Kill leftists?

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This isn't r/the_Dong

I bet you the ones complaining weren't even mexicans

If it's still in the actual game who cares?

exactly that's why we have to kill leftists

Fuck off retard.

I can guarantee you that Mexicans weren't bitching about it. Let's get rid of Speedy Gonzales' hat because it's racist.

As a Mexican, i love that Japanese acknowledge us.

I hope they didn't remove anything from the game, i would be very sad if that happens.

what the fuck is wrong with these god damn SJWs

do they just feel powerful getting people to change their shit? surely none of them actually think a sombrero is actually an offensive caricature comparable to some sambo eating a watermelon?

But it would still have to be in the game, or they would have to re-design all the citizens in the desert town, and the desert town itself since thats all "Mexican" themed.

>we should kill people with different opinions from me!

They weren't. We've had threads about the "backlash".
It was just some college kids who raised a fuss and were promptly shat on by actual mexicans tearing them a new one for being offended for them.

They weren't

Guys, it was just a boxart picture only removed because the original picture was just mario shivering. The costumes still in there.

>Implying leftists wouldn't kill the other side if they could get away with it.

>what the fuck is wrong with these god damn SJWs

As several people in the comments section pointed out, it was likely amended because the sombrero pic was mario standing there doing nothing. Can't wait for this thread to hit 370 replies and 70 images omitted. Click here to view because you fags like complaining about a boogeyman.

a lot of leftists believe anyone right-of-center should die so i believe they should die first. You can start right now by killing yourself.

>all these Mexican virtue signalers saying "DON'T GET OFFENDED FOR ME" don't realize the person complaining in the first place is Mexican too

Clint Eastwood used to wear a damn poncho in his movies.

She's not mexican
She's a fucking leaf from Ubisoft

Why isn't the face of the executioner Wojak?
Shit meme

her twitter is no longer private

>Spanish sounding name means she's mexican

Classic Sup Forums

>privileged white neckbeards want to kill people over something as insignificant as a hat being removed from a video game character

liberals were right, you people are scum. Literally no empathy for other humans.

My family is Mexican-American and my sister is the most SJW, tumblrina, irritating piece of shit leftist out there. I just showed this to her and she actually got angry that it was even made an issue at all because, in her words

>It's a fucking hat

Was the outcry against this really that bad?

>A canadian woman from ubisoft can change the cover of a video game

Mario is a member of the marginalized italian community. How dare they treat him like a fucking white male nazifascist?

thanks leftists


Hell no, we're not complaining, we love this sort of shit.

The same article you posted has a comment that is correct
>Every other shot has something of interest, but not that one. I mean, it's not like they've removed the costume from the game, so I don't think theres any concern on the matter.

The picture on the cover didn't have anything going on, while the new one shows what the stage is about

I want Sup Forums to leave and stop fearmongering

>can never choose a side
Does it even matters?



Rebecca >COHEN Palacios.
she's jewish

>unironically siding with Ben Garrison

It is always Jews

>Nazi criticizing lack of tolerance
oy vey even ancaps aren't this retarded

>WTF I love Mexico now

I fucking hate you reactionary idiots.

>I don't think


>live in Mexico
>laugh at tumblr reaction to bitching about racism, cultural appropriations, and all the other usual buzzwords

Jokes on everyone, I'm not buying this and never planned on it, but this shitstorm was good.

>Kill leftists?

No, take them to forced labor camps, starve them, make them endure what they havent in their pampered lives, make them see what the world they want looks like.

Then when they think they are about to be free, kill them.

well shit, guess I should get offended at every representation of brits in video games being an inaccurate portrayal

oh wait, you have to be brown or black skinned for SJWs to give a shit about how you're represented in media

>I want Sup Forums to leave and stop fearmongering

But then their idiotic movement will lose any legitimacy if they can't constantly remind you of how evil LIBRULS are and how the white race is dying out

God, what a bunch of absolute morons.

Of course not. Only white college students care about this shit because they don't have any real problems

>mfw my heritage will never be in media nor be have banter about it
Well, except on anonymous image boards

>Feminist jew cries to Nintendo
>they change cover
>T-They just wanted to show a different feature


>Not siding with Ben Zyklon

It almost never is, you just cherry pick because you're low IQ.

Speedy gonzales once got cancelled after some crazies on the left accused warner brothers of racism. Well guess which community cried out so loud that they wanted speedy back. The mexicans of course. People nowadays and even 20 years back just love to get offended over everything, even when the affected minority sees nothing offensive in something.

Sup Forums was right again


>these guys are so pampered, let's put them in forced labor camps I say, as I post this in the comfort of my middle class home, using a computer my parents bought for me

cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing

wait, this isn't edited?

I agree fellow gentle sir. What a group of fear mongering racists. Only in Drumpfs America.

>be Italian plumber mascot
>the term 'Latin' was first associated with the peoples of the Italian peninsula
>there are linguistic, cultural, and genetic links between Mexicans and Italians because of a partially shared Mediterranean heritage
>a bunch of white college kids STILL get their panties in a twist (most of whom probably aren't even savvy enough to think of the Latin connection)
>meanwhile real Mexicans love it
It's bullshit that Nintendo felt the need to capitulate.


Nintendo is /our compeny/ tho right?
fucking lol

I bet you thought Ted Cruz was also Mexican, fucking retard.

>we can make fun of the italians with over-the-top accents and a love for pasta
>but a sombrero is too much oy vey

OY vey that's right. G*d's chosen are as pure as snow goy.

im left handed you Sup Forumsfuck

once again, just remember if you are currently a leftist, these people who are radicals want to CENSOR everything. that ideology is cancerous and wants to censor anything/everything unless it meets their criteria.

if you hate the right, at least remember they don't want to CENSOR/CHANGE your games. at least they're for freedom of expression. liberalism is not your friend, especially if you are white or straight or a male

Game is about exploring the world and different cultures. Mario decides to dance and make music with some mexicans. The left calls poor mario racist for actually having fun with mexicans.

If there's anything legitimately funny that Sup Forums did, it was actually turning their Ben Garrison memes into a reality.

>mfw us SJWs (Social Justice WINNERS) have successfully censored yet another game
>mfw anti-SJWs can do nothing about it but impotently cry like the butthurt cucks they are
>mfw anti-SJWs will NEVER, EVER get their own game

I fucking love being a SJW. Feels like WINNING!

No way this can be real, this level of cancer must be edited.

>hates leftists
>loves video games
Why don't you man children grow the fuck up and stop feeding this industry?

>gaffers are losing the Sup Forums proxy war against Sup Forums

>"b-but the japs never concede to leftists and SJWs!"

Guess that's no longer the case.

Either way, no buy from me.

Where does it say Cohen anywhere?


Spic here, how come nigger culture gets represented in various forms of media in America while Hispanics get almost none in comparison when their numbers are larger?

You can be antiregressive without being a fucking conspiracy theorist that believes jews are behind every problem.


(((Pure coincidence)))

Wow user, are automatically assuming one's social situation, that's really classic, and really, I mean....seriously...did you just assume he has parents #Non-orphanPrivilege

the costume is still in the game dummy

Spics are viewed as white


>if you hate the right, at least remember they don't want to CENSOR/CHANGE your games.

If the right had their way every single cross would be removed from video games because it's offensive to Christians.

>telling a dog not to lick itself

Everyone on Sup Forums is less than human. Rock bottom intelligence, emotionally stunted/retarded, bad people. All of those things are part of who they are.

I'd like to remind you it was people like pic that complained about the mexican ''cultural appropriation''

i wonder (((who))) is behind this

Americans have white guilt

Also, Mexicans get more representation in Japanese games.

google it retard

Is it me, or is anti-pol posting much more prevalent and annoying.

I keep being reminded about a pol-bogeyman when I see nothing.

nothing better than seeing Sup Forums racists get the shit beat out of them


Neither the OP nor the tweet make any mention of it because outrage clickbait, but the Sombrero Mario design was only removed from the cover art.

I'm not pretending both sides are bad, because that's objectively false.

SJWs are good, and anti-SJWs are bad. Period.

i noticed it too

give me your (you)s Sup Forums

I don't see anything wrong with what they're saying

You aren't intelligent enough to pretend to be an undecided skeptic, Sup Forums SJW.

Stop baiting

>Give Mexico some love
>White people get mad at non-white representation in a game
>It gets swept under the rug

Horseshoe theory was right.

would smash the thicc one on the left

>Being this upset
Commie detected.