PSX 2017 Prediction Thread

PSX 2017 Prediction Thread.

>Spyro Trilogy PS$ Announced
>Crash Team Racing PS4
>Sucker Punch New IP shown
>Marvel vs Capcom Infinite and Street Fighter V DLC characters shown
>Last of Us 2 and God of War gameplay
>PS All Stars 2 rumor is true
?More indies

Sly 5 when

Kojima is going to unveil his ruse obviously.

I haven't seen any Caramel posts though

Act 3 niggers have the most incredible Stockholm syndrome

Sucker Punch will show it's new IP

Also some vita games will be there that no one cares about.

Just announce War of the Monsters 2

Jak 4, a new Ratchet game, and Sly 5 pls.

RE2 remake
It has to show up.


>ps all stars 2
Who the hell wants that?

Not a prediction, but this is 100% happening.

SOCOM 1, 2, and 3 are all being added to PS4 on the same day as the conference.

If Sony wants to sell their PSVRs, they need to show off this, not shitty platformers and slenderman ripoffs

seriously, who cares about playstation?

60+ millions PS4s sold, I'm sure more than enough people care lol


I dunno, about 68 million people?

Playstation Pro + for $599 USD

still doesn't play 4K blu ray


68 million of casual retards

Reminder Sergio's surgery is this December.

>Spyro Trilogy PS4 Announced
dont toy with me like that

Bring back Jumping Flash, G-Police and Colony Wars as PSVR games.

Death Stranding,Dragons Dogma 2, Sucker Punch new IP, Fromsoft new IP

Jesus christ they are getting worse than Nintendo.

Ape Escape 4, you fucking faggots.

>>>Spyro Trilogy PS$ Announced
>>Crash Team Racing PS4
It's either one or the other VV, isn't gonna be rushed to do two remasters at once

Nice dreams bro

God of War, Days Gone, and all the other games that only exist to show off at E3 and PSX without actually releasing.

>Sony of America
>actually acknowledging the existence of the Vita

hes was an egotistical redditor who tried to force himself as a meme. obviously nothing was gonna be shown at e3 and he was ready to post the "WHERE IS CARAMEL LEL BTFO" shit meme threads. quit giving him the publicity that he wants

The last 2 psx shows had vita segments tho

Not happening this year. As much as I would love to see more of the sequel to one of my top 10 games.

New Sucker Punch game, 2018 release. late 2018 release
Itsuno's new game (DMC related probably) late 2018 release

These are the only locks if you ask me.

Lair 2 fuckers

Seriously, who cares about Nintendo?

Demon's Souls remake with the missing archstone


Project NEO = PS4 Pro
Project Morpheus = PSVR
Project Trinity = New handheld

At least you'll get a free copy of Talledega Nights.

>Yakuza Ishin and an HD pack including all PS3 yakuza games (including kenzan)
>Sucker Punch's next game
>New IP
>readyatdawn's new game
>TLOU2 trailer

and that's it, tho im dreaming too much with the yakuza stuff

I thought PSX 2017 already passed?

psx is in december dummy

my dick got hard all of a sudden


Not working with Sony anymore

I want that PS All Stars 2 rumor to be true so bad

>Announcer comes on stage with a Nintendo Switch in hands
>Big screens are streaming him playing Botw
>Atfer 20 minutes of korok seeds fumbling he realize there are people watching him
>Throw a handful of Knack copies at us, gamers

what the fuck

>Spyro Trilogy PS$ Announced
Why? Spyro wasn't great.
>Crash Team Racing PS4
*And Xbox One
>Sucker Punch New IP shown
I wonder what this will be, but after Last Light/Second Sun, It can only be shit.
>Marvel vs Capcom Infinite and Street Fighter V DLC characters shown
Why in the fuck would you want this?
>Last of Us 2 and God of War gameplay
WHY in the FUCK do you want to see these?
>PS All Stars 2 rumor is true
Clearly you never played the first game.
>some vita games
The undertale callout from E3 is all you will fucking get.

The Daxter and God of War games they made were great, but The Order sucked so much shit Sony probably cut them off.

Lol you dumb fuck have fun with fucking Tacoma and Cuphead that added in shitty fucking platforming on Xbox One.

>Daxter and the GoW PSP games
Ready At Dawn hasn't made a good game.

Why? Because I assumed that CTR, like N-Sane Trilogy will be ported to the Xbox One?

You like poo poo up your butthole you poo poo man man you pooing everywher man stop pooping your butthole butthole man man.

Legend of Dragoon 2 I've been waiting for fucking forever.

New From Software IP announcement. Seriously, they've been silent for about a year already.

Hello r/PS4! How does it make you feel knowing that the only reason to own a PS4 in 2017 will be ported to Xbox?

bloodborne and other 13 games are getting ported to xbox? wow

>But Nintendo!
You're both fags

Bloodborne and...
List the 13 other games.

If you can.

where did you go wrong in your life?


sucker punch is making a marvel game is my prediction.

I really really really hope we get a release date for Wild, or at least some more info.

I just hope it doesn't get stuck in development hell now Ancel is working on BG&E2

If they don't have a new trailer for FFVIIR with a Tifa reveal I'll fucking lose it. Nothing substantial for two years is unacceptable.

I want to see Japan Studio's "ambitious" game that the Soul Sacrifice and Bloodborne guys were taliking about, since it doesn't look like they were referring to the SotC remake.

Ico on PS4 pls

Yakuza 0
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza 6
Gravity Rush 2
Dragon Quest XI PS4
The Last Guardian
Ratchet & Clank
Let It Die
WipeOut Omega Collection
+ PS3/Vita crossplats like Persona 5, Gravity Rush, Dragon Quest Builders, etc.

Not him, and I don't know/care if I listed 13, but there's more than enough games for me to feel my purchase was worth it.
Don't care for consolewar bullshit, but if you've got nothing better to do feel free to reply and shit on each game individually, just know that I'm not going to hand out anymore (You)s.

This is so sad. You know gaming is shit when everyone on Sup Forums is only excited about sequels and remakes, the very things you fucks complain about 24/7. When will you assholes be like "Oh man I can't wait for a new IP"

>half the thread is people wanting a new Fromsoft IP, Sucker Punch IP, Japan Studio IP
>why aren't you all asking for new IPs???!!
Do you just enjoy building up imaginary problems to get angry over or what?

>>PS All Stars 2 rumor is true

I'd buy a PS4 just for this desu, but I've been waiting since 2013 and lost all hope.

This is a prediction thread shitpost-kun

It's Dark Souls, but somehow weaker.
>Yakuza 0
I loved it, but It's not worth buying a PS4.
>Yakuza Kiwami
It's a port that also loses the ENG voice acting from the first game. fucking lol
>Yakuza 6
Yeah, okay.
>Gravity Rush 2
Loses all the charm from the first game.
>Dragon Quest XI PS4
Also on 3DS and Coming to the Switch.
>The Last Guardian
How the fuck that took 10+ years to make will always baffle me.
>Ratchet & Clank
It's better than the PS3 RaC games, but not by much.
>Let It Die
It's not that good, also really bad F2P
>WipeOut Omega Collection

I've been waiting too. Sony would be fucking stupid not to make another one.

Nope, the king of Stokeholm syndrome would be Destiny Fans.

I'd love a new Bloody Roar, but Konami

Shenmue 3 story gameplay
Sucker Punch game
God of My Wife's Son
Destiny 2 content
Dragon Quest XI localization talk
Last of Us 2
A new IP
From's new game timed exclusive

I can confirm that VV is working on a remaster of Crash Team Racing.