with different rom headers, most of them rom hacks of mario naked with a giant boner
>same kind of shit with any other game

Goodsets are a blight upon emulation. I would love to sit down with the person who came up with them and ask them a few questions.

Is this Because i still can download from there

I doubt we'll get one since they're so limited.
But we can buy them on the eshop for Wii, N3DS, N2DS and soon Switch and they're just a bit pricier but that's ok because the SNES mini is a limited luxury prodcut!

nintendo titles are gone

Thats what i dont get, i just downloaded Chrono Trigger

Just us Kazaa you dorks.

nothing comes up when you search by letter or the search box

I love the NES goodset
I think including romhacks is a great idea, those are a part of late 90s-early 2000s internet culture and should be archived.
I think bad/non-working roms should be excluded though

Nintendo games, not systems

Mario, Metroid, etc. are gone

Thanks, now i understand