Why haven't you married the galaxy yet, Sup Forums? Are you afraid to commit to a huge mass of stars?

Why haven't you married the galaxy yet, Sup Forums? Are you afraid to commit to a huge mass of stars?

Tried it on release, it was shit. Now I've got stockholm syndrome for HoI4 instead.

I-It'll be good one day r-right?

Why does this and all other Paradox games SUCK SO MUCH ASS

I'm either not smart enough to understand this game, or it's not good. Pick one, I guess. Also, it was the last recommendation I ever took from Sup Forums, because Sup Forums's taste in video games is fucking weird as shit.

No one on Sup Forums would recommend this shit.

/vg/ on the other hand

the first hour or two is fun because you get to check out anomalies and shit but after that you realize how fucking barebones the game is.

Don't blame us, /vg/ hates this game too.

Megastructures are so disappointing in the game. Never mind that they are unthinkably weak compared to their actual scale (the Ringworld described in Larry Niven's novel for example has ten trillion times the surface area of Earth, and a Dyson sphere/swarm dedicated to living space would have orders of magnitude more space than all planets in the galaxy, habitable or inhabitable, combined), but they're actually useless and simply not worth it.


>stellaris is too hard

Is it Stellaris?
Also, can anyone recommend me any (good) 4x space games?
Never played any and want to try it.
Preferably something that isn't too complicated and overwhelming but still interesting enough to keep me occupied

distant worlds

I turned the Precursor ring into a massive shipyard
How's my fleet?

Sword of the Stars is pretty good without being too complicated. Don't play the sequel, though.

Master of Orion 2 is pretty good but a bit dated. Don't play the sequel, though.

>fucking around with fleets instead of spamming 10k default corvettes

is this game worth buying now? All DLCs have been released?

Sci-fi properties from the 90s don't do third sequels well.

Or plasma cruisers

that hasn't worked for 2 major updates now

>play this game
>be happy
>try to do war
>quit the game
>cry in a corner

This fucking piece of shit.

>Not wanting to fill the screen with big blue beams
Do you not like reenacting a Legend of Galactic Heroes fight?

Next DLC, they've said that the next one will be systems heavy, so hopefully this means they've figured out what the fuck they want to actually do with the game and are doing it.

If the next one is shit too then I'd say give up hope, maybe check in once or twice a year and turn HOI4 into your dedicated KR4 exe.

Nothing will ever surpass Master of Orion 2, even though that wouldn't be hard at all.

The designers who get it right promptly fuck up everything by trying to find a completely unnecessary replacement for classic tactical turn-based combat.

Love stellaris. Sup Forums is too stupid for it though.

Y'know, on release people were crying about all the furry races and portrait mods people were going to to the game but I never ended up seeing any. I'm actually kinda disappointed.

>I'm either not smart enough to understand this game
Stellaris is like on the lower the end of complexity for 4X games. Like the very low end.

It's a bit barebones.

imo it needs more things than just interstellar war to drain your earlygame resources.

civilian trade ships that go between empires and get hounded by pirates would be pretty cool, and incentivise clearing out the alien blobs and shit.

I do genuinely have faith that when they start implementing new large systems the game is gonna really pick up, like EU4 did after art of war.

Stellaris isn't difficult, it's just slow and annoying as fuck and relies way too much on RNG.

I hate to be that guy.. but compared to distant worlds stellaris is pretty garbage.

what are some good mods for stellaris Sup Forums?

This is what happens when idiots get their hands on complex games

They cant comprehend it so they think its either rng or too simplistic and out of their control because they cant admit they lack the creativity and intelligence to play it.

Its sad desu

What I want is a superweapon. Warfare kind of tops off at Battleships and there's nothing left to do but put bigger guns on the Battleships.
If I can make Dyson Spheres and Ring Worlds, why can't I build a Death Star or a Dreadnought?

you got the vanilla foxes

Dreadnaught IIRC is coming, death star I think they're just a bit cautious about things that destroy planets. If they do it I hope it's something that causes galactic outrage.

Distant Worlds has better mechanics but the distinct lack of custom empires makes it shit.

Well, why wouldn't they put in superweapons? Where's the fun of being a slaving despotic empire if I can't build a huge scary gun to keep the slaves in line?

Are you guys hype for them revamping/fixing AI rebellion?

Or just adding loads more Ai based things in general

Making it fitin the game can be a pain. They use a warscore system so they need to figure out how they interact.

IF they do it I hope it's either a thing you do as an ascendant "evil empire" and it makes everyone hate you, even fallen empires or it turns into a galactic cold war with everyone sitting on planet killing weapons.

>Start up a new game.
>Habitable planets are few and far between so it takes a while to set up a good production base.
>Minerals are also scarce which makes things even harder.
>After playing for an hour I discover I've spawned in the middle of three hostile empires that are way stronger than me.
>Playing with Hyperlanes on so I know this'll fuck with exploration and colonization attempts later on.
Nigga what? A bad start can easily make you want to quit and restart.

Also, are you seriously going to defend the randomly generated research options?


I'm glad the A.I rebellion is getting fixed, but I wish the devs had come up with something more creative than "not Reapers" as the replacement enemy.

Something else this game desperately needs is more victory conditions. I would to be able to win the game by researching a true form of technological/biological/psionic transcendence.

Well, not sure if this is the AI rebellion or just the way that the new AI fallen empires will start attacking people.

Still needs like 3 DLCs until it is enjoyable.

made by

Why do people tolerate this?

pretty tame for a lategame fleet actually
didn't the crisises show up? they're supposed to have about 2 mil in fleet power

Useless against the Unbidden, which you'll die to because the AI still doesn't react to crises decently enough and its the fucking Unbidden 99% of the time.

that was fixed ages ago mate, it's now 75% prethoryn

also the awakened FE in my current game is handling them pretty well, a bit to well even their 800k deathstack is cleaning up their isolated fleets fast and thanks to the purge changes it takes them 5 god damn years to conquer a planet

nvm just checked, yeah it is. sadly they said the main reason for the change was also because people find it unsatisfying to just have tons of dissent and the like, and they wanted to make it more "galactic"

I really hope they update the way the game flows more in General, sectors should be more like small sub-nations that are too far to govern directly and should slowly drift away over time with friendly empires getting late era commonwealth style diplomacy and assholes getting direct vassal states that can split off and then turn the current AI uprising into that so that a robot state can emerge from a current empire.

Did they also fix stupid garbage like basically the entire civic system pushing your politics in retarded directions for retarded reasons?

My primary race being in a caste system that has the non-enslaved treated at above average living standards should not create anti-slavery forces, that is literally what a caste system is and they're authoritarian so they're accepting of it.

Even worse, having my Syncretic Evolution plebes race be slaves should not give me a fucking XENO SLAVES modifier. They're "Xenos" native to my fucking HOME PLANET.

The Unbidden died hard. There were actually two massive empires that buddied up and survived the Unbidden's purge.
Now they're fighting me for what's left of the galaxy

I can't speak for anyone else, but I am a legit brainlet. CK2 confuses the literal shit out of me. I can't to Hearts of Iron to save my life.

I only have them installed so I can pretend to be smarter than I am. I am a fucking meme. A fraud.

If you wanna feel dumb, try Victoria 2.

Things that make people lose interest in what you started at isn't silly. That's like saying every Indian on the planet must believe in their caste system 100% or it's unrealistic.

Also stop taking negative governing ethics attraction, I struggle to get more then 3 factions half the time unless I get drugplanets.

might just be me but anyone else dislike how all the planets and stars of certain types are exactly the same?

like every single inhabitable planet is far enough in its development cycle it has vertebrates, toxic planets are all the same type of toxic, every star of a certain class is exactly the same etc

not to mention the complete absence of double stars

>dude clergymen/intellectuals lmao
>dude beurocrats lmao

Until quite recently they were pretty decent. It's not a super mainstream genre so it's not like it's massively ridiculous to pay a bit above the average.

They went full retard the last 6 months though, but they have been kicked in the dick for it so maybe they'll listen.

it was fixed a bit, you still have drift but it's manageable

currently playing as a robot empire and as expected 80% of my pops are in the materialist faction which is fairly easy to keep happy
the rest are evenly spread over the various other factions aside from spiritualists which only have 2 pops, both of which are from the same recently conquered planet

I'm sorry but there's several absolutely retarded modifiers that make absolutely no sense the way they play out, like the Xeno Slave one for having a race from your home planet enslaved that were literally trained to be workslaves by your people as they evolved and are happy in that role as plebes. In general there's a harsh trend in the entire civic shit toward exactly one style of play, with heavy favor toward, as you mentioned, just glassing everything with ethics attraction usually through spirituality.

Not to mention other retarded shit like Techno Ascension being better unfinished at Cybernetics than completed or Bio Ascension getting you spammed for migration treaties every 2 seconds which you all have to refuse unless you want to literally give the entire advantage of your ascension away to others.

>Not to mention other retarded shit like Techno Ascension being better unfinished at Cybernetics
that was partially fixed before and will be fully fixed soon
right now full cybernetic is significantly superior to partial and in the next patch you'll get the option to (forcefully if necessary) ascend later integrated biological pops

Yes, I think they really should have taken a more simulation-focused route.

Say, instead of having a small handful different biomes as available (habitable) planet types, each planet should have had gravity/atmosphere composition/temperature/whatever and each species with a range of tolerances (and you could terraform planets more habitable or bio-form/augment your species to survive in hostile environments). Or something to that effect. You don't need or want to make it like Aurora, but pretty much all current mechanics are horribly simple, arcade and limited in terms of worldbuilding potential (like how you can't make aliens that live in truly exotic worlds and instead all of them could live on Earth).

To demonstrate, THIS is what they made after the Unbidden died.
As an addendum

I really liked when I got a Titanic Life planet that actually let me make contact with the Titanic Life and they decided to join my empire and I got to recruit Titanic Armies. Really neat gameplay effect but also made the place feel more unique and alive.

Technically the Underground Civilization is also like that but I feel like its both too disruptive and too predictable.

That fleet wouldn't beat an Unbidden fleet. Also up your food storage jeez.

The exploration and events are indeed the strong point of the game. I also like the ethics system and ship design (although the balance and combat resolution themselves are absurdly bad).

The combat suffers from some of the worst oversimplification, simply for the lack of an order like "STAY AT FUCKING MAX RANGE YOU DUMB FUCKS".

Ship design is getting another major rework.

They've said their biggest problem totally revamping the way everytihng plays out is micromanagement issues. So I'm hoping they just give us some more "automated" methods, like "automated patrolling" and shit.

>find Gargantua
>do the event
>My territory? Shitty crisis creating tech, every time
>Other empires territory? Mirror of Creation, every time

could even make it a trait that either gives or requires points and in return limits your species to a much narrower selection of planets or else a vastly wider

and it would also be neat if a lot more stellar features were added (even if they were rare) like white dwarves (possibly in a double star system preparing for the 1A supernova), proto-stars and general early formation systems, O-class stars (possibly during the wolf-rayet stage), brown dwarves and maybe even a unique event generated rogue planet

and course something I certainly want would be access to the galactic center. Would even be a neat way to continue exploration later into the game if say, around the midgame the tech becomes available to send highly specialized ships into the core (and possibly on the other end into a few further away companion galasies [think magellanic clouds])

and lastly it would be neat to get irregular shaped galaxies, something like pic related would be neat from both an immersive and gameplay pov (2 centers only joined by a narrow and easily controlled area)

Nope it's still another 3 or 4 DLCs from being complete it's still barebones as fuck at the moment

want to know the worst thing? you highrolled the unbidden strength
this is literally the weakest they can possibly get, at worst their fleets go up to 300k strength

They also smoke anything that isn't a long-range geared battlecruiser because paper-armor ships that get close are their guns favorite food and it's not like you can tell those retards to not do that.

stop lying to him

honestly, I don't feel comfortable going into 2400 without at least a 600k fleet in storage

Yes, but I wish it wasn't just another "gaggle of extragalatic goofballs come and rape the galaxy". Granted there's not much wiggle room with Stellaris' mechanics.

I feel like all the megastructures requiring 2 traits isn't worth it. I like Habitats well-enough already, and out of all the super shit it's mostly the Sentry Array that seems worth it. Sure you can build a science nexus, but by the time you can do and finish that, do you really need science?

>losing vs crisis

I also just abandon smaller chassis at some point. Battleships make up 80% of the fleet and then there's maybe some sort of support Cruiser involved with Point Defenses and shit like that, that's made cheap and fast to replace because they die anyway. In most deeper spacegames you're expecting to see a sort of rennaissance of the fast, small fighter as the larger, capital guns lose the capability of tracking very well and all that, but not only does Stellaris ship sizes not go far enough to make that happen, they also completely replace the need for the smaller chassis by giving you Fighter and Bomber wings if you want to go for something like that.

depends on which crisis

this one is not going to be pretty

You chose that fate by signing the covenant, though.

Why can't a powerful enough empire use the End of the Cycle to achieve Instrumentality?


that's not one of my planets

I think Stellaris is shaping up as a really good 4x/grand strat blend, but it could really use some more Grand Strat mechanics.

Ethics divergence and other pop-related mechanics would be nice for example. A big empir that blobs hard should have -troubles- with outer colonies diverging into other ethics, or simply wanting independence.

How the system is right now is that they'll join some dumb faction and get upset if you don't listen to them, which will just mildly inconvenience your economy in the end.

I wanna see rebellions large enough to reshape empires.

Why not have a victory condition where all the psychic races in the galaxy unify to defeat the end of the cycle and win together?

I'd like a system where empires that took the same ascension path crystallize into factions similar to how similar ethics usually end up federated. Could have similar combined wins for the technological guys that all become some sort of artificial superintelligence whose physical form exists entirely in the endless width of hyperspace or the biological guys essentially achieving perfection and existing in a state of zero external energy requirement, but only with all of the same ascenders joined together for all of them.

Would add a bit more political momentum when there's more available combinations of victory that can get together as a reaction to how things are developing, rather than the same old ethics federations sticking together.

Anything that lets me turn the galaxy into Tang is okay by me.

>the galaxy
you mean the slutty milky way? I can do better, I'm after the small magellanic cloud.

Did they ever fix the shit with fleet power being the only determining factor in any war and whoever has the higher fleet power wins? Are there any sort of tactics at all other than bigger number wins? Because that shit is retarded.

How do you rate my Systems Alliance game?

something that's also missing is the ability to turn into a hivemind lategame
all 3 ascension paths would have viable options for it and it could be neat from a more RP sort of pov if it were done as an emergency measure to fight the crisis's

What is it with all you fucks and not upping food stockpiling.

i dunno, since i started playing i've found it very easy to lose battles if your ships are all shitty and weak against what they're up against. the meta thing was(maybe still is) just spamming corvettes with no upgrades at all and winning even late game fights like that

Hivemind is stupidly busted anyway, since right now Habitability = Happiness, and Hivemind is like "lol whats happiness?"

he's at 6 food per turn, at this point you want to keep your food stockpile as low as possible since it takes a significant amount of time to up it to max

that said I'd say he has a bigger problem in his tech being hideously low for someone nearing 2300

Apparently Sup Forums like it cuz they can fulfill their intergalactic NatSoc conquest of the universe dreams.

How about the shit with xenophobic fallen empires that would declare war on you if you had colonies too close to them, but after they declared war didn't actually bother to make demands that involved you removing the colonies so you could just let them declare war every 10 years or whatever and peace out at no cost? That shit was retarded too.

habitability is also growth rate and I'm talking lategame anyways, lategame shit can be OP as hell

and personally I would love to unite my robot pops into one massive AI hivemind and assimilate the universe

it was fixed, they declare war less often, but when they do they demand every planet close to them be razed to the ground, in addition to the head of your current ruler

It would be a start if the robots were at least self-replicating so you don't have to build every single pop as a techno ascended.

Increases pop growth to have a surplus, making you grow quicker. Food stockpile can be increased once you have gotten most of your planets settled and grown.

UI is very tedious.

I did put a ring on it in my last game though.

Did they fix the fucktarded AI that doesn't even bother to expand after a certain point? It was really obvious on a big galaxy with a small number of empires - they would just stop expanding after a while letting you colonize most of the galaxy and win the game without ever fighting a war. That shit was really fucking retarded. I'll never understand how they made an AI so fucking stupid that it just fucking gives up.

That little fleet power and still only +6 income? Yup that's a ringworld game.

oh yeh that one is stupid
and robot empires should be capable of building the non-sapient robots as well for cheap labor